Essay Sample on HCI & IMD Tech: Enhancing Swagger Technologies' Ops

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  356 Words
Date:  2023-01-14


Computers and information technology has become an integral part of organization operations. There are numerous technologies which facilitate effective organization function. This essay explores the HCI and IMD interactive technologies at Swagger Technologies Company to promote operations.

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HCI Technology

Summary and Components

The Human-Computer interaction system (HCI) is an interactive technology focused on the design of communication between humans and the computer environment. There are four essential components of HCI, namely; users, task, interface, and the context. Systematic observation of the relationship between the user and these companies promote the development of interactive systems (Jacko, 2007).

Problem and Recommendation for Improvement

The Swagger Distribution HCI system has a problem because the company has not yet designed a new HTML enabled website. Besides, the system lacks security standards putting the company secrets under threat of third-party access. The company may improve its HCI by designing a simple and friendly user interface (Jacko, 2007). For instance, incorporating an open-menu structure make it easier for the employees to access the system.

IMD Technology

Summary and Components

The Information Management Database (IMD) is another interactive technology allowing two-way-communication within a computer network. The main components include the computers input and output devices, video and voice capture capabilities, network connectivity, and a central database (Mackay & Davenport, 2009). IMD components play a critical role to facilitate the interaction between the user the computer network.

Problem and Recommendation for Improvement

Swagger Distribution experiences challenges because it has the option to design a wired or wireless networking version. The company's IMD system can improve by introducing a database management system to control the traffic of data within the network (Mackay & Davenport, 2009).


The evaluation of Swagger Distribution HCI and IMD system suggest that the company's IT infrastructure limits human-computer interaction. The recommendation aims at improving the user-interface by introducing friendly data input and output formats. HCI and IMD are essential interactive technologies and should be continuously improved to facilitate organizational functions.


Jacko, J., (2007). Human-computer interaction. Interaction design and usability. Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Mackay, W., & Davenport, G. (2009). Virtual video editing in interactive multimedia applications. Communications of the ACM, 32(7), 802-810

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Essay Sample on HCI & IMD Tech: Enhancing Swagger Technologies' Ops. (2023, Jan 14). Retrieved from

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