Human sexual behavior is how people experience and express themselves sexually(Simon,2017). Sex experience and expression involve biological, physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and other behavioral feelings in human beings. The various sexual behaviors are experienced in different ways, and they take place in a different human setting. High-risk sexual behaviors include: unsafe intercourse, unsafe mouth to genital contact, sex at an early age, having sex with multiple partners, and having a partner who takes part in sexual behaviors with multiple partners. Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United of America (SIECUS), believes that all people have the right to get an education on sexuality that addresses all the feelings, values, and attitudes in individuals. SIECUS provides key concepts which incorporate the essential area of people and especially young people. The ideas include sexual behavior relating to human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, society, and culture. This paper critically analyses the sexual behavior of individuals, couples, and group of people. With the SIECUS guidelines, it determines whether the people observed in the study displays actions that relate to SIECUS key concepts. The observational study site for the case study in this paper is a bar as a natural setting.
Human Development
Human development is the process of expanding people's freedom and opportunities for improving their loves (Weeks, 2017). People need the freedom of who they want to be, what they want to do, and how to live. Liberty is intended to make people enjoy what they like and improve their lives. However, sometimes the freedom is misused by people; for instance, people in a bar show little respect for their bodies; they engage in risky sexual behaviors, especially after the influence of alcohol. Higher attendance in a bar participates in casual sex. There is divine intimacy of people getting romantic attraction in a bar setting ending up in sexual behaviors. A bar is a recreational place, and people tend to prefer sex as part of pleasure apart from enjoying drinks. Secondly, People in most cases, carry themselves out in a disorderly manner; they do not respect their sexual orientation and that of others. Women, for instance, wear revealing clothes which may sexually arouse people seeing them. Again the interaction of people is sometimes disrespectful; people insult one another referring to sexuality, especially when drunk. With the evidence of the sexual behavioral actions, it seems that there is ignorance about reproduction and sexuality. People do not seek more information about sexual behavior. That is why there are high cases of sexual behavior that are not in line with the right knowledge of procreation. This sexual behavior leads to the following risks: -unplanned pregnancy among women, contracting sexually transmitted infections including HIV (Moses, 2016), physical health problems among girls and women, emotional and physical pain especially having sex before developing fully, tendency of getting certain types of cancers to people who do not receive the HPV vaccine as a preteen, there is also the issue of privacy concern that may arise. In the case of the occurrences, a person cannot develop well in their lives.
A relationship is the way more than one person connects socially, physically, and other aspects of life. Marriage is an example of a relationship; married people share their time and experience good things. Regarding sexual behaviors in a bar setting, a high number of people do not view their families as a valuable source of love. That is why they preferably use other means to satisfy their feelings like spending their time in bars and having lots of drinks and fun. In that way, they would not be able to express love and intimacy appropriately to the people they deserve. Inability to show appreciation to their families leads to family break up. Most people who drink in the bars rarely develop and maintain good relationships. People engage in exploitative and manipulative links. People use money and other material things to entice one another in relationships rather than quality values and raising a family. Choices about family relationships among people are poor; the study showed that people make poor decisions on matters concerning their families. The main course is perpetuated as addiction to alcohol, which leads to irresponsibility in families; they choose to remain in bars rather than giving families quality time. Skills of personal relationships displayed are questionable; in most cases, people communicated inappropriately with one another; there was no integrity or humility in their words. People seem to have given up on what relates to them. They have lost skills like responsibility, dependability, and good listening, which could help them respond to their families and other people who are close to them appropriately. These downfalls are as a result of ignorance and lack of education. If only they could know the effects of their actions, they could not have tried any of these behaviors. Also, most people do little to practice acceptable cultural practices; they seldom perform their responsibilities as culture requires. Ideas on families have changed; they do not take full responsibility for their families. The situation could be different in a different place, but since it is a natural setting, it is considerate in need of educating people in matters to do with sexual behavior.
Personal Skills
Personal skills are the capabilities of someone to communicate with others. Communication is an essential characteristic of humanity, but how to execute it sometimes matters. Study in the bar shows that people identify and know the excellent values in communications, but it's difficult to live to the benefits. Due to circumstances like alcohol influence that is surrounding them in their setting; people do not take responsibility for their values, they don't care if their actions hurt anyone. Behaviors exhibited in bars are not integral; people talk inappropriately and wear indecent clothes in bars.
