Essay on Creating Social Platforms: Urban Design & Public Spaces

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  442 Words
Date:  2023-02-12

Urban design is the primary point of concern developing a city, public spaces, therefore, are essential assets to consider when designing and developing urban areas. These spaces provide people with many opportunities to engage in intercommunity relations and promote cultural awareness. Creating social platform for every in the city is important because it provides accessibility of different social services, comfort and creates effective sociability (Carmona, 2014). When urban designers and architects formulate and develop public spaces, it is essential to consider these factors to make it successful. This a paper the fore summarizes the significant points and the lessons learned from the reading s regarding urban design and the essence of public spaces.

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Public spaces are designed to be of great concern in defining how urban areas are shaped. The theory of urban design; the place-shaping continuum factor in the process and the essence of developing public space in the cities. This model of pace shaping has potentials to provide urban society with knowledge of public space and urban design (Carmona, 2014). The significant points of concern in public space and urban design are finding the core through critical analysis of social science and background design. It is crucial to consider analytical frameworks from different sources in designing urban centers.

Understanding urban design procedures to ensure that creation of public spaces is of stake in every step of designing and constructing urban areas is essential. Various types of public spaces have changed as a result of how people utilize the public realm (Whyte, 2013). The project of Street life is one of the significant points of concern in urban designed. It is essential because it puts into consideration the behaviors and the interactions of the people as well as other plazas. The availability of well-designed urban spaces offers hospitable environment. The street provides space for scapulars, water features, food vendors, and tree canopies. The study of the street project shows that the higher the number of hospitable features, the number of people gravitating and socializing in this space increase.

These readings, therefore, are primarily relevant urban design as practiced in the current urbanism. They provide the proper analysis of urban designs, plazas and the need for urban space. Plazas with do not provide this setting and deter residents from accessing public spaces must not be encouraged. The recommendations presented in the readings for urban planning and designers such as to regulate construction of Plazas concerning public spaces are useful in today's urbanism.


Carmona, M. (2014). The Place-shaping Continuum: A Theory of Urban Design Process. Journal of Urban Design, 19(1), 2-36.

Whyte, W. (2013) On What Makes Public Spaces Fail & What Makes Them Succeed.

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Essay on Creating Social Platforms: Urban Design & Public Spaces. (2023, Feb 12). Retrieved from

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