In all the parts of the world, it is obvious that most people have never understood and come to terms with the fact that women take larger parts in the criminal world. In other words, women participate a lot in criminal and terrorist activities in all parts of the world and most of the times they tend to play greater roles than the men. However, the myths that have existed about women and their inferiority in society make it hard for people to accept the fact that women are so much into terrorism. Discussed here are the ways in which women are participating in terrorist attacks, the roles they play and how other the women in terrorism recruit and radicalize others.
Women in Terrorism
The world has just come to a point where whatever men can do, women are in a position to it even better and more efficiently than the men. From the early times, no one has ever had the thought that women would be enrolled in terrorist groups and carry out attacks with greater impacts than those done by men. There are countable numbers of factors which have made it necessary for these women to get in the terror groups. One of the main factors is the dynamically changing gender roles in society (Smith, 2008). It is no longer the time when men dominated everything at the expense of women. Women have had the belief that they can equal men or even surpass them in when it comes to all aspects of life since men are not better than them. That is why most of the women have developed the confidence to take part in criminal and terrorist attacks.
In most cases, the people who are in terrorist groups and carry out attacks are highly paid upon completion of the missions they are assigned. These days, women are not sitting back anymore to depend on men. Instead, they are also getting up and doing all they can to make sure that they are in a position to lead their own lives without having to depend on anyone. Owing to the fact that most of them who indulge in terror are not learned and their interest is to benefit, the women commit themselves fully into the accomplishment of the tasks of attack given to them. This way, therefore, the impact of the attacks carried out by women seems to be greater than the ones by men.
Other women are dedicated to the achievement of the highest ranks in the terror groups. In pursuit of such promotions, these terrorist women do all they can in order to achieve the targets they have set for themselves and get to the top levels and become leaders of the other members of the terrorist groups they are in. the way women take issues seriously is not the same way that men do since they have already adapted to all that takes place in their field (de Leede, 2018). Thus, as the male terrorists play around and take the attack tasks assigned to them lightly, women especially those who have enrolled in the terror groups recently perform their duties to the best of their ability.
There are so many terrorist groups which are known in the world. ISIS is one of the main and most dangerous terrorist groups which are known to carry out the most fatal attacks when they plan to do so. In many of the attacks and bombings that have been done in America by terrorist groups, it has been found out that women play the largest roles from planning to the execution of the actual attacks (Ingram, 2017). Many women have been caught in the planning or even during the execution of terrorist attacks in America. However, despite the fact that they fully participate and play their roles to the fullest, it is always not very easy for the women to be recognized. One of the reasons is that women are so intelligent in that no one is able to realize whatever they are planning.
The female terrorists are sure that whatever strategy they put in place for the attacks will succeed. This is because when they plan, they tend to have already done enough investigation about the place or the people they want to attack. It is not easy even for the security personnel in America to suspect women or have the feeling in mind that these particular women may be in a mission to carry out a criminal attack (Ingram, 2017). As a result of this, the terrorist women take advantage of the fact they are not suspected in any way. They can, therefore, access all places they wish to and succeed in terror attacks leaving negative impacts.
Moreover, women perform better in terrorism due to the fact that they are trustworthy than men are. Owing to this fact, they always remain loyal to their bosses and make sure that they perform the duties that have been given to them. There are other women who have been raised in backgrounds where terrorism prevails and it is not any big deal for them to indulge in terrorist activities. They just do as a kind of lifestyle since they know how each and everything is done. In other words, they just carry out terrorist attacks with great performance since it is what they have seen others do and they just can't avoid. It is not that only men have to play the most critical roles in terrorist organizations (Ahmad Zakuan, 2018). Women have been underestimated when it comes to the roles they can play in the aid and success of operations in terrorist groups. This underestimation of the women is actually what has led to all the serious attacks that have claimed the lives of many in America and other parts of the world. This is because there are no firm strategies and or measures put in place to detect and identify women participating in terrorism and deal with them accordingly. At this time, the only way which can help is an understanding of the fact that women are more into terrorism and crime even than the men.
The myths that used to support that there are things that women cannot get involved in are now extinct and no longer observed in an environment where all things are dynamically changing. The rate at which women enrolment in the terrorist groups is increasing immensely. The increase is because of the continuous recruitment of new women into the terror groups from time to time. The recruitment of women in these groups is being done by other women who have already joined the terror organizations.
The way in which the women recruitment is done by the other women is through force sometimes. Most of the women who are in these terrorist groups are kidnapped and taken away from their homelands. Away from home, they are forced to join these particular groups and forced to vow that they will serve and do whatever they are asked to do in terms of attacks. Others are laid by those already in the terrorism that they are being taken for jobs and then they end up being enrolled in the criminal organizations (Ahmad Zakuan, 2018). All these women under strict supervision are then trained and forced to go out on killing missions and back. There are reasons as to why women in terrorism strive as much as they can to recruit others into the same.
In the first place, when the women become fully adapted to these groups, they are promised promotions to the higher levels upon accomplishment and attainment of the targets which are set for them. So all they want when they enroll others is to get the promotions and see a chance of becoming leaders of the other terrorists. However, most of the American women who get to recruit others into their teams of terrorism do so because they get threatened and are forced to bring others (de Leede, 2018). This is because of the fact that there is a high demand for female terrorists. The increasing demand is because female terrorist has always shown exemplary performance in attacks. Mostly what women do in the terrorist groups in the prior investigation and finding of information regarding the places which are targeted for attack because they are not easily suspected. It is the same women who carry weapons and ferry them to the destinations where they have a plan of attacking (Martini, 2018). Others are actively involved in the attacks which lead to massive destruction and loss of lives. America has had a lot of women getting into terror groups like the ISIS and others.
The radicalization of the terrorist women is done so that they can feel motivated to continue serving as terrorists and that they bring more women into the teams. They are radicalized by being given the top ranks in the management of the terror organizations. This all depends on their cooperation and the efforts they have employed during the attacks when they are on missions (Martini, 2018). On the other hand, women are radicalized and recruited more into terror than men because the women are misused by the terrorists as objects of sex. That is why many women in America have been forced to these groups and given positions which they cannot leave easily. Others are paid huge amounts of money upon accomplishment of the tasks as a way of keeping them.
Terrorism has intensified all over the world and it is irrespective of the gender. Many women are into crime and terror acts than expected of them. Their performance against men is proving that society is at a greater risk of terrorist attacks since the level of women recruitment into terror groups is rising every time. America needs to fight this current situation with all the possible measures so as to prevent what may end up being a great risk to the future of America. The increase of terrorism and more women into it should be stopped by fighting it seriously.
Ahmad Zakuan, U. (2018). The radicalization of Women in Isis in Malaysia: Profiling, Causes, and Roles. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 105-123. Doi: 10.22452/jati.sp2018no1.8
De Leede, S. (2018). Women in Jihad: A Historical Perspective. Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Studies. Doi: 10.19165/2018.2.06
Ingram, K. (2017). IS's Appeal to Western Women: Policy Recommendations. Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Studies. Doi: 10.19165/2017.2.04
Martini, A. (2018). Making women terrorists into "Jihadi brides": an analysis of media narratives on women joining ISIS. Critical Studies on Terrorism, 11(3), 458-477. Doi: 10.1080/17539153.2018.1448204
Smith, A. (2008). The Implicit Motives of Terrorist Groups: How the Needs for Affiliation and Power Translate into Death and Destruction. Political Psychology, 29(1), 55-75. Doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9221.2007.00612.x
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