The bible refers to Jesus as a king. It brings about the deeds he performed to others even though he was not mentioned to be a political leader. His acts were compassionate and very important to the people concerned. He did his actions with a lot of love and authority. These brought about his meaning and importance to society, as explained below.
The book of (Mathew 9:1-8 in NRSV) displays Jesus' acts of mercy and authority. When Jesus boarded the boat and sailed near to his town, people managed to bring a paralyzed person. Jesus discerned the great faith possessed by the people, and he told the suffering person to have the courage for his sins were forgiven. This very moment law's teachers heard what Jesus had said, and according to them, Jesus had spoken blasphemy. Jesus perceived their thinking and asked them why they had such evil thoughts. He told them that he would prove to them that he had authority to forgive sins on earth. These happened just after asking them what was easier between saying, his sins were forgiven or asking him to arise and move. Jesus then instructed the suffering person to appear, collect his beddings and walk home. It happened as he had said. The suffering person rose and headed home. This act made people afraid of experiencing the same. They all applauded God for providing such power to the human being ("Unit 1: The Story Begins").
Jesus performed the miracle out of love and the mercy he felt when the suffering man was brought to him. Jesus' importance to the needy is displayed in his act which brings about his meaning and purpose here on earth just as he mentions that he will insinuate to them he had power to forgive sins (Carter, 20).
When Jesus was in the house of Mathew, an official of the Jewish came, knelt just where Jesus was and told him that his daughter had passed on, he then asked Jesus to go and place his hands, and she believed by Jesus doing that, his daughter would live. So, Jesus rose and went together with the man as his disciples followed. To the Jewish official's house. The woman who experienced severe 12years of excessive bleeding moved towards Jesus at the back and touched Jesus' cloak. She believed and said that, if she made to touch Jesus' cloak, she would get healed. Just after she touched, Jesus turned, and he was able to see her. He called her as her daughter and told her to have the courage that her faith had made her well. At that time, she was healed (Mathew 9:18-22 in NRSV).
Jesus' power and ability are unlimited. It happens that just by touching his cloak, the faith the woman had made her well. Jesus declares her well, and indeed, it comes to pass. This clearly teaches Jesus' meaning and importance, which brought about his existence on earth. He is full of unconditional mercy (Carter, 9).
Then Jesus was welcomed in the official's house and found that the musicians and the people were ready to mourn. He asked everybody to get out and said that the girl wasn't dead but only sleeping. He then moved into the girl's room and held her hand then the girl rose. The news spread all over that part of the country (Mathew 9:22-26 in NRSV).
The girl was already dead as her father mentions it. However, due to the faith of the father and through the mercy Jesus had upon her family, she resurrected from the dead and life was brought back to her.
In Mathew 9:27-31 in NRSV, when Jesus was walking, two men followed him. The two men were blind. They called out shouting that Jesus, son of David to have mercy on them. He continued walking, and they followed up to where they found him indoors and moved to where he was. Jesus then asked them if they believed that he could heal them. They referred to him as 'sir'. Then he touched their eyes saying that, may it be then, just as they believed. They were healed and able to see again. They went to spread the experience despite being warned by Jesus not to tell anyone.
The blind men were aware that Jesus had powers to bring the awaited desires in their life. This awareness made them shout to him with a lot of confidence and follow him to the indoors. They believed and out of it, Jesus healed them, and he restored sight to them. We discern the purpose and importance of Jesus in this miracle. He came to restore happiness to the sorrowful, heal the sick, forgives the sinners, clears the burdened and show his able power. Everything happened out of mercy from Jesus and through the belief of the victims. The unconditional love, compassion and power brought the art of Jesus' purpose, meaning and his significance on earth. This uniqueness and ability draw in the title, compassionate king (Carter, 12).Presence of Jesus' Authority in The Book of Mathew
Jesus is said to be a God himself. These show that he possesses mighty power. The book of Mathew provides scenes that portray the authority Jesus owns. Authority is the power to enforce rules or give orders. Below are some of the scenes.
Jesus arrived at Capernaum and met a Roman officer who meekly requested for Jesus' help. He told Jesus that his servant was sick resting on the bed at home. He explained that the servant could not be able to move that he was suffering severely. Jesus was ready to move and heal the servant. When he was about to make a move, the Roman Officer declined, and referred to him as 'sir,' stopping him from going. He told Jesus that he was not worth for him to enter his house. He requested Jesus just to give an order, and the servant would be well. He told Jesus that he is a man of superior authority and had soldiers below him. He also said to Him that he orders, 'go!' and a slave goes; he also orders "come!" and a slave comes. Jesus was surprised when he heard that. He told the people that he has never come across someone in Israel with such faith. Then later, Jesus told the Officer to go home and what he believed would be done for him. The Officer's servant healed immediately.
Jesus' authority is well displayed in this scene. He was a Roman officer, a powerful man in the ranks, but came to Jesus and begged for help. He approached Jesus as 'sir,' proving that Jesus had powerful authority than him. He degraded himself before Jesus. He said that he was not worth for him to go under his roof. He believed that by Jesus giving the order, his servant would get well. He also proved Jesus that he well knew the power of authority. This happened when he told Jesus that he also give orders to his slaves.
In the book of Mathew 8:23-27 displays another scene that proves the mighty authority Jesus possessed; When Jesus boarded a boat, his disciples accompanied him. Unexpectedly a storm struck the lake when Jesus slept, and they were in danger. Disciples confronted Jesus to wake up and help them out of the calamity. Jesus asked them why they were that frightened and stated that they had little faith. Jesus rose and authorized storm to calm down. It happened as he instructed, and they all wondered.
Jesus indeed has persuasive authority. Come to think of it; the disciples cant calm the storm for they have little faith and for Jesus authority and faith, he orders the wind and the waves to calm, and indeed it happens. His power of authority is beyond natural calamities.
Mathew 21:28 brings more clear scenes that display the value of authority that Jesus possesses. When Jesus and his disciples arrived in Jerusalem, they went at Bethphage at Mount Olives. Jesus instructed two of his disciples to visit the nearer village. He informed them that there was a donkey tied up with her colt beside. He told them to bring the animals where he was. He also provided an answer to any question in case anyone is concerned about the whereabouts. The answer was, to say that the Master required them. He assured them that him that would ask, would let them go after the solution. He also sent them to inform the city of Zion that they were to look and see their humble king coming riding on a donkey. They did as authorized. Many people prepared a way for him on a colt. There were applauses from the crowd.
In the extracted text, we find that Jesus is powerful and have authority above the future. He knows of what will happen in future, and still, he can place orders according to his predictions. All the rules he puts, come to pass and happens as he states. We see Jesus telling his disciples precisely of where to find the donkey and the colt, the answer to give for any question asked. His authority makes the whole city leave the occupations, and all come to praise him. He is being honored high while riding on a very humbled animal. These show the contrast and proves that his authority was working. Otherwise, if it were not for the power of the authority, it would not have happened since the prominent people who used to be praised then rode on horses.
Hebden, K. (2013). Seeking Justice: The Radical Compassion of Jesus. John Hunt Publishing. Retrieved from:
Gibson, A. (2015). Meanings and applications of compassion in teaching: a practical review of the bible and educational literature. Christian Education Journal, 12(1), 8-25. Retrieved from:
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