In the present world with increased internet connectivity and complex difficulties in the work and academic environments, individuals may forget about the pleasure and happiness derived from engaging in hobbies. The truth is hobbies have numerous benefits that of equal importance with nature's advantages since individuals tap on their precise likes and translate them into pleasurable and interesting free time ventures. This evaluation report aims to reveal that hobbies are done for pleasure, and they are not just activities for people who are living a relaxed life or have time to spend an extra activity at the end of the day. Journaling hobby is for individuals who have stressful lives due to the ability to enhance stress reduction. Journaling is one of the most beneficial and inexpensive hobbies. It improves performance in one's career and leads to a more fulfilled life by enhancing the ability to communicate, comprehension, memory, sparking creativity and emotional intelligence.
Journaling boost an individual emotional quotient. Writing is among the activities that contribute to improving own intelligence. Improvement in vocabulary is among the vital measures of own overall intelligence. Importantly, Journaling is instrumental in sparking the feeling of feeling accomplished (Sandberg &Tsoukas, 2015). A well-written article is a kind of win that every individual need on a regular basis to keep scaling greater heights. Sharing an article on a personal blog creates a sense of pride associated with the achievement. A sense of accomplishment is created with the successful completion of a written project that presents challenges during the preparation stages.
Journaling hobby is instrumental in creating a sense of control over individual life. As opposed to the day job that can be intimidating and frustrating, a writing hobby is something done for own good. An individual has independence at the time that they want to spend writing since it is a personal activity. Engaging in journaling helps in regaining the feeling of control since it allows an individual to take ownership of something that one has participated in bringing it to completion (Sandberg &Tsoukas, 2015). An individual has the autonomy to decide whether to share the written article to keep it for personal benefit.
Journaling provides a chance to record personal thoughts and daily insights in a creative way. Journaling is an outlet for self-reflection and learning with numerous benefits in unleashing the potential to express oneself creatively without having to study complicated techniques. Journaling provides an individual with an opportunity to enhance the stream of consciousness and the ability to write without having to think (Sandberg &Tsoukas, 2015). The stream of consciousness is instrumental in overcoming the writing block and revealing thoughts that individuals are unaware of leading to loosening individual expressive muscles.
Journaling is crucial to boosting an individual self-confidence. Writing about positive experiences assists the brain in reaffirming one's capability in the advent of self- doubts (Walker, 2018). Journaling about positive experiences promotes the release of the endorphin hormones and the dopamine hormones that promote the feeling of pleasure, and ultimately boost an individual mood. Confidence heightens due to improvement in writing skills adopted in journaling and the chance to receive recognition from peers on good work posted on personal blogs.
Journaling has a therapeutic value since it promotes psychological healing, emotional healing and stress reduction. Keeping a journal works wonders in improving mental health since expressive writing provides individuals with a chance to solve longstanding issues. Translating personal experiences into language is instrumental in making the experiences to be graspable (Harrison & Knight, 2015). Individuals can easily resolve graspable experiences, and the process promotes the ability of individuals to free themselves from mental issues including trauma and anxiety and stress.
Journaling improves individual communication skills. Journals are a kind of written communication about personal feelings and experiences. The process of subvocalization in tracing individual written thoughts is translated into actual vocalization. Journaling provides individuals with the opportunity to decide on the manner to express oneself, and the same act of decision making is translated in oral communication (Walker, 2018). Journaling provides individuals with an opportunity to tidy up their communication process which has considerable benefits for both written and oral communication.
Journaling boosts and individual self-discipline. An individual has to decide the specific time to allocate to writing that can be either in the evening or early in the morning. Disciplinestrengthens through continuous engagement in the desired behavior. The habit developed through journaling is likely to replicate in other areas (Harrison & Knight, 2015). Through personal recording experiences, an individual recognizes the bad habits that are standing in the way of personal achievement, and it leads to the development of the solutions to the undesired habits.
Journaling boosts own comprehension and memory. Writing enhances the unique connection between hand operation and brain functioning, a relationship that is triggered by the composition of ideas and thoughts. Words are developed to represent the ideas that are crossing the brain. The formation of letters and the decision about the course of ideas lead the mind to a continuous process of composing and recomposing ideas (Harrison & Knight, 2015). A process that strengthens the ability to remember initially covered information and forces an individual to get involved in the cognitive recall.
Journaling boosts an individual emotional intelligence and evokes mindfulness. Writing creates a relationship between happiness and a state of mindfulness since individual resolves frustrations and any anxieties about the future. Emotional intelligence denotes the conscious intention to perceive, control and manage individual emotions (Harrison & Knight, 2015). Internal familiarity with individual experiences creates a feeling of empathy and the desire to understand others' feelings. The ability to understand others is the starting point in achieving self-awareness.
By contrast, opposing arguments have risen against hobbies arguing that they consume an individual time and contribute to time management challenges. Others argue that hobbies contribute to neglecting crucial matters. Opponents to journaling hold that it does not work since individuals not have unique experiences on a daily basis. Others argue that it gets individual at risk of a breach of individual confidentiality since other people can have unauthorized access to a personal diary. Still, others affirm that it is a waste of paper since keeping a record on a daily basis means that an individual may have to keep thousands of pages in their lifetime.
To sum up, the arguments against journaling do not present any alarming issues that can prevent an individual to actualize the desire to be involved in the hobby. The truth is journaling keeps the mind active, and it provides an individual with a chance to reflect on life issues on a regular basis which is instrumental for emotional and mental health. Journaling is one hobby that can improve the individual sense of mindfulness, courage, and accomplishment which are vital for stress reduction. Journaling does not require one to be an expert in writing since it is just as a way of putting personal thoughts and experiences in writing.
Harrison, R. K., & Knight, J. S. (2015). The Practice of Self. In Engaged Teaching in Theology and Religion (pp. 41-56). Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
Sandberg, J., &Tsoukas, H. (2015). Making sense of the sensemaking perspective: Its constituents, limitations, and opportunities for further development. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36(S1), S6-S32.
Walker, A. L. (2018). Capitalizing on Positive Emotional Experiences: A Gratitude Intervention as an Emotional Uplift Strategy.
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