Entrepreneurship in the United States as in many parts of the world both European and Non-European nations have continuously increased since the mid-80s. In this development in the entrepreneurship, the enterprises that have been founded by women play an essential role in development and women, therefore, play a vital role in the economy. The rate of women indulgence in business has been increasing such that one out of five enterprises is run by a woman. They, therefore, contribute to more than 5% of the income and more than 7% of the employment. As such, over the last decade, the politicians, researchers as well as other practitioners have become interested with the women entrepreneurs, and the number of written materials on the role of women in the entrepreneurship has increased rampantly as outlined by Johnson and Henry.
Role of Women on Entrepreneurship
Female entrepreneurship is indeed a vague as outlined by Johnson and Henry. Concerning this, there is a need for research to be done on the dimensions that exist in the entrepreneurship sector. Most of the studies that have been done before focus on the difference in the study and nascent entrepreneurs and this have been limited to the statistical parameters as well as quantitative considerations. Only a few studies have narrowed down to the biographical factors that are gender specific, social support for the women entrepreneurs, motivations and life circumstances. Some researchers have however revealed that the constraints, opportunities as well as the resources are the difference as compared to those of their counterpart men. The distinction and the contrast are brought about by some reasons.
Most often the women entrepreneurs are seen as less productive and less productive as compared to their male counterparts. However, the research associated with this notion doesn't engage us with the definition of success into the question. Most of these studies as described above focus on the success of business regarding the business parameters that are quantitative such as growth, turnover, employment among others. However, success is not notoriously hard to define because there is no one existence of success. There is also a need to redefine success concerning the women entrepreneurs. A theory by Ajzen (Madden, Ellen, & Ajzen, 1992) that is related to the planned behavior can serve as the starting point in the definition of success and personal perspectives. The method says that an individual is compelled to act in a certain way is they can enact behavioral control. This means that these actions are viewed as positive and they recognize the importance that others support the role of the women entrepreneurs in the market.
The women entrepreneurs who are primarily motivated by the passion of carrying out entrepreneurship take into consideration the business-oriented goals as their driving force, for example, the growth of the company. The women entrepreneurs who are motivated in this form don't set any difference or boundaries in their entrepreneurial endeavors as well as the growth of their businesses. These women aim to focus on the goals that ensure that there is a balance between work and life. In the cases where women are interested in entrepreneurship, they are motivated by intrinsic desire to revolutionalize their lives, to wish to be independent for self-fulfillment and o take responsibility for their lives.
Motivation and goals in business are interrelated, and they go hand in hand. Once a woman has started a business and therefore realizing something that has been her dream for an extended period it means her goals have been achieved. It is therefore evident that it is the element of motivation that has linked them to their success. This is not a surprise because women entrepreneurs will proceed with their activities when the business is at the black. Motivation, in general, is related to dual and their personal life, goals are focused on the, for example, the development of the business regarding sales, employment or even turn over. Success has to do with issues of personal life that are satisfied, and family as well as work-life balance.
Educational Attainment and Life Satisfaction
Education is associated with the complete transformation of human life to a state whereby an individual makes relevant a responsible decision relate to his immediate environment. It, therefore, a total means by which members of society develop specific skills, attributes, abilities among other behaviors which are cherished inherently by the community where the individual comes from because they assist them in actualizing their goals in life. Education is acquired through various formats like formal, informal or even nonformal processes and they help the human being to develop their inner abilities. The abilities are developed through imitation, emulation, learning, teaching and imbibing skills attitudes, information, ideas as well as other cultural forms. Acquirement of education is therefore closely related to the life satisfaction of an individual in a variety of ways.
Education predicts the conditions of living of an individual which leads in invariable way differences in the rate of income and life satisfaction, especially for retired individuals. The performers of the workers at the workplace and in the contemporary society are closely related to the cognitive as well as non-cognitive skills that they have acquired before in their lives mainly through the process of education as well as experiences. The skills earned affect the preferences of people their efficiency, productivity, endowment and they affect indirectly their ability to cope with challenges in life, their income, and general life difficulties.
Attainment of education is associated with an occupational status that are based on the appraisal of health and the ones that enhance better living conditions been it comes to the retirement of an employee. There is, therefore, a probability of dedicing that retirees who are well educated will lead a good life with proper income and which will eventually transform into better quality of life as well as life satisfaction upon retirement. The opposite will be the state of the uneducated personnel who attend to manual and menial jobs that are associated with lack of pension as well spoor income. In general, the status of education doesn't only affect the lives of an individual while they are in the service, but it impinges on the strategies of their livelihoods, their conditions of living as well as satisfaction upon retirement. The experience of different people upon retirement stage should be closely linked to their previous experiences with consideration of the trajectories of life is essential in the presence of an individual since they affect their endowment, achievements, aspirations, and satisfaction in life upon retirement. The attainment of education does not only affect the opportunities of the workers who are retired, but they also determine the standard of living, their income as well as their satisfaction in life because the educational attainment is closely related to the opportunities as well as the strategies of coping with challenges in life.
The disadvantaged group that is the individuals who are not adequately educated merely reflects the accumulation of the previous experiences in life about the poor material resources as well as the job security. For example, the blue color jobs or the manual laborers will desire to have an early retirement from the demanding, stressful as well as their uncomfortable positions. In most cases the health of these manual laborers will always be reduced as compared to that of the official professionals or the managers where by the career plays a significant role in determining the state of the health of an individual, the living condition as well as the life satisfaction. Literature that exists reveals that American proportion regarding individuals who are interested in working and those who are working after retirement have significantly increased. As such it is important to note that departure is a later aspect for the self-employment and it best works for the educated as compared to the individuals who are not employed.
In conclusion. A study that was done in Quebec Canada revealed that men from private as well as public sectors with a pension that is associated with inflationary trends in incorporation and existing cost of living were having a positive attitude and were interested in retirement and those from white color obs were willing to retire due to the fact that they were satisfied in their lives and this can be interpreted as having realized self-actualization. The workers were motivated by their income, and their living standards couldn't be affected after retirement and therefore associating retirement, life satisfaction, and educational attainment is paramount.
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