Essay Example on California Psychological Inventory (CPI) Assessment: Enhancing Performance

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  405 Words
Date:  2023-08-27


According to (Courtright, 2017) the California Psychological Inventory assessments are described as strong techniques for assisting people enhance their performance. The (CPI) assessment is grouped into four main categories, whereby the first measures an individual’s ascendancy, balance, confidence, and interpersonal sufficiency. The second category measures an individual’s personality, interpersonal values, responsibility, and socialization. The third category measures a person’s attainment potential and intellectual coherence while the fourth classification measures interests and intellectual modes.

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How the Assessment Leads to a Better Understanding of Self

The (CPI) assessment uses a complex method to extricate comprehensive personality insights, to outline how other people view a person and determine his or her leadership style and hence leading to a better understanding of an individual and how he or she interacts with others. The California Psychological Inventory assessments enable a person to get an explicit view of their personal and work-related attributes, their incentives, as well as their reasoning style. The (CPI) assessments use empirical estimates to contrast the responses of an individual to data on trained managers. The assessments designate which of the four distinct lifestyles best describes the participant. Besides, the (CPI) assessments provide a special view on how people govern themselves and cope with others, and hence showing strengths and growth opportunities.

Discussion 2

Situations where the (CPI) Assessment is Most Applicable

The (CPI) assessment can be used in various situations such as leadership competencies. In this case, the assessment can be used to evaluate a person’s orientation towards values, rules, and people, as well as their inner feelings. (Chen, 2019) maintains that the CPI assessments single out competencies that are described as strengths and areas that require development. The (CPI) assessment can also be used to enhance the process of selection and retention in a company to discover the right talent and retain the individuals that are already engaged. More importantly, (CPI) assessments are very useful in situations where there is a need for performance improvement (Chen, 2019). As such, understanding (CPI) will not only help increase the self-awareness of an individual but also their communication patterns as part of a team.


Courtright, J. (2017). Relationship between CPI & Learning Styles (Doctoral dissertation, Florida Gulf Coast University). file:///C:/Users/Feerot/AppData/Local/Temp/Courtright_fgcu_1743_10235.pdf

Chen, R. (2019). Comparison of Personality Traits between Undergraduates Majoring in Art with and without Hearing-Impaired.

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Essay Example on California Psychological Inventory (CPI) Assessment: Enhancing Performance. (2023, Aug 27). Retrieved from

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