A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift - Critical Essay

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  5
Wordcount:  1314 Words
Date:  2022-12-05


A modest proposal is quite a brutal satirical essay in which the author, Jonathan Swift has a weird suggestion that the poor Irish families should instead kill their young children and eat them to help reduce and eliminate the increasing number of starving children. During this time in Ireland, there was an extreme level of poverty and a wide gap between the rich and the poor as well as vast differences between the tenants and landlords as well (Swift 2). It cannot be denied that throughout the essay, Swift employ accurate and advance the use of satirical statements and irony to improve his attack on the differences between the different classes. However, it should be understood that Swift is not openly and seriously suggesting cannibalism, but he is only trying to make known his desperate view of the situation in which the lower class are trapped into and the need for both moral and social reform in Ireland. This is observed in his confession in the last paragraph of his essay. Therefore, the essay purposes to come up with a detailed discussion of humor and other styles as used in the article.

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The author even goes to extreme levels in a bid to explain his newfound plan that would help in raising the economic wellbeing of the people of Ireland. In this case, Swift explains what age is too young and what age is too old, to be able to eat children of the tenants when they are in their prime juiciness (Swift 22). He even gives suggestions on how to cook them by saying that, a young healthy child that is well nursed, is, at a year old, the most delicious nourishing and great food, whether baked, stewed, roasted or even boiled. It should be understood that all of this talk about eating children comes as a major surprise because previous to this awkward and disturbing discussion, Swift was ironically discussing the plight of starving beggars in Ireland. It is bear that as readers, we are unprepared for the solution that he suggests. This is entirely satirical and creates some great humor in the essay (Swift 6). The use of styles like sarcasm by Swift to put forward his argument that the Irish should be ignored by the English is a perfect example in this case. In 1729, Ireland was attacked by potato famine, and the low class was the ones who suffered the most is also sarcastic. Swift also relies significantly on verbal irony in expressing his perspective on the treatment of the Irish by the English. In this case, by using verbal irony, he wrote the opposite of what he meant. It is observed that in the whole story, Swift writes in the perspective of the Englishman which opposed the Irish when in reality he was writing in favor of the Irish and their unbearable conditions during that period (Swift 16).

One of my best satirical proposals is about democracy. It is true that the democratic political system is viewed as one with the most significant achievements, especially in the western world. This is because of its values for human rights and freedom. However, in their amazement concerning democracy, many seem less concerned about the various facts that show how far from perfect this system is. As observed in the world over, modern democracy can easily be turned into some good cover up of authoritarian regimes and actions that are far from proclaimed democratic ideals.

It should be noted that the basic principles of democracy lie in the power of people to give the direction of their country's political advancements. However, it has been observed that what might seem like a democratic nation; with a system of regular elections, some political parties, could be an authoritarian country with just a free cover. In a modern democracy, some institutions check the diversity and complexity of political movements as well as ideas. However, in as much as these structures should ensure that the democratic process is not interrupted, they are in most turned against this aim. This is entirely satirical of a democratic process, and it creates some ironical situation because the intentions of democracy are used to mean the opposite.

Another issue with today's democracy is the rule of the majority choice. It cannot be denied that most democracies are built upon the idea that people choose how to govern their own country, but modern times have indicated that following majority choice may lead to terrible results. It has been noted in most states that, the democratic process can lead to tyranny of the majority over the interest of the minority group, without dialogue or compromise. What makes it look more ironic is that sometimes due to inadequate election system, even the minority might take over and aggressively start asserting for its agenda. This is what took place in the United States presidential elections, when Donald Trump, despite his highly controversial and ill-educated ideas, won the elections, although losing the popular vote. It is currently evident that the United States is now facing some social and political conflicts that emerged because of Trump's developments aimed at his audience even though they are entirely unattached to democratic principles. This is a mockery of a democratic system, and it sounds quite ironic considering the democratic values in which the US was anchored on decades ago. On concluding my satirical proposal about democracy, it is noted that today's democracy has a lot of toxic issues and structural loopholes that create tyrannies under very beautiful covers. It would have been the best political solution to help build a proper legislative process, but modern countries must be ready to face the problems and challenges that this political system has created.

It is worth noting that swift employs some figurative languages in his essay. One of the major was the use of metaphor when he used the word "devoured." In this situation, Swift is comparing physically eating to financially destroying. What Swift was trying to explain to readers is that the landlords are financially destroying their tenants (Swift 18). This word is therefore used to explain financial destruction by the landlords. Secondly, the word "title" is also used as a metaphor in this essay. It is used here as it would be used to show owned land or property. The landlords had title to the babies to be devoured. This is because they had already devoured their parents. In this case, the rights to eat the children as compared to property rights. This is a clear metaphor. It is also evident that Swift uses allusion in his essay by referring to various great works, people and even events (Swift 20). In his work, he uses both literary references as well as historical references. This is evident when he talked about Francois Rabelais, Gargantua, and Pantagruel as well as the mention of Barbados, where Irish came from because of poverty.


In conclusion, A Modest Proposal gives the readers some background information on the current condition of Ireland by the time the essay was published. In this case, Swift succeeds in grasping the emotions of readers and puts them into the story. He then makes a dramatic turn to his suggestion about cannibalism to promote the economy. He succeeds in grabbing the attention of readers. His proposal sounds extreme and unethical, but should not be viewed literally. The fact that he proposes of having babies to feed to the public and promote the economy, which is his proposal to the public, is not the main issue in the essay. This weird and radical proposal that takes on a different message is what makes this piece of work satirical.

Work Cited

Swift, Jonathan. A Modest Proposal: For Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland, from Being a Burden on Their Parents or Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the Publick. The Floating Press, (2016): 2-26

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A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift - Critical Essay. (2022, Dec 05). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/a-modest-proposal-by-jonathan-swift-critical-essay

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