Critical Essay on Procession of Floats: Anticipating Edison's Electricity Experiment

Paper Type:  Course work
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  613 Words
Date:  2023-03-27

The title of the video is "Procession of Floats." From how the film looks like, there is great anticipation of the work of Thomas A. Edison. It seems there will be an experiment to show the successful nature of his popularly known achievement. He might be demonstrating to a group of intellectuals how the idea of electricity works. Also, from the title of the film, it is possible to deduce what is expected. The procession is a movement of occurrence. On the other hand, floats are like caravans of exhibitions. There might be a description and demonstration of the work of Thomas Edison. It is also expected that there will be a massive crowd of people who availed themselves to come to a bare witness of such an event.

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The film is a documentary video. The reason behind this is due to the nature of the relevant context it plays. Thomas Edison is a figure known in all corners of the earth for a scientific invention. No scientist would undertake work to do worth circuits without acknowledging the work of Thomas Edison. The film documents something that occurred long ago, and it is important to keep such a film in the archives. Showcasing how things were done during such time and era is vital to the archives.

The film can also be a news report. News agencies during the time of Thomas Edison might have wanted to air out the work done. The only way to achieve this is by making sure the cameras get a glimpse of the procession of floats. Such a catchy title can also be proof of the film becoming a news report. The film is also informational since it gives the viewer information about various proceedings found in the film. It is educational in the sense that it creates an atmosphere of knowledge through the work done by such a major scientist and inventor.

The film also displays various elements. Its past nature describes why it is black and white. Those years' people never saw a colored television. There is a celebratory mood all through the film. It might have been a holiday celebration.

There is a crowd of people standing and looking at a procession. The people are so close to the camera. There is a caravan that passes and is filled with lots of schoolgirls who have aligned themselves around the float. The video seems to be taken form a town. A corps of firefighters proceeds with a mule-drawn float. There are also horses seen. Lastly, there is a young boy who seems to stand in front of the camera and obstruct the view.

The film was taken on March 10, 1898. During this time, history was being made, and Thomas Edison was busy trying to find and invent things. The importance of the event is that it marks up the first motion film ever recorded in public.

Thomas Edison and his associates probably made the film. The film targets news agencies that would air out such a tremendous achievement. Also, the Thomas Edison Company might have wanted to test how well their kinetoscope works; thus, a scientist might be the target audience who will bear witness of the inventions. The creator wished the audience to be intrigued by the recording. Evidence is the aghast nature of a person who stared at the recording device.

The film has given detailed information concerning the golden jubilee celebration that took place in San Francisco. Such information of the 1898 occurrence cannot be found anywhere else other than in the video. Also, the use of historical events and information about such celebrations provide a clue of the true happenings in the video.

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Critical Essay on Procession of Floats: Anticipating Edison's Electricity Experiment. (2023, Mar 27). Retrieved from

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