Free Essay Example: The Role of Technology in Erecruitment and Selection

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  5
Wordcount:  1330 Words
Date:  2023-12-15

The ability of an organization to establish and thrive depends on the productivity of its people. The production cycle of an organization requires individuals who are equipped with adequate and relevant skills and experience for rational and sound decision-making (Pramod & Bharathi, 2016). Employees should be people with the organization's priority at heart and ever motivated to take it to the next level. E-recruitment has proved to be the best approach to selecting employees of the required quality in a cost-friendly manner. It is essential to note that e-recruitment entails the implementation of recruitment activities through the Internet making use of website solutions to perform operations just like in traditional recruitment systems.

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The system is mostly adopted since it enhances effectiveness and efficiency with which activities are done and at a minimum cost. Some of the crucial reasons to be considered in e-recruitment are; efficiency and effectiveness in production, job seekers' potential and expectations, a top priority of an organization, and detection of critical success factors (Holland & Jeske, 2017).

Key Factors or Elements

Human resource is vital to the accomplishment of an organization. It does not matter the level at which one is employed to serve. If one does not have relevant skills or willingness to serve in a given capacity, then the organization will experience shortcomings that may eventually impact negatively. It is, therefore, crucial for any recruiting panel to consider certain basic elements.

As much as the process is all about searching for the best substitute for any given vacancy in an organization, the interest of the job seekers should also be taken into account to instill some sense of belonging and respect. Almost every organization strives to attain a high level of efficiency and effectiveness in their daily operations to maximize production. It is through engaging a competent workforce (Holland & Jeske, 2017). The top priority of an organization matters a lot, and the element carries from one organization to the other.

The kind of what an organization considers most important determines the depth and cycle of the recruitment process. Critical success factors should also be brought on board during the e-recruitment process to enable the job seeker to have in mind early enough. Psychological preparedness in a business setup is crucial because it will be achieved through personal commitment to serve.

Generally, e-recruitment requires vigilance and transparency from both sides to enable the acquisition of a workforce that is reliable, available, committed, and matches the task to be assigned. The panel should therefore composed of individuals who are smart and have in the past successfully conducted an exercise of such kind to avoid future regrets and gracious losses that would have been avoided (El Ouirdi et al., 2016).

E-recruitment Tools and Providers

Electronic recruitment is a web-based exercise. It fully relies on integrated web technologies and software architecture. The use of the website by organizations enables access to all applicants and their qualifications in a centralized database. Verification can be done timely, and shortlisted applicants contacted for an interview transparently and conveniently.

Telecommunication means such as teleconferencing and Zoom can then be adopted to conduct interview in different geographical locations physically. Curriculum Vitae passing is also another great tool in e-recruitment in which CVs are automatically scanned and relaid to the organization's portal. These enhance quick access to information and timely processing for further actions regarding recruitment to take the course (El Ouirdi et al., 2016).

Resource Manager and Hiring Supervisor

The two personnel should, indeed, work hand in hand when executing their duties. Just as mentioned earlier, it is worth repeating that the success of an organization depends on the effectiveness of its employees at all levels. Human resounding managers should, therefore, take it upon themselves together with relevant entities within an organization to acquire the best employees. It can only be achieved by first considering its top priority and whether it can take the organization to the next level when fully achieved.

Human resource managers should be frank with the hiring supervisor and enlighten him on the importance of recruiting individuals who are competent regardless of whether they are expensive to employ and sustain in an organization. Developing, appraising, and motivating employees should also be prioritized. No worker should like to work in an environment in which their professional development is nothing of concern. Motivation is also key to effective delivery (Pramod & Bharathi, 2016). Employees whose effort is acknowledged and rewarded will work extra harder to achieve greatness in the future.

Positive and Negative Impacts of E-recruitment

E-recruitment is a system that has been adopted by many organizations, and is thriving it due to its advantages, some of which include; time-saving. The traditional system of recruitment involved a lot of paperwork and physical verification of documents, which could take longer. With the development of technologies, credentials can be verified with the aid of software that checks and records whatever is expected from an applicant (Holland & Jeske, 2017).

The process is also cheap as it does not require intensive human labor or any paperwork. The best of all is that it eliminates discrimination in employment, which was rampant with the traditional method. Though a good system, it denies applicants who cannot access the relevant portals with job vacancies or ignorant of what is going around them (Holland & Jeske, 2017). The system can also be used to intentionally lock out some applicants due to a slight mistake made during application and interview.

Some Considerations that are Essential when Making Decisions in E-recruitment

The decision by the resource manager and the hiring officer is final on issues to do with recruitment. The two should take into account quite a number of considerations to be able to hire those who are competent in an efficient and less costly manner. It is worth noting that the effectiveness of e-recruitment depends on how organized the portal is designed to enable the applicant to submit their applications without experiencing any delay due to other factors emanating from management.

The organization's management should also consider that other avenues can be exploited or ventured to obtain the best employees who meet the organization's expectations. Research is important because it establishes what should be adopted based on substantial evidence. The fact that e-recruitment is embraced and confirmed to be doing good in places does not mean it does the same in all business environments (Pramod & Bharathi, 2016).

Resource managers should base their decisions on research findings they conduct on their own. Lastly, organizations should also work on their relationship with the general public to attract many applicants for any advertised vacancy. The bigger the pool of applicants, the higher the chances of selecting the most skilled and competent.


The main goal of every organization should be that of getting the best substitute for any available vacancy, which is also closely linked to the organization's top priority. The management should also research to help establish factors that are most likely to affect the online recruitment process and how best-hindering factors can be eliminated to pave the way for equality. Organizations should also be relevant such that they enlighten the general public and particularly those undertaking business courses to sharpen their computer, communication, and negotiation skills to be able to compete well during e-recruitment. Above all, other avenues should also be exhausted to absorb anyone who qualifies to be in employment.


El Ouirdi, M., El Ouirdi, A., Segers, J., & Pais, I. (2016). Technology adoption in employee recruitment: The case of social media in Central and Eastern Europe. Computers in human behavior, 57, 240-249.

Holland, P., & Jeske, D. (2017). Changing the role of social media at work: Implications for recruitment and selection. In Electronic HRM in the smart era. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Pramod, D., & Bharathi, S. V. (2016). Social media impact on the recruitment and selection process in the information technology industry. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals (IJHCITP), 7(2), 36-52.

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