Essay Sample on A Theory of Writing

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  585 Words
Date:  2022-11-30


Communication, the exchange of ideas, feelings and thoughts from one person to another or from an individual to a group and vice versa plays an essential role in the education process. It is the basis through which feedback is provided and correction made. Writing is part of the communication process, and the development of writing skills relies on continuous improvement and learning from failure. Nonetheless, the notion of failure significantly impacts the writing process, in that it affects an individual's confidence in his or her writing capabilities making future writing experiences challenging. In fact, according to Rozental, & Carlbring, (2014), traditional expectancy theories predict an unfavorable impact of negligence on the efficacy of executing similar tasks in the future. Failure reduces outcomes expectation as an individual has prior experience, and he or she lacks the expectations and positive desired outcomes which in-turn undermines performance. Also, failure affects the future performance of writing tasks as it eliminates positive reinforcing behavior that arises from success; in so doing an individual is in doubt of his or her ability to undertake any work.

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Psychology plays a vital role in the writing process, especially in advanced levels of learning; it entails logical arguments, critical thinking, experimentations, and abstract prepositions. As a result, any notion of failure in the writing process affects future experiences in that it predisposes the release of worry cognitions that affect performance and subsequent development of writing skills. Task-irrelevant cognitions such as worry cognitions are distractive as they undermine the clarity of thoughts that is needed for the successful execution of tasks. Failure is a predisposing factor to worry which induces anxiety, lowers self-esteem, and alters perception as failure experience led to the notion that subsequent tasks are difficult and more time-consuming. For example, they shy away from attempting to attempt past similar tasks in fear of getting the same results as my friend did after he was a victim of pilled cases of failure.

The implications of the failure perception are far reaching as they alter the conception of the ideal self. Individuals aspire to acquire traits and symbols that typify a sense of completion and are increasingly motivated to seek recognition of the entire identity. For example, regarding writing, an individual may perceive himself as the most significant poetic writer of all time. However, failing to perform well impairs the integrity of the typical self that individuals strive to achieve. The resulting self-definitive incompleteness causes an aversive self-evaluative state hampers the performance of tasks as individuals are increasingly overwhelmed by the feeling of incompleteness.

Writing is a continuous process and a skill that grows as a result of practice, execution of repetitive tasks and corrections. However, taking criticism is often a challenge for colleges writers who were champions in lower levels of education. Accepting to be called a novice affects such individuals, but it is in the process that they gain proficiency, learn from mistakes and improve on their skills. Those who fail to accept the novice title are unable to grow, as the false sense of ability impairs judgment, negates the need for correction and affects future learning. Moreover, first-year students who cling onto their ego and reject the novice title find it difficult to adjust to the demands of college writing which calls for the need for greater attention to detail and academic integrity as materials used in the process must be cited appropriately.


Rozental, A., & Carlbring, P. (2014). Understanding and treating procrastination: a review of a common self-regulatory failure. Psychology, 5(13), 1488.

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