Free Essay Sample on Marketing Performance

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  421 Words
Date:  2023-11-25


The first impression is very important because it creates the perception from the onset of the goods or services offered. Marketers have to ensure their first encounter with a new patient remains memory by the customer (Loeffler & Church, 2015). The author of the book argues that customers make a decision on whether to continue purchasing products from the seller as a result of the impression created by the seller and the user experience of the products being sold. Marketers and traders should focus on creating connections with the buyers on the first encounter. Marketers need to be well organized and look presentable.

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The experience that the customer receives can be improved through proper communication in a manner that shows respect. Marketers create relationships with the customers that they use to create trust between the marketer, seller, and the buyer (Loeffler & Church, 2015). Customers remember their experience for services and products sold. Traders and marketers have to ensure there are more interaction and the formation of relationships between different stakeholders. Once marketers create relationships with the customers, they have an easy time retaining the customers. Customer experience is also influenced by the product or service sold depending on whether the customer will be satisfied or not.


The performance of the business is very important because it indicates the level of customer satisfaction. From the feedback, the business owner is able to make decisions that improve customer satisfaction. The feedback also highlights the quality of products and whether they are meeting the needs of the customers. The book guides stakeholders in the business sector how to run their business and the things they need to consider for their businesses to thrive. The Disney experience reflects the best strategy to improve customer experience and grow businesses.


Customer experience is key in determining whether the products or services offered to meet the requirements and desired by the customer. People have expectations, needs, and desires they want to fulfill through a product or service. Relationships between sellers and buyers influence the customer experience (Loeffler & Church, 2015). Organizations have the responsibility of hiring the best employees that will offer the services the best way possible to create a positive impression. Understanding the needs of the customers helps in producing the product that will meet the needs. There are opportunities in business when one improves the quality of service provided by existing businesses.


Loeffler, B., & Church, B. (2015). The experience: The 5 principles of Disney service and relationship excellence. John Wiley & Sons.

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