Rape Child Molestation Exhibitionism Sex Trafficking
List the distinguishing factors that qualify each crime as a sexual offense. Rape occurs when a person uses force and intentionally penetrates a woman's vagina, mouth or even the anus without asking for consent.
This act may be carried out by the use of physical force, abuse of the authority or even the use of threats so that the victim can give in to the forceful acts (Searles, 2018). Child molestation is a sexual crime that involves indecent sexual activities inflicted on a child below the age of being able to give consent.
It also includes indecent exposure of the genitals, female nipples, sexual exploitation and also using a child who is a minor to produce child pornography (Searles, 2018)
Child molestation can occur in many settings that include the school grounds, at home or even workplace. It is the intense, sexually arousing of urges or behavior that involves the exposure of a person's genitals to the unsuspecting individuals (Searles, 2018). The individual committing this crime can at times be termed as a "flasher", who feels the urge to impress the victims. No further harmful advances are inflicted on the victim. Sexual contact is infrequent; the person committing the crime may masturbate. Sex trafficking refers to when individuals conduct commercial sex through force or even coercion. Many minors are caught up in sex trafficking (Searles, 2018). The sexual traffickers mostly use violence, lies in order to be able to control and manipulate the victim for their gain. Sexual trafficking exists in many places that include the escort services, brothels, street clubs and also streets.
Rank these offences from least to most offensive. (1 being least offensive, four being most offensive.) Most Offensive Most Offensive Least Offensive Most Offensive
Note whether each offence is a misdemeanor or felony according to your state. The offence is a felony. Which mostly amounts to around 15 to 60 years imprisonment and also excellent of Fifty Thousand Dollars (Dressel & Farid, 2018).
The felonies are classified into types depending on the rape activity committed. Child molestation is termed as a felony offence. Any individual that violates an innocent child should be prosecuted fully to the full extent of the law even if it entails mere accusations. Child molestation may include; incest’s, Sexual Assaults, Child Pornography. The offence committed is termed as a misdemeanor. The law separates the two actions that are; when one intentionally exposes the genitals or buttocks to someone else or touching someone intimately so that the other person can see (Dressel & Farid, 2018). Indecent behavior is classified as class B and E, both with different fines and serving jail times. The offence is a felony. According to the Tennessee laws, sex trafficking does not only include subjecting or even attempting to benefit another person provision of prostitution. It also includes harboring, providing and also enticing, purchasing or acts of provision fake passports to the minors in order to facilitate the sex trafficking (Dressel & Farid, 2018). They will be faced with a lengthy jail term.
Describe the range of punishments for each crime. The punishment ranges depending on the type of rape:
For Aggravated rape; Termed as Class A Felony, the punishment is life imprisonment and a fine of not more than fifty thousand dollars.
Class B Felony – 3 to 15 years imprisonment and a fine of Ten Thousand Dollars, it includes offences such as aggravated rape
A person convicted of molesting a child can face life imprisonment, and the felon will be under community supervision for at least fifteen years and also a hefty fine will be imposed on the convicted felon.
One also loses a job, have restricted future opportunities, harassment and also social repercussions. The punishment ranges and is classified in terms of class
Class A Misdemeanor, refers to when the defendant is 18 years of age or older, and the victim is 13 years of age, the jail time is not greater than 11 months, and the fine does not exceed Two thousand five hundred dollars.
Class E; Means that the defendant is of 18 years of age, while the victim is 13 years of age, the sexual offender will be fined three thousand dollars and also a one to six years imprisonment.
The punishment includes increased fines of up to One million five hundred US dollars, and the person tends to face jail imprisonment of around twenty years or more. If the death of a victim occurs as a result of the violation, or even sexual abuse, the maximum punishment will entail life imprisonment. The law also punishes the use of fraud and coercion to conduct sexy trafficking activities.
State whether psychological treatment should be part of the punishment for these crimes. Explain your answer. Psychological treatment is essential since the convicts tend to have a history of been raped, beaten or have a social phobia (Jones, 2017). Thus the treatment will aid in reducing the likelihood to repeat the same sexual offence The treatment is necessary since psychological treatment for child molesters have aided in reducing the rates in sexual recidivism. The treatment programs also assisted in reducing the sexual urges and also led to a reduction in violent behaviors. Yes, treatment should be included since exhibitionism is a mental disorder where a person exposes the other persons' genital organs. They should undergo therapy sessions in order to develop ways to cope up with this disorder (Jones, 2017). They are taught cognitive restructuring that entails changing thoughts that cause a specific behavior, which has been active in a couple of years. The treatment is necessary since it will help the sex traffickers cope up and value human life more (Jones, 2017). The treatment strategies include strategies to treat Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder evidenced by the inhuman activities this sex traffickers do and also cognitive therapies to improve on one's behavior.
Explain the history or evolution of legal statutes that have affected the punishments for these crimes. Provide an example. History
During American colonies, rape was defined as "carnal knowledge of a woman ten years or older, forcibly and against her will". In the 1880s activists raised the consent age (Searles, 2018). In 1861 the slave women could file rape charges on a white man since during the old times, the black woman had no voice. The Federal rules imply severe consequences of extended jail time and significant fines. Evolution
During the past, child molesters faced their jail time and later on released to the community, the convicts later on committed child molestation criminal activities, like in the case of Shriner, a prisoner who had raped and mutilated a seven-year-old boy, was later on released and he did the same crime. This led to the formation of the International Megan's law signed in the year 2016 to prevent exploitation of sexual activities on minors, and it also did a public notification of the sex offenders to the public. The punishment resulted in serving lengthy jail time and also a considerable number of fines to be imposed on the child molesters. Evolution
The laws have changed, and the indecent behavior that involves exposure of other person genitals is typically charged as a misdemeanor offence. When a person exposes indecent behavior to a minor, it can be filed with criminal charges and also the convicts will be faced with many penalties and also be added to the National Sex Offender Registry. Evolution
The laws have undergone evolution and have come to an understanding that some sex traffickers are mostly linked to business firms (Searles, 2018). The new laws that create procedures to dissolute businesses or also revoke the business licenses of the sex traffickers in the Sexual Offender Laws. The laws also have raised penalties for persons found conducting sexual trafficking activities.
Dressel, J., & Farid, H. (2018). The accuracy, fairness, and limits of predicting recidivism. Science Advances, 4(1), eaao5580. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.aao5580
Jones, S. (2017). 5. Crime and the environment. Criminology. https://doi.org/10.1093/he/9780198768968.003.0005
Searles, P. (2018). Rape and society. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429493201
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Distinguishing Factors of Sexual Offenses: Rape, Child Molestation, Exhibitionism, Sex Trafficking - Essay Sample. (2023, Aug 26). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/distinguishing-factors-of-sexual-offenses-rape-child-molestation-exhibitionism-sex-trafficking-essay-sample
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