The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) classifies drugs into five schedules (I-V) based on the potential of abuse or harm (Robotti, 2019). Drugs that pose a high risk of abuse without counterbalancing benefits belong to schedule I and drugs in this category are prohibited from medical practices. On the other hand, those considered to have a very low risk of abuse are classified in schedule V.
Schedule I
Drugs in this class have no recognized medical use and are highly unsafe for use regardless of the presence or absence of medical supervision. There is zero tolerance for this type of drugs. Examples of drugs in this controlled category include heroin and methaqualone.
Schedule II
Substances in this schedule have a high likelihood of abuse with severe physical and psychological dependence (Robotti, 2019). There are strict restrictions on the medicinal use of drugs under this category. Examples of drugs in this schedule include amphetamine, methylphenidate, and methamphetamine.
Schedule III
Drugs in schedule III have less potential for abuse as compared to those in the first two schedules. They are medically allowed for use with no restriction but can cause extreme psychological dependence as well as low to moderate physical dependence (Robotti, 2019). Examples of drugs in schedule III include codeine, Vicodin, Ketamine, and Tylenol (Robotti, 2019).
Schedule IV
Drugs restricted in this class are medically allowed for use. They have a low likelihood of abuse in comparison with Schedule III. Their probability to cause addiction is low compared to the ones in Schedule III. Medicines in this category can be addictive but to a lesser extent than those in schedule III, II, and I. Carisoprodol, Tramadol, and Ativan are some of the examples of medicine in schedule IV.
Schedule V
The controlled drugs in this category have a very limited possibility of abuse. They are accepted medically and less likelihood of addiction than those in Schedule IV. The preparations of drugs under schedule IV largely entails a combination of restricted quantities of specific narcotics. These drugs are generally the prescription medicines used for medical purposes. Users have the lowest risk of developing an addictive for using schedule V.
How Marijuana User May Be Same or Different As Alcoholic
Both marijuana users and alcohol abusers have a temporary impaired memory and alcohol can cause a blackout, rendering the brain incapable of forming memories. Most studies have shown that heavy marijuana users and chronic alcohol abusers have reductions in memory attention and planning. Both marijuana users and alcohol abusers are linked with psychiatric disease, for marijuana users they mostly have psychosis while for chronic alcoholics its depression and anxiety. Several studies have found substantial evidence of increased risk of schizophrenia amongst frequent marijuana users (Richard, 2011). Heavy marijuana use also triggers temporary paranoia and antagonism, while for alcohol abusers, frequent alcohol use brought abuse self- harm and suicide are common. In 2017, the US Department of Health listed alcohol as a known human carcinogen, they suggested that alcohol abusers have a high risk of developing cancer (Richard, 2011).
The Common Characteristic with Repeated Drug Use
Addiction is a common characteristic of recurrent drug use. It occurs when any type of drug is repeatedly used. "Addiction is a prolonged condition of the brain system that involves a high need of drugs and substances. It is about the way your body desires a substance or conduct particularly if it causes a habitual or obsessive pursuit of 'reward' and lack of worry over penalties" ("Understanding Drug Use and Addiction", 2008) Addiction and drug dependence occurs when drugs and substances and frequently used and in large proportions or when consumed at intervals. Drug addiction has various characteristics key among them is that an individual suffering from it continues to use despite harmful consequences.
"Drug" And Reasons for Its Wide Application and Acceptance in Society
A drug is a substance that changes the physiology and psychology of an organism when consumed. Drugs are broadly categorized into those that are for treatment purposes and recreational reasons. Those that are used for recreation objectives are commonly abused drugs. To address legal related issues the federal government of the United States passed legislation that classifies drugs into five schedules; I-V. The medical, social and legal-related problems associated with abuse of drugs have a myriad of impacts on individual lives, families, and society. For this reason, forensic toxicology was introduced. Forensic scientists and federal government chemists apply forensic toxicology in testing drugs in cases related to drug abuse. It has wide application in death investigations, substance abuse tests in rehabilitation settings, and criminal offenses related to drug abuse.
Drugs are taken through; inhaling, injection, smoking, ingesting or dissolving under the tongue. The drugs were treatment-related drugs or recreational drugs, recreational drugs are the most abused drugs and they are addictive and have both social impacts to the abusers and society. Drugs have a broad classification, they are classified as stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, and opium. Some are for medicinal reasons while others were for recreational purposes. Drugs have been widely applied and accepted in society because they are a form of self-medication, need to battle stress and they give intense pleasure. There are numerous reasons where people use drugs these reasons are; to feel good, some of the commonly used drugs give an intense feeling of pleasure. Reasons for drug use are; feel better, drugs help relieve stress anxiety and depression for this reason people start using drugs, to do better. It is believed that some drugs help improve performance in work, school and in sports ("Understanding Drug Use and Addiction", 2008).
Differentiating Drugs Psychological Dependence from Physical Dependence
Physical dependence is a condition that entails the body adjusting and growing some kind of tolerance in a way that individuals abusing a particular drug develop the urge to continuously rely on the drug to avoid withdrawal effects. On the other hand, psychological dependence is manifested by withdrawal effects where there is continued nervousness and urge to use drugs despite adverse results ("Understanding Drug Use and Addiction", 2008). Physical dependence has physical symptoms such as vomiting, sweating, nausea, and tremor while psychological dependence has emotional symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, and depression. Psychological and physical drug addiction are serious conditions of drug addiction that can cause deaths when untreated.
Anabolic Steroids and Their Use in both Amateur and Professional Athletic
Anabolic steroids, used for medical hormonal issues treatment. These issues are; late puberty and muscle loss. They are taken through oral ingestion, injection or smearing to the skin as a gel. Their use in athletics and sports is illegal. They are known for muscle building, they are a quick way of gaining strength. The use and abuse of anabolic steroids cause heart diseases, kidney diseases, hair loss, and acne. Professional athletes should not use anabolic steroids to enhance their talents given their side effects. These effects reduce the career life of professional athletes since they start developing complications that lead them to abandon their careers. In addition to fair competition in the field, the use of anabolic steroids should be completely banned among professional athletes.
In conclusion, drug and substance abuse have caused quite an enormous loss of life, hope, and future for both young and old all over the world. There is a big number of struggling addicts. Drug addiction impacts are either social or economic impacts, loss of loved ones, moral erosion, unproductive and irresponsible family members are the social effects of drug abuse. Use of the federal, state and local government resources fighting drug manufacturers and distributors and resources used in the bid to rescue drug addicts are some of the economic impacts. There are significant improvements in the fight against drug abuse, by the government through agencies such as the DEA. Society still has a considerable part to play in the fight against drug and substance abuse. The government and society are the main players who should work in coordination to fight drug abuse.
Richard, S. (2011). Criminalists: an introduction to forensic science 12thEdition, Pearson publisher.
Robotti, S. (2019). Drug Classifications, Schedule I, II, III, IV, V - MedShadow. Retrieved 8 December 2019, from
Schedule I, II, III, IV, & V Drugs | Drug Classifications | Duffy's Rehab. Retrieved 8 December 2019, from
Understanding Drug Use and Addiction. (2018). Retrieved 7 December 2019, from
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