On-Premise Software Solutions: Pros & Cons - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  922 Words
Date:  2023-03-01


On-premise software solutions have been the mainstream form of applications used by organizations. This software is installed and run on computers on the premises of the person or organization using the software (Singh, Jeong & Park, 2016). This involves purchasing hardware and software and setting them up on the organization's property. On-premise solutions are best for organizations that require extensive customization. Some organizations also prefer on-premise solutions due to the need to keep data on-site due to regulations. On-premise solutions come with several downsides. It requires in-house security expertise that consumes resources in installing and running these systems. More so, it requires a significant amount of resources to scale, including technical specialists who require hefty compensation packages to maintain them on the company. It is also not ideal for disparate teams working in diverse locations. On-premise solutions require high investment costs to set them up. Given the structure of the company and emerging problems, on-premise solutions are not optimized to the needs of the company.

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Cloud solutions are an alternative to on-premise solutions. Application Service Provider (ASP) involve databases hosted by third parties (Singh et al., 2016). For ASPs, on-premise software is offered via the internet, and a small information technology (IT) team is needed to ensure the software is integrated into the environment.

There are three cloud computing models. Software as a Service (SaaS) was developed to overcome some of the hurdles experienced by users employing ASPs. SaaS solutions are designed and optimized for web browsers. SaaS is provided by distant computers owned and operated by service providers. Platform as a Service (PaaS) involves third parties delivering hardware and software tools needed for the development of software tools necessary for application development (Singh et al., 2016). PaaS providers create and deliver environments optimized for users to install and run applications (Singh et al., 2016). Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) provides services that allow users to purchase, install, configure, and manage software. SaaS provides services encompassing entire cloud computing services and offers more breadth than IaaS and PaaS (Singh et al., 2016). PaaS has a broader reach than IaaS. IaaS is, therefore, most suited to the company as it moves from on-premise to cloud solutions (Singh et al., 2016).

This change is needed to provide the company with various benefits. Cloud solutions are hosted on the premise of the service provider. The service provider is specialized in providing such services. Specialization allows organizations to lower operating costs and run more effectively. Cloud solutions reduce the need to allocate funds for the maintenance of infrastructure, such as servers. Cloud solutions allow users to pay only for the resources used. This increases efficiency by reducing excess capacity that is underutilized due to deviations in resource demand. Data protection and ownership are some of the prevalent issues in cloud solutions (Coppolino, D'Antonio, Mazzeo & Romano, 2017). To maintain data ownership and prevent access by unauthorized third parties, cloud services users can develop encryption systems as well as contracts that establish the roles and responsibilities of all parties. An organization also benefits from the scalability of resource utilization. An organization can use as much cloud resources as it needs to make up for changes in demand. Cloud service providers provide services such as automatic software updates. There are limited or no additional staffing needs for cloud solutions. Organizations can change service providers if the current one is not providing satisfactory service (Coppolino et al., 2017).

Employees are likely to gain from cloud computing in several ways. Employees are likely to have a flexible work environment. For example, employees working in different locations can cooperate with other employees and coordinate tasks without having to travel. Employees can also work at any time. They may access their workstations at home or other non-work premises to complete tasks given cloud solutions can be accessed on any mobile device as long as it has a connection to the internet. The cost-savings generated by cloud solutions imply that the business could allocate resources to core operations, creating an opportunity for organizational growth. As an organization grows, employees will benefit from higher compensation rates, among other benefits. Cloud solutions build organizational resilience in case of disasters such as fires that destroy an organization's physical infrastructure.

The community is likely to gain from improved data security. Cloud services providers have specialized security departments that can do better jobs than an organization's IT department, which has to perform a variety of tasks. Cloud solutions are more efficient and less wasteful than on-premise solutions. Therefore, the community gains from reduced energy consumption and, lower carbon footprint left by the organization using cloud solutions (Coppolino et al., 2017). There is less waste on space, paper, and other resources when cloud solutions are utilized.

A cloud portfolio presents an opportunity for the organization to access a wide variety of services while minimizing risks of exposure to reliance on cloud environments. The service portfolio management delivers value and at the same time, ensures the appropriate level of governance. This involves developing management capabilities spanning all aspects of cloud usage by an organization. An efficient cloud portfolio management strategy provides governance and controls. To achieve this, the management tracks technology and security configurations, control access to resources application and actions, meet compliance requirements and develop and enforce budgets.


Coppolino, L., D'Antonio, S., Mazzeo, G., & Romano, L. (2017). Cloud security: Emerging threats and current solutions. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 59, 126-140.

Singh, S., Jeong, Y. S., & Park, J. H. (2016). A survey on cloud computing security: Issues, threats, and solutions. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 75, 200-222.

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On-Premise Software Solutions: Pros & Cons - Essay Sample. (2023, Mar 01). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/on-premise-software-solutions-pros-cons-essay-sample

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