Essay Example on Web Video Marketing: The New King in Advertising

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  632 Words
Date:  2023-11-18


The era of restriction of video advertising to a 5-minute clip that interrupted TV shows has been passed by time. In the current world, web videography is the king. Web video marketing has a broader viewer base than the traditional mode of advertisements. Secondly, it gives the videographer a better chance to address his chosen demographics. As social media marketing is at the forefront of the marketing world, web videos are the best tools to increase brand awareness and recognition so that they can be shared across multiple platforms, including mobile devices.

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Features of Production

The following are the basic features of video production; first, the location of where the video will be filmed. Secondly, the characters in the video should be as enjoyable as possible, and if what is being said or done is not interesting, let someone who is excited say or do it. Thirdly the costumes that the characters wear should be responsive and in line with what the video is about. Additionally, the video should have exotic props that the incorporation of exciting items to explain what is being said. Consequently, the actions in the video should be collaborated with what is being said.

Light as a Critical Part of Video Recording

There are several factors to contemplate when doing a video or film project. Thoughts like location, ambient light usage, changing state of condition, shadows, and natural light have a vital role in influencing a shot. When setting the lighting on any shot, filling in sophisticated light, brightness, and the backlight is an ideal start. It is an excellent place to learn the basic principles of adequate lighting that are evolving in videography.

Process of Choosing the Proper Lighting

Step 1: Prepare for shooting. When doing a video, it is a good idea to check your location in advance.
Step 2: Choose your lighting options and types.
Step 3: Install a 3-point lighting system.
Step 4: Select your light color temperature.
Step 5: Watch out for glare.

Digital Video Vs Analog Video

Digital video is an electronic portrayal of in-motion images (video) in the semblance of encoded digital data, unlike analog video, which refers to images that appear with analog signals. The digital video consists of a sequence of fast-moving digital photos in a row. Unlike analog recordings, digital recordings comprise metadata - "data about data" - information that elaborates the nature of the primary record.

Strategies of Web Video Editing Software

The process of video editing can be tedious and tricky; thus, various technologies have been set up to help in this task. For instance, Pen-based video editing software was created to provide people with a more intuitive and fast way to edit video. The following are the fundamental strategies for using web video editing software to gain a significant audience for your videos. First and foremost, you should use cuts wisely. Then fathom how to incorporate montages.

Additionally, use the trick of cutting in on the action. Consequently, master the cutaway shots which are one of the most critical tips in video editing. Lastly, understand how to match cuts.

Benefits of Web Video Editing Software

The use of video editing software is beneficial in many ways as it is economical, you can use one of the many free software’s or pay a small subscription fee to get a useful tool just as handy as a pro editor. Secondly, it is time-saving it simplifies the process of creating a video, thus saving time and effort. It also allows for working remotely and enhances productivity. Additionally, it provides for the modification of videos and the development more engaging videos.


Knoblauch, H., Tuma, R., & Schnettler, B. (2013). Video analysis and videography. The SAGE handbook of qualitative data analysis, 435-449.

Knoblauch, H., Tuma, R., & Schnettler, B. (2014). Videography. Peter Lang.

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Essay Example on Web Video Marketing: The New King in Advertising. (2023, Nov 18). Retrieved from

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