What does the story say about people?
In those days people held gatherings, like this one described in the scripture, which was a wedding that had brought them together. They conformed to occasions and observed rituals which were regarded highly. People joined hands to fulfill the request for filling jars with water hence they did not object even without knowing a miracle was on the way. People gave out wine which was at its best when people were drunk, and some had left, but on this occasion, it was served early enough.
What does the story say about Jesus?
Jesus attended different occasions without the aim of performing miracles but living like any human being. He was consulted by his mother when the wine drums were empty and asked the servants to refill them with water. He later told one of the servants to take a master of the banquet who approved it was still a fine wine. Jesus performed the first miracle in the wedding occasion where he attended together with the disciples.
What does this story say about you?
The glory of Jesus does not have to find us in most critical situations where we are unhappy, but can be in our most joyous moment. It only takes to have faith a situation to change, illustrated when the servants filled the drums. Believing takes faith for a change to take place; the disciples believed in Jesus when the water was turned into wine. They could be his followers for the fame behind him, but after the deeds, they believed.
Who needs to hear this story?
People who believe that Jesus only came to be with sinners, he came to live in the body. Having a body in human nature exposed him to different settings of life not only to the sick and maimed, but he attended weddings where people experience joy. Jesus never performed miracles because he was prompted to, only when he saw it befitted to be done. Otherwise, he would be prompted by all for personal benefit.
Healing the official's son John 4: 46-54
What does the story say about people?
There were illnesses that made people sick to appoint of death while others died. People sought healing from Jesus regardless of their positions in the society like the Centurion servant. You had to have faith to receive healing and being meek regardless of your position moved Jesus. When the son of the servant was healed, other people also believed in Jesus.
What does the story say about Jesus?
Jesus was visiting Galilee for the second time, first being the wedding to which He was invited. Also, the second miracle happened in Galilee where the son of a centurion servant was healed. Jesus knew well that people after seeing the wonders not in believing in Him, but later their faith in Him would grow as a result. Jesus did not go with the centurion servant as he was requested to but directed him that his son would be well because of his faith.
What does the story say about you?
Faith is important for a miracle to happen not only to us but also to those close to us that we are concerned about. Regardless of our positions in life, material things may not help us in all circumstances. When we put our faith into action by believing, great things will change in our lives. At the appointed time, things will change.
Who needs to hear this story?
They include people who hold positions and disregard the word of God and wealthy people who have it all and do not have time to hear the word. Also, people who believe only in healing that comes from taking prescribed medicines. A group of people who think they have made it in life due to their efforts and can get quality health care due to the wealth they have.
Invalid of Bethsaida John 5:1-18
What does the story say about people?
There were maimed and blind people at Bethsaida where Jesus went to Jewish festivals. There is an objection from the authority that watched the blind and lame for years and could not help them. People will try to bring you down in situations that are a threat to theirs. Also, for the consent of authority, people always report back to make things suitable for them like the invalid did when he knew it was Jesus who healed him.
What does the story say about Jesus?
He healed people on Sabbath which was unlawful. Jesus left immediately after healing the invalid man without notice. He attended Jewish festivals which were observed according to the authorities. He went to the temple where people gathered on Sabbath.
What does the story say about you?
The Sabbath day should be observed. Observe doing right rather than follow the authority that is not concerned about your welfare. Help out when you can in all circumstances.
Who needs to hear this story?
Those in authority, People who do not observe the Sabbath day, senior people in religious positions.
The feeding of 5000 people John 6:5-14
What does the story say about people?
People need to eat to live. They followed Jesus from afar since they believed in him. After being full, they had leftovers. People believe more from what they see.
What does the story say about Jesus?
Jesus was amazed when he looked up and saw the crowd that followed them. He looked up and blessed the two fish and fives loaves for the crowd to be fed. Also, he ordered the leftovers to be gathered up. He tested the faith of his disciples.
What does the story say about you?
We need food to survive. One should have faith circumstances changes. When there is more than enough for today, the rest should be stored for later days. Sharing is a way of being concerned.
Who needs to hear the story?
Selfish people who would rather throw away than give to those without. Wealthy people with servants who cannot sit with them at the table. People who have enough but do not remember to share with others.
Jesus walking on the water John 6:16-21
What does the story say about people?
People fear when faced with challenges. Faith becomes least when you get used to situations as a crowd. There was fear when they saw Jesus walk on water. People believe when they see rather than what they perceive.
What does the story say about Jesus?
Jesus allowed the disciples to go before him. He was not together with them when the wind blew in the sea. He walked on water towards them when the waters were rough.
What does the story say about you?
What could be seen as a norm may change to prove that we need faith in all situations? Our conditions that we understand well could turn out catastrophic. We need faith even in our lines of work that we are familiar with.
Who needs to hear the story?
People of all walks of life who are too observant with their line of life. Those who are comfortable in unchanging situations in their life.
Jesus heals a man born blind John 9:1-41
What does the story say about people?
The blind man was present where Jesus noted he had been blind since birth. Jesus' disciples also witnessed the miracle happened. The Pharisees went to enquire from the parents of the blind whether he had been blind since birth.
What does the story say about Jesus?
Jesus spat on the ground and mixed it with soil and put it on the blind man's eyes. And He said to the man, be healed. He instructed him to go and bath in the pool of Siloam. He tells the onlookers that neither the man nor his parents sinned for him to be born blind.
What does the story say about you?
We should have faith in our situations regardless of how long we have remained stuck. Being obedient brings forth fruits rather than creating a debate about the possible outcome. Similarly to the Pharisees, we tend to seek the basis of the origin of an issue rather than appreciate results.
Who needs to hear the story?
People who have given up on situations that seem unchangeable in human eyes. People with illnesses that have been observed to persist in family lineages. People who have been oppressed by law but needs the grace to be free.
The resurrection of Lazarus John 11:17-46
What does the story say about people?
The Jews were curious and ready to mourn with Mary. As a norm observed, they were weeping when Jesus came to the compound. People in the village of Mary knew Lazarus was a friend and a follower of Jesus. Illnesses affected people at times till their last breath.
What does the story say about Jesus?
Jesus came to help out Martha who was a follower. He said that Lazarus is only sleeping. Despite him being dead for two days, Jesus went where he was laid and raised him from the dead. He still went ahead despite being stoned but escaped.
What does the story say about you?
In situations of impossibilities, just one more leap of faith could turn round a situation. We are barred from progress by our mindset. As a crowd, it's easy to stand, but as an individual, it takes courage as Mary did. Faith moves even the dead situations in life.
Who needs to hear the story?
People who have lost hope in situations, those who have tried and failed, to those who view issues as a calamity that befell them and there is no hope.
Reflections and applicationsFaith is important in all life situations. How people view things is not the same way a change birthed through faith and believing may be born. Aim at improving in leaps of faith and disregard what is not necessary. Family history does not define our situations. The future only holds in the faith which is bound to grow through situations.
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