Paper Example on Biodiversity and Ecology Foundations

Paper Type:  Article review
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  579 Words
Date:  2022-12-05

This paper aims to critique the research article that was done by Kelvin Kemm in 2012. The article is entitled that global warming does not cause glacial melting. In this case, the author tries to show that the reason why glacial was melting in a large amount was due to other factors but not global warming as most people were made to believe. However, the position of the author could not be fully supported because he used secondary sources of information and this shows that there was a possibility of his work being biased. It was quite contradictory how the author tried to explain that by the middle of the 18th century there was already a significant loss of glacier. However, the only source which the author used could not adequately prove that loss of glacier has begun during that period and that the current loss of iceberg was similar to that which happened in the 18th century.

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Arguably, the authors work being a research article could not give the satisfactory reason as per why the glacier which flowed from the mountains during the day could not refreeze at night to ensure the amount of iceberg did not decrease. Kelvin Kemm; (2012) tried to show that, "the reason why ice was melting was due to sunlight and not air temperatures". From that statement, it could be seen that there was confusion since the author could not present why CO2 which is the main gas which results in increased temperatures was the main reason for the increased loss of glacier. Nevertheless, the author associated the loss of iceberg from mountains with a slight increase in temperature. Therefore, as the temperature build up for over the decades, then there was an increased loss of ice. But, the author failed to explain precisely how heat could build up over the years and result in increased loss of glacier. The authors reasoning was not correct scientifically since the various factors which could have grown to temperature revolve around the presence of certain emitted gases that could trigger imbalanced air temperatures.

It was therefore clear, the author's research article combined scientific data with individual opinion. As presented by Kelvin Kemm; (2012), "scientific investigations seemed confusing thus logic was also utilised to ensure that false conclusions were not present". Hence, the reason why the mind of the public was being twisted was because of additional information that was scientifically based. Surprisingly, it was noted some of the society members did not bother about the false conclusions which were passed across to support propagators ideologies. For instance, the fact that individuals were made to believe that glacier melting was as a result of air warming a little bit was not right. About this, an increase of CO2 is what leads to increased melting of the glacier, and this happens as an effect of a climatic change.


Notably, when thinking about the increased melting of the glacier, it is essential to consider the changes in the environment such as those caused by cosmic rays. By understanding the environmental effects, it could have been possible to understand the cause of the increased melting of the glacier without drawing logic ideologies which compromised the public. I conclusion, it is not correct to use logic to counteract scientific information. However, scientific knowledge should be disputed by other scientific facts.

Works Cited

Kelvin Kemm. "Glacial melting is not caused by global warming".2012.

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Paper Example on Biodiversity and Ecology Foundations. (2022, Dec 05). Retrieved from

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