Essay Sample on Technology Displacing Human Workers: AI's Impact

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  465 Words
Date:  2023-04-04


Technology is highly improving the performance and reliability of work, through the consistency and accuracy of Artificial Intelligence (AI), where bots are programmed to undertake human work. Whereas this concept is an industrial breakthrough for many manufacturers, the real impact is felt by the workers in the production sector. The daily improvement in technology brings workers closer to their termination at work, as robots are displacing traditional human workers. Thus the essay will elucidate on the turmoil of unemployment and displacement caused by the improvement in technology.

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The Impact of Artificial Intelligence

The fear of job displacement is not a secret any more with the state of the current technology. Every nation is yearning for rapid economic growth, which should be propelled by the improvement of its human resources. In this case, the workforce in each country depends on the skills of its workforce to help drive the economic growth by a more significant margin. However, the rapid growth of Artificial intelligence is by no means a threat to the workforce, as it seeks to eradicate, not to mention replace the larger working population. In the bottom line, technology is growing, and there is no doubt by 2030 more than 30% of the world's workforce will be comprised of a sophisticated army of robots that are competing more favourable that human workforce (McClelland, 2020).

Robot Kills Job but They Create Jobs Too

Much of the discussion in this article is centred on the essence of robots on a positive dimension of job creation. Even though the positive side outweighs the negativity to the owners, the bottom line is that job displacement is on the horizon. The ratio between robots and human's workforce is less, yet has a higher impact that alters economic development (Casey & Nzau, 2019). In this case, there is a higher likelihood of people changing their careers, due to the advancement in job displacement caused by robots.

The Quiet Ways Automation Is Remaking Service Work

The incorporation of technology in the hotel industry is geared towards revolutionizing performance. However, with the integration of technology in the hospitality industry, most of the services are outsourced from human labour to robots that are threatening to displace human (Fussell, 2019). In this case, humans are slowly being pushed to the edge of unemployment and displacement as a single robot is being programmed to conduct more than one job, a step that is worrying the many workers.


Casey, M., & Nzau, S. (2019). Robots kill jobs. But they create jobs, too. Retrieved 10 February 2020, from

Fussell, S. (2019). The Quiet Ways Automation Is Remaking Service Work. Retrieved 10 February 2020, from

McClelland, C. (2020). The Impact of Artificial Intelligence - Widespread Job Losses. Retrieved 10 February 2020, from

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Essay Sample on Technology Displacing Human Workers: AI's Impact. (2023, Apr 04). Retrieved from

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