It is so surprising that if students are asked what they can study, in case they are assured of their dream jobs, the answers most of them will provide will not correspond with what they will choose. However, this happens because many a time you realize that their aspirations have been killed by those who are perceived to be knowing more.
Many a time the guidelines that are given on which profession one should take, are entirely based on finding a job in the future (Daniel and Goleman, 28). Most of the time, scholars are discouraged from following abstract interests, this is because the prospects that seem to be unrealistic most of the time. However, scholars should be asking themselves a question of, if it is worth for them to take an unattractive channel just because in one way or the other it can increase their chances of getting a job. What they should take into account is that in the present world it is very hard to enter a job from any angle, and therefore it is very nice if they could give it a try with a subject that they find enjoyable.
Even if this concept of taking what you enjoy or love is dismissed by many, including some parents as well as teachers. But scholars should always be more sensible other than just focusing on the job. They should also take into account the fact that, if they have a genuine interest on something, they cannot fake it and they should understand that, perhaps that is the only surest way to success. A man by the name Steve Jobs, once said that the only way one can be able to do a great work is loving what he or she does.
At the end of the day choosing a profession that you love is more beneficial (Hannon and Kerry, 35). In this argument, there are factors that are simple but more important, that most of the time are not taken into account, they include happiness of the person as well as the sense of fulfillment, this is despite the fact that they are affected a great deal by career choices. Scholars should also know that these aspects are not built on salary.
It is important for Scholars to understand that the reasons for not studying what they love are very minimal. Becoming successful in the field that you love and have passion in it, is very easy and always possible as compared to when you find yourself doing a work that you don't enjoy doing but you are just doing it for the sake of getting the income.
There is a common saying that says that if one chooses to do what he or she likes he or she will never work a day. However, it still becomes a challenge to those people who are yet to decide what to do or who are still figuring out what they can do in order to turn what they love into their profession. However, before we proceed further I will like scholars to acknowledge the fact that, when that thing that one likes turns out to be his or her career it changes the way one interacts with it. In fact, work does not feel like work anymore because you enjoy doing it. A quick and very important question that, students should ask themselves before they choose a profession is what they want to obtain from that profession they are choosing, mentally, socially, physically as well as spiritually. Choosing a profession that you love is actually a nice thing to do, the following are advice of what should be done for one to do what he or she loves and still maintain passion in his or her profession going forward.
Discovering what you Love before choosing your Profession
Before you choose what you want to go to college to study, your first task or your mission should be to discover what you are passionate about (Houlfort, Nathalie, et al. 88). You may decide to take a trip to a place that is so interesting, have fun do all sorts of things, and go to a place you can be alone and just meditate on the same. Studies have shown that you may end up realizing that what you are passionate about does not even need you to go to university to study it or alternatively you may end up realizing that, what you are passionate about is offered specifically by a specialized school or there is a specific degree or diploma on it.
A survey that was conducted in the year 2013 about a career, showed that out of the 100% of students in colleges only 32% gets jobs that are related to what they majored in. Therefore the advice is that people should not take a risk of doing a work that they feel safe in instead they should do a job that they love and they are passionate about. What kills many people is that, despite knowing what they can enjoy doing, they feel fear on, what other people can talk about or they even feel like others will not like what they want to do. So many people have ended up doing something different from what they studied in college all because they don't have passion in what they studied. Therefore, just choose what you love as your profession and I promise you it will make you prosper so much even though it may not look so right from the start.
Always take Risks instead of waiting to do what you Love
If you wait until that time you feel, to do something so that you can do it you will realize that it is too late to do it. The second thing that should be clear is that, leading a unique life is very easy, what you only need to do is to be willing and ready to do things that some other people feel like they are not good or they are not of their standard. Things that some other people, seem like they are hard or they take a long time to be finished or their outcomes are not predictable. Do things without caring what people will think about you or how they will perceive you.
Make sure that you always stay positive
When it comes to staying positive you will realize that, we have two categories of people those who have positive energy and the rest of the people (Lajom, Jennifer Ann L., et al. 640). If you take an example of someone who runs a company and a parent you will realize that, you will always need to show a lot of strength even when you are actually weak. You will realize that things will just fall into place and they will work as per your expectations. In other words, you should ensure that when choosing your lifetime profession you have indulged your manias.
