Essay Sample on Riverfest Farmington, NM: Celebrate Rivers with Family & Friends

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  613 Words
Date:  2023-02-17


Riverfest Farmington, Nm is about the celebration of rivers in an area through activities, food, and entertainment. The festival takes place in Berg Park up to Animas Park, located in Farmington ("Vacation Deals", 2019). The attendees get advised to carry with them comfy shoes so they can go for river walks. Riverfest Farmington, Nm is about a good time with family or friends, with lots of entertainment activities for adults and kids.

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Event marketing includes the techniques and tools that the hosts of an event use to promote the event to the public. The main aim of event marketing is usually to persuade people to buy the event's tickets to attend (Crowther, 2010). Event marketing starts by launching an idea, then persuading attendees to try and convince their friends to participate in the event with them. Event marketing can use channels such as advertisement, blogs, and email advertisement. Riverfest Farmington, Nm also has a marketing strategy, that helps it attract many attendees in its events. The current research paper accesses the marketing strategy used by Riverfest Farmington, Nm to attract many people to attend its events.

Event holders face a problem in marketing strategies when they want to host an event and attract attendees. Marketing strategies have an impact on the event-hoisting business as they help in increasing the sale of tickets to the people. Such companies need to come up with proper marketing strategies for maximum gain.

Research Question

What is the marketing strategy of Riverfest Farmington, Nm?


B2B Event Marketing

B2B event marketing stands for business to business marketing. It means selling an event to other companies so that they can involve themselves either by exhibition or sponsorship (Crowther, 2010). The advertisement channels may be different or similar, for instance, PPC and social media. However, USPs and voice tone can be changed.

In a business event, the outcome is more substantial such as assisting the event organizers in increasing revenue or gaining an advantage over other competing businesses. Riverfest Farmington, Nm uses this as one of its strategies in marketing. The reason is that it has sponsors who assist in the event, and thus helping it to sell more to the customers out there (Staff, 1999).

The Riverfest Farmington, Nm works with the local hospitality businesses to secure affordable packages for visiting attendees. Additionally, they organize with the firms to give special offers to the customers. So as for families, friends, and outdoor lovers to enjoy themselves, Riverfest Farmington ensures that it is an affordable destination.


Riverfest Farmington, Nm has a special discount for attendees, and this acts as a marketing strategy for them. Riverfest Farmington offers a free family photo at the visitor center. Attendees are allowed to pose with the mountain bikes by the mountain bike course and get a free picture, which is a marketing strategy ("Vacation Deals", 2019).

Riverfest Farmington, Nm additionally offers a free vacation guide ("Vacation Deals", 2019). Vacation guides help attendees plan for their stay in the visiting area. The guide also gives information on what attendees should expect to see, how to get to the place, and also where to dine and stay during their vacation.


Marketing strategies are essential as that help a business gain a competitive advantage over its rivals. Riverfest Farmington has not been left behind in the marketing strategies. The procedures are to help attract more attendees to its events.


Crowther, P. (2010). Strategic application of events. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 29(2), 227-235.

Staff, M. C. (1999). Maine Campus September 29, 1999.

Vacation Deals. (2019). Retrieved 26 September 2019, from

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Essay Sample on Riverfest Farmington, NM: Celebrate Rivers with Family & Friends. (2023, Feb 17). Retrieved from

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