Evaluation Essay on Facebook Website

Paper Type:  Course work
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  583 Words
Date:  2022-06-19


Facebook is one of the websites that serves more than one billion users globally. It performs several functions such as business, social relationships, and, journalism. Therefore, Facebook is an essential platform for accessing information concerning not only friends and family but as well as significant events in the world.

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Facebook site has a complete system that enables it to conduct business with an entire business profile pages, and an advertising structure, which allows marketers to do their ads, centered on the wealth of information users' offer regarding them on the site. This interfere not only produce revenue for the organization but also generates a rare chance for small businesses with restricted advertising budgets and is needed to reach particular audiences.

Journalism and Information

Facebook is a significant driver of online news sites. It has generated sites such as CNN, The Huffington Post, and The New York Times collects a considerable amount of their traffic from Facebook links and referrals. Whereas, search engines like Google far below those generate information in Facebook, however, they stand for a developing trend in the industry, and they show that ability of social media contacts to determine the information users obtain.


Batorski, and, Grzywinska, (2018) Since 2009 Facebook, chat program is the best site that is advancement lies in the ability to connect people in different part of the world. People communicate and interact through the Facebook walls through pokes and comments

Facebook uses personal information upon signing up for Facebook. Some of the individuals shared information include name, gender, email or phone number. From obtaining of necessary personal information upon signing up, it tries to receive more information that is personal such IP address that can be employed to target, entailing what user share and add their clicks and likes. Hence, it traces and stores data about its use.

However, the real fun starts with the third-party apps. These are several apps from Airbnd, Candy Crush, and Spotify, the app like Uber enables to sign in using the Facebook secret code. It is so convenient only to have a password, which several people opt-in

Gathering entails a central image or video followed by many products mages. When one associates with a collection of ads in the Facebook app in the Facebook app, they land on a Canvas, a full-screen mobile experience that engages and cherishes the interest

Facebook uses internal communication and coordination majorly. As it turns out, the tools, which facilitate it fast and easy for a social, group all the world, to interact and make the company manage internal communication. Besides, it has an inbuilt task management tool, which supports a lot of Facebook-like to allow like a comment on a task. It primarily relies based on tagging, ownership and task status and use of IRC. For example, they use IRC to distribute lunch menus, which is employed to develop internally for generating his internally disreputable list scraping IRC bot and as a coordination tool for their code statement process.

Facebook's outpouring in market cap has changed the companies atop the world's most prized list. The social network now ranks fourth after Apple aapl, Alphabet and Microsoft. This has helped boost CEO Mark Zuckerberg's net worth to award him the sixth most prominent person in the world.


Batorski, D., & Grzywinska, I. (2018). Three dimensions of the public sphere on Facebook. Information, Communication & Society, 21(3), 356-374.

. Batorski, D., & Grzywinska, I. (2018). Three dimensions of the public sphere on Facebook. Information, Communication & Society, 21(3), 356-374.

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Evaluation Essay on Facebook Website. (2022, Jun 19). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/evaluation-essay-on-facebook-website

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