Essay Sample on Technological Advancements in Criminal Justice: Safeguarding Cities & Enhancing Legal Cases

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  608 Words
Date:  2023-03-29

Technology is present in every aspect of life, and it has become an essential part of life. The criminal justice system is not immune. The field of criminal justice is rapidly evolving in terms of technological advancement this advancement in technology enables the justice system to protect their city better as well as instill a better grasp of the legal cases and judgment or ruling. As innovations in the criminal justice system are being developed, the criminal justice professional strives to find better ways of implementing the technology in their field, for instance, the laboratories, courtrooms as well as legal offices. The interest in making use of the newest technology enables the judges, police officers, the forensic investigator's researchers as well as lawyers to understand the benefit from these advancements.

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Some of the latest technological advancement in the criminal justice system include the drones and robots' patrols. Attaining live feeds presently is very difficult as it involves police officers going undercover, and this is a high risk in case the group under investigation. However, the inventions of drones and robots have made the policing work very easy and risk-free. Drones have the greatest potential to detect, prevent as well as solve crimes, and this is because drones can be termed as the eyes in the sky on behalf of the law enforcement officers, and the robots can go to places where the police officers cannot without risking their lives. Also, the digitally or controlled robots that are equipped with digital cameras can be used to investigate any bomb threats or terrorist threats, and the drones are essential in gathering accurate images and live feeds on crimes as they elapse, and this can be very useful in future case rulings.

One of the many in trigging technological advancement in the justice service system is the use of 3D imaging of the crime scenes. In recent years there has been a new technique of dissecting each facet of a crime scene. And this kind of technology can be described as something from science fiction. This form of technology takes a three-dimensional examination of the whole crime scenes, converting a lot of photographs and sketches, and this way, the scene seen is revealed in greater detail.

In a crime scene work, it is essential to have good photographs, which helps to tell a story of what happened. Photographs on actuality lack context, however making a diagram necessary and making a crime scene factually it is time-consuming. It can be the most tiresome and time-consuming part of the investigators. However, creating a correct diagram of the crime scene is very important in preserving the evidence as well as helping in putting everything in context. This type of technology helps improve investigation and better serve the citizens. Three-dimensional scanners are faster and more accurate. The longer time at a crime scene creates more issues; at an outdoor scene, it leaves the investigators exposed to different elements, and in case of a car crash, it risks more car crashes and causes the roads to be closed longer. In the instance of indoor scenes, it requires the business to be out of business for long or residents restricted access from their residency. This kind of trend will affect the future reporting of the crime scenes in a timely and accurate manner.


Raneri, D. (2018). Enhancing forensic investigation through the use of modern three-dimensional (3D) imaging technologies for crime scene reconstruction. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 1-11. doi: 10.1080/00450618.2018.1424245

Leeuwenburg, J., & Wallace, A. (2003). Technology for Justice: 2002 Report. Australian Institute of Judicial Administration. Retrieved 02 February 2020, from

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Essay Sample on Technological Advancements in Criminal Justice: Safeguarding Cities & Enhancing Legal Cases. (2023, Mar 29). Retrieved from

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