Moreover, people do not make an active decision; they engage in unlawful acts like insults, fights, and abuse of language. The action is a clear indication that people do not consider the consequences of their decisions. These illegal acts are as a result of a lack of personal skills. Sometimes people fight in bars with peers or partners without considering the outcomes of their actions, the fighting maybe as a result of offensive utterances that offend people. Influence of alcohol is the leading cause of the acts. The fight is sometimes extended to families after misunderstanding arises when a drunken member of the family arrives home, and the partner demands some explanations, from there, it occurs the violence. Generally, effective communication with friends, peers, and family is the problem. People need to know the importance of communication, especially about sexual behavior, that is why the SIECUS is committed to educating people about the same. Education could help people to have excellent communication skills that enhance the development of oneself even sexually.
Sexual Behavior
How people express their sexuality(Rainwater,2017). There were different ways in which people expressed their sexuality in a bar setting. People in the bar do not enjoy the expression of sexuality throughout their lives. In most cases, they don't have a valid partner to share feelings with, and they only experience casual sexual behavior with people they meet in a short while. There is no enough privacy and proper psychological preparation to engage in sexual behavior. How they express their sexuality is not incongruent to ethical, moral values. Most of the people participating in sexual behavior in the bar are committing adultery and fornication. Adultery and fornication are immoral values of sexuality. People do not differentiate between sexual behaviors that add value to their lives and the ones that may destroy them. They don't enjoy the sexual benefits unless they act on them. As people express there sexuality, they do it without caring for the feeling of the others liker, forcing others to experience sexual behaviors with them, which is disrespecting others. The sexual relationship's taking place a time might not be consensual due to the influence of alcohol.
Sexual Health
Sexual health is the situation where a person is well physically and mentally in the way he or she expresses sexuality. To be sexually healthy physically is to be free from any illness affecting sexual parts. Being healthy social wise is being free from sexual abuses like coercion, violence, and discrimination. In the bar, many people use contraceptives when having sex to avoid unintended pregnancies. In the case of pregnancy, women will have to seek early prenatal care. The purpose of the use of contraceptives apart from preventing pregnancies is to prevent contrasting and transmitting sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV. However, people are not consistent with the values of dealing with unwanted pregnancies. People use contraceptives when in conscience, but the moment they are drunk or 'high", they may not use the contraceptives. After getting pregnant, women practices health-promoting behaviors such as cancer and blood pressure checkup because it is mandatory.
Society and Culture
A community is a group of people who have common characteristics with the same deposits of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, roles, and the concepts of the universe. Culture on the side is the way people live together in society. Different societies have different cultures and way of life. A bar setting may contain people from different communities and therefore different cultures, but there is that common culture of human beings. In sexuality, there are also different cultures of sexual behavior that are practiced in different societies. The observation made showed that most people who were in the bar at that particular time-respected person with unusual sexual values. From various conversations, there was no discrimination of anyone with different amounts of sexuality by others. People acts displayed democratic responsibility to the influence of rights of each individual and the legislation dealing with sexual abuse to exercise its mandate fully. People could express themselves sexually without discriminations. From the observations, it shows that there is an extraordinary impact on the family, cultures, religion, and social messages on the thoughts, feelings, and values of people about sexuality. The society will always react to the view and opinions of people. The reaction can either positive or negative; people at the bar respected the thought of others about sexuality an act that promoted the rights of all people to accurate sexual information. People also avoided behaviors that could prejudice and bigotry people's views and thoughts of sexuality. Moreover, people rejected stereotypes about the sexuality of the diverse population. The overall behavior observed at the bar served as an education to the members of society at large.
The study had challenges, limitations, and strengths. Strengths include examining the sexual behavior of people under criteria; the examination sought to integrate the findings with the guidelines which made the study straight forward. The study took place in a public place which provides enough data collection. The weakness of the survey includes the setting which is fixed to the bar environment. It could have better if the study were in different places, there is a possibility that all aspects of social life were not studied. The other weakness is that at the people...
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