Essay on Global and National Awareness on Global Warming

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  453 Words
Date:  2022-03-16


Global warming is an atmosphere condition where an average increase in the air temperature around the earth surface is over the past one to two centuries. The phenomena occur in a situation where carbon dioxide, other air pollutants, and the greenhouse gases collect and absorb the sunlight (Nye, 1995). The gases also absorb solar radiation, which has already heated the surface of the earth. The pollutants will continue to trap the heat for centuries, and this will make the earth atmosphere to become hotter.Burning of the fossils to produce energy like in the United States, it's the number one source of heat-trapping pollution.

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How Global Warming Relates To Global and National Awareness

Global and widespread consciousness is having understanding and increasing the knowledge of how the environmental, social, and cultural issues impact the world and the lives of people who leave in it. This is making people aware of the effects of global warming on the environment(De Lara, Garcia-Aviles & Revuelta, 2017). In involve spreading the news on how we can control global warming by managing the pollution released to the environment. Every individual has a right to information and should be made aware of the world's problems today. Global warming and atmospheric pollution is a significant problem that the world is facing today, and every person should take responsibility for managing global warming.

What We Learn by Connecting Global Warming To Global and National Awareness

It is worth noting that a global challenge will always need a comprehensive solution. So everyone should be invited to offer the answer to the world's problem (Ravallion, Heil & Jalan, 2000). This is why it's essential to create world awareness of the protection and taking care of the environment. There are many ways individuals can help in controlling global warming. Whenever you are, or in any activity, one is involved in, you can help to bring future without carbon pollution.


In conclusion, Global warming is an atmosphere condition where an average increases in the air temperature around the earth surface. There are many ways individuals can help in controlling global warming. Whenever you are, or in any activity, one is involved in, you can help to bring future without carbon pollution; so as to protect our world.


De Lara, A., Garcia-Aviles, J. A., & Revuelta, G. (2017). Online video on climate change: a comparison between television and web formats. Journal of Science Communication, 16(1), A04. HYPERLINK ""

Nye, B. (1995). Bill Nye the Science Guy's Consider the Following. Scholastic., M., Heil, M., & Jalan, J. (2000). Carbon emissions and income inequality. Oxford Economic Papers, 52(4), 651-669.

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Essay on Global and National Awareness on Global Warming. (2022, Mar 16). Retrieved from

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