Critical Analysis Essay on The Man Who Was Almost a Man

Paper Type:  Research paper
Pages:  7
Wordcount:  1775 Words
Date:  2022-12-08


Over time, individuals go through experiences which shape them and force them to grow. It reaches a point where a person feels like they are entitled to certain privileges by virtue of their growth. In most circumstances, however, friends and family often fail to acknowledge our growth which can be frustrating. Whenever a person feel like their growth has not been acknowledged, they may resort to trying to prove themselves which mostly results to committing of more mistakes. In Richard Wright's The Man Who Was Almost a Man, Dave Saunders struggles to prove to society that he is of age but no one seems to acknowledge his growth. His need to prove his growth to society leads him into many mistakes and only complicates his life. In telling Dave's story, the author heavily relies on symbolism as a feature of style. Also, the use of figurative imagery helps in the dramatization of Dave's psychological experience. In my view, the use of literary devices such as symbolism, imagery and dialogue enabled the author to successfully portray Dave's story.

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In the story, the gun is used symbolically to represent manhood and masculinity. Dave had been struggling with his life for long and he wished to end his frustrations. As a farm worker, Dave often saw other grown workers playing with their guns and he wanted to achieve their sense of masculinity. He had also been bullied and the experience forced him to think about how he could get a gun and stop the bullies. In the story, the gun is perceived as the ultimate symbol of power (Baym 65). Dave imagines how the gun will enable him to demand respect not only from his black coworkers but even white people. Dave had always desired the power which Mr. Hawkins held. Hawkins, who was a rich plantation owner, controlled many people and Dave wanted to be like him. Dave, however, failed to understand that Mr. Hawkins did not only derive his power from a gun but also from his ethnicity. During those times, racism was rampant and therefore, white people were more powerful compared to blacks. Therefore, even if Dave bought himself the gun he desired, he would still not be able to wield the power that Mr. Hawkins or any other white person had.

Some of the power that Dave wanted to achieve was the ability to make his own decisions. Throughout his existence, his parents had dictated his moves. For instance, even though he worked at the farm, his wages were paid directly to his parents who would then give him the money as they deemed fit. He was tired of people controlling his life and the idea of owning a gun was exciting to him since he imagined that he would be able to control the gun and also be able to achieve some form of control over his life due to the power that comes with owning a gun. This, however, fails to materialize as he fails to control the gun. His first attempt at controlling a gun is disastrous as he fumbles and mistakenly shoots a mule belonging to Mr. Hawkins. His failure symbolizes the fact that he was not yet ready to become a man as he was still not yet in control of his life (Reilly 24). His mother had only allowed him to own a gun because Dave's father did not own one and she thought it was necessary. Dave's father did not have a gun yet he was the most powerful man in their homestead. He was in control of all the activities in the homestead but it had taken him time to achieve his status. The power that Dave desired would only be achieved by him taking control of his life. His failure to control the gun the first time he shot it demonstrates this statement. However, after some time, Dave manages to shoot properly without dropping the gun nor closing his eyes. This is the first instance where he achieves real power. Dave's ability to control the gun represents his steady growth over time. He had only been a young man living with his parents and lacking agency but after some time, he believed he was ready to face life by himself. It takes time to grow from a boy to a man. The time it took him to learn how to shoot his gun represents his growth journey.

Richard Wright makes great use of interior monologue in revealing David's thoughts. Under similar circumstances, other authors usually opt for third person omniscient narration which can be effective as well. However, by using both techniques, Wright was able to better present Dave's turmoil in trying to be an adult. For instance, during the beginning of the story, several thoughts run through Dave's head. In his southern black accent, he plots on how to acquire a gun from Joe and demand respect from those boys who used to bully him. By revealing Dave's thoughts, readers get to identify and empathize with his struggles. The story would not have the same impact on readers if it was only revealed through third person narration. Wright also dramatizes David's struggles through figurative imagery. For instance, at the point when David was looking for the gun which he had buried, the author states that "he was like a hungry dog scathing for a bone" (Wright 6). The use of such figurative language enables readers to create their own mental picture of the situation and therefore enables the narrator to effectively pass the intended message. When Dave was searching for the gun, it is evident that he was desperate to retrieve it. The figurative language used illustrates this fact. Dave's desperation was borne of the fact that he had only recently acquired the gun and was still anxious to feel the power that the gun would bestow him.

