Food Service: A Reflection Paper

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  586 Words
Date:  2022-05-16


The topic of food service has been the most exciting topic in the class. I have been able to learn so much which I could not have learned if I did not join the class. However, it is interesting that food service involves so much planning and rules. It is interesting on the many methods that can be used in food preservation. I did not expect us to learn on the importance of proper handling of food and the requirements of those handling the food because I thought it was obvious that students should have such knowledge. It amazed me to see how many rules that the government has put in place just to ensure that food is handled in the right way, something that I had taken so lightly. The punishment given to those who do not comply was shocking. It was a new thing to learn that most salads are classified as potentially hazardous food. Many people don't consider them as dangerous, and they, therefore, prepare them in a wrong way. The course was good for it helped me to know how to prepare this type of food healthily. For example, the food should be prepared with minimal disturbance and stored in a clean and sanitized place.

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The learning has changed my perspective on food service. I have always thought that putting up a food service center is simple to work. I thought the only thing needed is money and place. The learning has helped me to realize that the government has regulations which govern how I operate my business. It has highlighted some of the major requirements which I thought were not important while setting up a food service center. It has also changed my perception of the government. I thought to pay tax for my business was enough to keep the government off, but as discussed in the class, the government is interested in what is sold, how it is prepared and stored. For example, it gives regulations on the number of people who should handle food at a certain stage. It also requires regular documentation of what is sold in the food service and who sells.

I have learned to be open-minded and to have a teachable spirit in the future. When coming to class, I thought I knew it all, and I did not need any other information. On the first few days, I was not interested in learning for I thought its just a revision of what I already knew. As time passed by, I realized we are learning new things and the information I thought I had, was just skeleton and I needed to add more meat to it.


The format of the course provided enough materials and opportunities for me to learn. The pictures helped me to get a broader view of what we are talking about as we discuss types of food and their proper management. The topics were arranged from basic to complex which gave the students an opportunity to learn transparently without suffering from information overload. More photographs could be added to the course to help the students to concentrate in class as many students understand well when the information is accompanied by graphics. Also, fieldwork would also help the students to gain the practical experience of what they learn in class. The students may be taken to the nearby food service to see things as they are. This may help the students to get a long lasting picture of the information.

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Food Service: A Reflection Paper. (2022, May 16). Retrieved from

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