Essay Sample on Scientific Research and Religion: Can Ethics Unite Them?

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  569 Words
Date:  2023-03-29

The majority of people view scientific research and religion as enemies. It is a common belief that both are involved in a supremacy battle between the two. Others consider the two as separate entities pursuing different interests in the facet of life. While research seeks facts about the natural aspects and nature of life, religion reaches beyond molarity and values of life. It is a well-known fact that Christianity can positively impact the ethics surrounding research. The shapers of modern science were staunch Christians, and their contribution is significant to date ("Are science and Christianity at war? - Common-questions," 2019). Research enriches the spirituality of the believers as they are marveled by the discoveries made by research regarding the universe, nature of life, and nature, otherwise termed as God's creation. This enables believers to appreciate and give glory to God and his creations.

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Christianity and research are inseparable. Therefore, believers should be engaged in research, because through faith, believers are aware of existence of a creator; therefore, they should be the ones more concerned about creation. Romans 1, Paul claims that the nature of God can only be revealed through his creation. This means that believers should be involved in caring for God's creations ("Evidence, Knowledge, & Science: How Does Christianity Measure Up? - The Veritas Forum," 2016). Through research, Christians will not lose touch with supernatural power; rather, analysis enables them to determine his eternity and his divine nature. If the bible claims creation as works of God, and research seeks to explore and investigate nature, then Christians should not run away from such. They should be at the forefront in exploration, studying, loving, and examining nature as this will only provide a further understanding of nature and revamp the evidence of the existence of God.

Research can help better society. Christianity is all about improving the value of life. Through medical research, scientists have managed to understand the truth about the complex nature of our body and develop vaccines and medicines that curb the majority of ailments. As a result, humanity has had improved quality of life, improved nutrition, which leads to high life expectancy ("Evidence, Knowledge, & Science: How Does Christianity Measure Up? - The Veritas Forum," 2016). From a Christians perspective, this is God manifesting himself through humans to save his creation. Additionally, via technological research, electronic devices that bring the universe closer.

That way, Christians can learn the truth about the universe and help them to grow their faith and understand the vast and complex nature of God. Additionally, it is via research that devises have been developed to enable humans to travel vast distances and communicate with people from other diverse cultures. Jesus in Mathew 28, instructs his disciples to spread the word to spread the gospel as far as possible. Research and technology have enabled this to become even more manageable as messages can be communicated instantly. Therefore, it is not right to say that research drives Christianity further from God, seeking facts brings humanity closer to God ("Are science and Christianity at war? - Common-questions," 2019). Using these facts from research for the betterment of society brings God closer to the people.


Are science and Christianity at war? - Common-questions. (2019). Retrieved January 22, 2020, from BioLogos website:

Evidence, Knowledge, & Science: How Does Christianity Measure Up? - The Veritas Forum. (2016, February 12). Retrieved February 1, 2020, from The Veritas Forum website:

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Essay Sample on Scientific Research and Religion: Can Ethics Unite Them?. (2023, Mar 29). Retrieved from

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