Identify what you value in life
The beginning of choice of what you love and are passionate in, is understanding what you value. Are you a person who will like to spend most of your time with your family, are you that person who will like to work alone or you are that person who wants to work in a team? After examining such issues then you should judge and see what is more appealing to you. Take your quality time and ensure that you understand well talents together with priorities, then after that, you can make your own research on them and then decide which way to go. Most of the time you will realize that what prevents people from choosing the professions they love is the fear of how they will be seen by their friends or even family members. Since technology has taken things to the next level then people should always aspire to do what they are passionate about as they can do it from wherever they are without necessarily being monitored by anybody or working in some group.
Establish the relationship between what you are passionate about and where you excel
Ensure that you develop happiness in your profession by ensuring that, you have found out the interaction that is there between what you are passionate about and the place you excel in so much in your profession (Lavigne, Genevieve L., et al. 260). When you are making a positive difference in your work and you enjoy what you are doing you realize that work does not look like work anymore because you do it with a lot of passion. People should derive their greatest joy from in their profession by helping people. For you to stay always energized and positive then you should always look at those people who are your role models and who always sharpen you and makes you be on the right cause always. People should look at the success of the team they work with as part and parcel of them. In other words, they should also give themselves credit for success.
Do it, if you promise yourself to do it
You should realize that doing what you love and you are passionate about, will make your work go far and do better. What then you should do is to ensure that you support that passion with characteristics that will propel you even further than that. People will also realize that integrity is actually everything. If you make a commitment to doing something ensure that you have done that thing at the end of the day. For your success to be constant you should always ensure that you protect your accountability.
Belief in the power of attraction
Do what you love and you are passionate about and you will realize that most of the people will cling around you and above all, you will also encourage others who are passionate too to begin doing what they love. Those people will not leave even if things become tough you will realize that they will always be there so that they can learn more from you.
Importance of Passion in the workplace
Work and passion are two different things. It is important to know that work is what you get paid for while on the other hand passion is what you get delighted in when you do it (Perrewe, Pamela L., et al. 146). Then if you want to get the best in terms of performance in your workplace then you should combine your passion for your work. Then, as a result, you will be enjoying working.
According to the report that was given by Deloitte it showed that over 88% of the workers are actually not happy with their works, in other words, they are not passionate about their work. This means that it is only 12% of workers who are passionate about their work.
As times are changing so are the people, many employers have now realized the importance of workers being passionate about their job and as a result, they have begun encouraging them to be passionate. The benefits of being passionate about your profession include; motivating others, workers never miss work, since they enjoy doing it, workers are free and ready to show their creativity at work, workers become more loyal and submissive to their employers and finally workers are always ready to develop a good working environment since they love their work. Be passionate about your profession for you to test its sweetness.
Building Passion at Work
The fact that one is passionate about the work is in itself a way of building the passion (Zigarmi, Drea and Fred, 240). If you don't want to experience strain or stress when doing your job then you should love it. If you do this you will realize also that, you will improve in terms of knowledge as well as skills. If you want to develop a passion for your work then you should; have a growth mindset, provide your workers with independence and finally, you should ensure that you make time for them to learn.
Importance of Finding your Passion
When anyone begins to look for work he or she will always have to choices to choose from, one of which is income and the other is passion. Don't choose money because you will not be happy at work, but choose passion as you will be happy and at the same time get money (Ryan and Donna, 10). Research has shown that every individual has a talent or something that they are best in and that they like doing, In as much as working for money may not be wrong or bad but, it is good to find out your talent as it will enable you to work with a lot of ease and be happy in whatever that you are doing. Be passionate about your work and you will realize that; you will always feel good about your work, you will also be successful in your work, you will not be easy to quit from your work, you will also grow and above all, you will always be time conscious.
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Follow Your Dreams or to Investigate the Job Market When Choosing a Profession Essay. (2022, Oct 23). Retrieved from
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