Research Design
The study will use a generic qualitative study to understand the causes and impacts of racial microaggressions and how black female students integrate these experiences. Intuitively, this methodology will seek to examine how respondents interpret their experiences with the phenomenon of interest and how they assign meaning to their experiences. Reportedly, a generic qualitative study will be selected for this proposal because it is simplistic and is not bound by a specific structured methodology or traditions. Generic qualitative research design will be chosen for this study because it does not need technical means to analyze data and thus enabling the researcher to garner themes with ease. Reportedly, generic qualitative research focuses on the content of real-world experiences as opposed to the internal textures and structures of participants' experiencing processes of a given phenomenon (Cooper & Endacott, 2007). Therefore, the issue under the investigation will be examined to gain an understanding of what will be experienced as opposed to how it will be experienced. The main of this study is to gain the understanding of the beliefs, attitudes, and reflections of black female students' experiences with racial microaggressions, as well as, what occurs in response to encounters with racial microaggressions. Therefore, by examining the content of the experience that may affect their cognitive processes together with the coping responses, generic qualitative research design will enable the researcher to gain knowledge regarding the daily experiences of black female students regarding racial microaggressions in community universities.
Target Population, Sample Size, and Sampling Technique
The population that the present study will target encompasses seven black female students who share similar experiences of racial microaggressions and must have stayed in the United States for at least six years to facilitate understanding of previous experiences and causes and impacts of racial microaggressions within this stipulated period.
In this study, purposeful, criterion sampling procedure will be used. The purposeful sampling procedure is appropriate for this study because it will enable the researcher to collect purposeful information from smaller sample size and provide essential data and critical understanding of important issues surrounding racial microaggressions experiences of black female students in community colleges and universities. Similarly, criterion sampling will be appropriate for this research because it will seek to the detailed description from varied college or university that meet predetermined criteria including having experience with racial microaggressions in the last six years and self- identifying as a black female student. For the present study, purposeful, criterion sampling will be used to gain essential data to answer the causes and impacts of racial microaggressions in community colleges and describe experiences of black female students with this phenomenon.
The sample for the present research will be selected from social networking sites aimed at educators, faculty and professional associations. A recruitment email announcement that contains personal contact of the researcher will be sent, and the telephone correspondence will be used to seek potential respondents for the study. The researcher will call the respondents to ensure that they meet the inclusion criteria that will be provided to them. After determining the eligibility, the researcher will describe the study, answer any question that participants will raise and request participation in the research. Once the participants will have agreed to take part in the study, the researcher will ask them to provide their phone number, email and address to enable him to send them consent form, inquire about the most convenient dates for the interview and explain to them that they will sign consent form during the day of the interview.
Data Collection
The researcher will use one- on- one oral interview to collect the data for this study. The data collection procedures will encompass. First, researcher will lead the participants in discussing the consent form and provide them with the chance to ask any question they will have regarding the study before they sign consent form. The researcher will explain the purpose of the study to the participants and define various terms including racial microaggressions, as well as, taxonomy of racial microaggressions. Afterward, the researcher will set up two electronic recording devices next to respondents and explain to them how the recording will occur. Before commencing the interview, each participant will be informed that anonymity will be used to maintain confidentiality and that the journal notes of the investigator will remain confidential as thoroughly. During the interview, the participants will be provided with the open-ended questions to give them sufficient time to recollect their experiences with racial microaggressions and to collect their feelings and thoughts before answering the questions. Afterward, participants will be asked interview questions. These questions will be semi-structured to guide respondents toward detailed information concerning racial microaggressions in community colleges and universities. The interviews will be audio recorded for easy transcription by the researcher. The researcher will put the transcripts in a manila envelope and mark it confidential to safeguard the identity of each respondent together with the data on the transcripts. The transcripts will be kept in a secure lockbox.
Data Analysis
The data analysis technique will encompass thematic analysis of the transcripts of the statements that participants will provide regarding the causes, impacts, and experiences with racial microaggressions. Thematic analysis will be most suitable for this study because of its insight, flexibility, and ability to examine comprehensive detail of the data set. The research study will apply inductive analysis, which is one of the approaches of thematic analysis. Inductive analysis as defined by Braun and Clarke (2006) refers to data-driven and not reliant on the interests of the researcher or preconceptions but on the information gathered from the study to obtain themes without reference to the past themes recognized in the literature. To analyze the data collected, the researcher will first familiarize himself with the data. In particular, he will immerse himself in the data to understand the data and identify patterns. He will carefully reread the data and take notes of the ideal concerning possible codes.
The researcher will then generate codes. He will generate the first codes according to the relevancy to the racial microaggressions. Here, the researcher will frequently look into the data set to establish interesting patterns and components of the data from each transcript that will answer the research question. Through this, the researcher will be able to generate possible codes. The researcher will also construct a map of patterns to establish whether such patterns relate in any way. The researcher will also extract and collate potential codes to identify potential themes. After that, the researcher will search for themes by sorting out the collated codes into potential themes. He will design a visual representation of the codes as this will enable him to organize major potential themes and also file other codes that failed to fit into the already sorted themes. Once that is done, the researcher will review the themes by identifying those that formed logical patterns from the ones that failed to form a coherent pattern. After that, the researcher will evaluate main themes, define, refine, and recreate to make sure that themes accurately deduced meanings from the data. The researcher will then create a diagram to help analyze the theme. The final step will encompass producing the report. Here, he will present the data and write a scholarly description of the analysis using the analyzed data and how the identified themes are relevant to the research questions.
Validity and Reliability
Reliability will be achieved by immersion in the data. Reportedly, this will encompass reviewing field notes, listening to audiotapes several times, and reading transcripts carefully to understand the relationship between the data. Reportedly, this will be incongruent with thematic analysis that demands the investigator to regularly review notes and the data set to establish the significant ideas, new and varied patterns, and understanding that offer critical information regarding racial microaggressions. Similarly, the researcher will conduct cross-checking and comparing various sources of data to ensure that responses that the participants will be consistent in the entire interview process. Besides, the researcher will use triangulation using several analysts to verify data especially interviews and field notes.
Limitations & Assumptions
To overcome potential biases, the researcher will use bracketing, introspection, and awareness. Usually, bracketing helps researchers to set aside their personal preferences and prevent affecting data analysis and interpretation. Further, the researcher will use self-reflection and understanding of emotional reactions, personal views, and past experiences to overcome potential biases that will be experienced in the study.
Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. QualitativeResearch in Psychology, 3, 77-101.
Cooper, S., & Endacott, R. (2007). Generic qualitative research: A design for qualitativeresearch in emergency care? Emergency Medicine Journal, 24, 816-819.doi:10.1136/emj.2007.050641
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Causes and Impacts of Racial Microaggressions and How Black Female Students Integrate These Experiences. (2022, Nov 20). Retrieved from
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