When Dave first acquired the gun, he felt as though he had finally acquired manhood. However, he failed to understand that being a "man" comes with several responsibilities. His dad was powerful in their homestead because he was responsible for their well-being. Mr. Hawkins was also powerful because he was responsible for various workers. Dave, on the other hand, had never experienced any sense of responsibility. Everything in his life was controlled by his parents. When he bought the gun, he did not know that it came with responsibilities. Even his mother did not trust that he could be responsible for anything. This is the reason she insisted on keeping the gun once Dave bought it. Even though the gun made Dave feel powerful, it would take more time for him to acquire a sense of responsibility. This happens when he mistakenly shoots Mr. Hawkins mule and is forced to pay 50 dollars or work for two years without pay as restitution for his mistakes. The new responsibility he faces forces him to realize that being a man came with its own responsibilities which he was not ready to face. The mule is used symbolically to represent true responsibility.

Dave initially had problems with the fact that people treated him like a child. However, later on, it becomes evident to him that people do not only treat him like a child but like an animal. Dave would be beaten at times and he spent most of his time working yet his wages would be paid to his parents. Dave's story can be compared with Jenny's life. In the case of the mule, it was Mr. Hawkins who would reap the benefits of its hardwork. The death of the mule forced Dave to evaluate his life and make the necessary changes. He grew tired of being someone else's responsibility and wanted to carve his own path. He understood that he would not be able to achieve the manhood he badly desired if he continued living with his parents. His mistakes therefore taught him responsibility. Dave's sense of power and responsibility is however questionable since they are pegged on his ownership of the gun (Reilly 16). Even as he leaves his hometown to get on a train, he feels courageous simply because of the gun in his possession. Before getting on the train, he checks to see if he still has the gun and even when he gets on the train, he checks again. It can, therefore, be argued that Dave had not truly acquired a sense of responsibility and was only courageous because of the gun. In the event that he misplaced the gun, he would have to return to his parents since it is evident that he was still immature.

Running away from his home gave Dave a real chance of becoming a man. However, as long as he continued depending on the gun for his survival, he would never achieve the manhood he desired. Manhood is about accepting one's responsibilities and practicing patience when it is necessary. Dave, however, decided to choose the seemingly easy way out of his troubles. Had he stayed at home, he would have worked for the two years and after that, he would have been free to do as he pleased. His father, had long accepted his responsibility towards his family and had never attempted to run away. It is evident that his father had learnt to be responsible and powerful over time. Dave, on the other hand, wanted to be as powerful as Mr. Hawkins yet he was not ready to embrace his responsibilities. He was in a rush to live a life that he was not prepared for. Dave makes several mistakes in his attempt of attaining things that are beyond him. He fails to comprehend the fact that issues of racism and classism had contributed to the poor life he lived. Richard Wright's story is of a naturalist nature since the main protagonist, Dave, seems to be doomed by his own shortcomings.


In conclusion, Dave makes several attempts to go against the social-economic structure that had been forced on him. He purchases a gun as he believes it would enable him to attain respect but his plans fail and he is forced to run away from his new responsibilities. It is Dave's immaturity prevents him from attaining respect from his peers. Richard Wright successfully used stylistic features such as symbolism to effectively tell Dave's story. Wright also critiques the social structure in the story through the experiences of his characters.

Works Cited

Baym, Nina. The Norton Anthology of American Literature: Beginnings to 1865. W Norton & Company, 2007.

Reilly, John M. Richard Wright the Critical Reception. Burt Franklin, 1978.

Wright, Richard. "The man who was almost a man." The short story: 50 masterpieces (1983): 499-511.

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Critical Analysis Essay on The Man Who Was Almost a Man. (2022, Dec 08). Retrieved from

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