Essay Sample on Critical Reflection: An Essential Component for Effective HR Practitioners

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  585 Words
Date:  2023-02-27


Critical reflection is an essential component and a pertinent element in the work of an effective Human Resources practitioner. The department of human resources is responsible for many of the attributions of an organization. Therefore it is a strategic component of the organizational attainment of the company. The major daily tasks of the HR department entail preparation of compensation offers, staffing, alignment, and staffing. Moreover, other roles include shaping, defining and outlining the culture of the organization. HR managers occupy a pedestal in the organization that requires efficient, effective and critical reflection. This allows them to deal with the many facets of the organization including diversity, time management, resource allocation, and many other roles

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Human Resource managers require critical thinking in the workplace to help them with the essential every day running of the organization. Organizations draw their employees from various backgrounds in terms of culture, political and religious affiliations (Price, 2014). All these employees must coexist because they add value to the organization. Having critical thinking enables the leaders to make objective decisions which are essential elements for the organization (Wilton, 2016). Critical thinking enables people to look at situations keenly and also helps them to weigh all probable solutions before coming up with the ultimate decision. Critical thinking entails a form of in-depth analysis and hence it involves intellectual reasoning which allows the decision-makers to combine knowledge and reason.

The Human Resources Department must consider offering equal opportunities for employment for all their potential employees. They must, therefore, consider aspects like age, disability, religion, sex and ethnic background in their criteria of employment. Managers should adopt and implement policies of affirmative action (Stephen Bach & Edwards, 2016). They must make it a requirement to show initiative in hiring from a diverse pool of talent and resources filling the available positions. Hiring from a diverse pool of talent is essential because it gives the organization the benefits of diverse talents and qualifications (Stephen Bach & Edwards, 2016). Therefore, HR managers must involve the various stakeholders in making sure that the quality of decisions they make represent the ideas of the entire organization.

Critical thinking in human resource management means the involvement of fact-driven research in decision making. Human resource managers who act as a source of intrinsic inspiration to the employees within the organization help them achieve greater success compared to those that stress on the attainment of the goals of the organization (Stephen Bach & Edwards, 2016). Critical thinking promotes tolerance and diversity of views among the employees and this adds to the substance of the organization. This is an essential trait for any organization today because it helps builds a great brand and professional outlook for the organization.


Overall, as elaborated in the essay, HR managers occupy a pedestal in the organization that requires efficient, effective and critical reflection. This allows them to deal with the many facets of the organization including diversity, time management, resource allocation, and many other roles. Selecting an employee for a specific position is one of the most daunting tasks an organization can undertake. Having human resource personnel that fits the position is essential for the overall performance of the organization because they are not only involved in the hiring but also in the general management and training of the employees.


Price, A. (2014). Human Resource Management. New York: Cengage Learning.

Stephen Bach, & Edwards, M. (2016). Managing Human Resources: Human Resource Management in Transition. New York: Wiley and Sons.

Wilton, N. (2016). An Introduction to Human Resource Management. New York: Sage.

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Essay Sample on Critical Reflection: An Essential Component for Effective HR Practitioners. (2023, Feb 27). Retrieved from

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