Free Paper on Feminism: Empowering Women for Social, Political & Economic Equality

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  435 Words
Date:  2023-12-11

Feminism is the belief in the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. Feminism started in the west, but now it is represented worldwide by many institutions that advocate for women's rights and interests.

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I believe that feminism is a women's movement that supports women and advocates for women's power. Feminism is not bad since women believe that they should be given the same rights as men, both socially, politically, and economically. For many years, men have been assigned big roles in society as leaders, while women have been believed to stay at home and take care of the family (Uzor Darlington Ike, 2016). This has been unfair to women because most of them have better leadership skills than men, and they should be given a chance to lead the society for a change. Some men feel insecure about having equal rights as women, but they should understand that both men and women benefit from feminism because there are shared responsibilities.

Florence Nightingale was a British nurse, and she was also known as the Lamp Lady. She is a pioneer of nursing since she found modern nursing and a social reformer of hospital sanitization tactics. She discovered these methods as she was practicing nursing during the Crimean War. During this war, Florence created a Royal commission, where she discovered that most deaths were caused by preventable diseases (Women’s History, 2018). Florence came up with a chart called Nightingale Rose Diagram that improved sanitization in the army, and the number of deaths was reduced. After being paid a huge amount of money, Florence used it to fund St. Thomas Hospital and other Nightingale Nursing Schools, which made her admire the public.

Jane Addams was the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Jane did not want to get married; hence, she committed her life to reform society's social skills. After leasing the house of Charles Hull, Jane and Charles started to create the Hull house that would offer a higher social and civic life (Women’s History, 2018). Their mission is aimed at maintaining and organizing philanthropic and educational enterprises. Also, they aimed and enhancing and investigating the environments of Chicago’s Industrial districts. After learning society's needs, she started cooperative housing for young ladies, gymnasium, dispensary, playground, and nursery for them. These attracted members of the community, and they were pleased by her work.


Women’s History. (2018, August 22). HISTORY. Darlington Ike. (2016, November 23). Empower Women - The importance of Feminism for men and women. EmpowerWomen.

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