Women in Movies Essay Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  549 Words
Date:  2022-08-23

The Marxism view of the history of culture assumes the history is controlled by laws that are universal. This means that a society transforms through several phases which may represent the struggle to establish class. It can be argued that the Chines history can exhibit periods of slave, feudal, capitalist, socialist and world communist. The economics of a country can reveal significant details about the culture of its citizens. Feudalism and capitalism subject societies to socio-cultural and political changes that result in different cultures. "Finding Mr. Right" and "The Destiny" are two films that portray this two scenario by representing the nature and experiences of women.

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In the film, "Finding Mr. Right," Jiajia gets impregnated by a married lover who is a taboo according to the Chinese culture. To cover-up for this mistake, the woman flies to Seattle in search of a conducive environment to deliver her baby. According to the movie, the man who got Jiajia expectant was a wealthy businessman. This presents the aspect of materialism and influence of wealth in the Chinese economy during that time. In Seattle, Jiajia meets Frank, and they become very close friends and eventually lovers. Frank is not very rich but shows the lady more affection as compared to the wealthy lover. This presents the central theme of the movies where a lady shifts from a relationship that is based on materialism to that which is founded on true happiness and love. The aspect of loyalty arises in the relationship that Jiajia developed based on wealth. It is evident that there was more trust between the main character and Frank as compared to Jiajia former relationship.

In another movie, "The Destiny," Chinese women are depicted to resort to marriage as a means of avoiding social problems that faced the country in the early part of the 20th century. Wealth was seen as the main factor that assured security. Yulian is among one of the many women that decided to pursue materialism by getting married to a man from a wealthy background. It is evident that the nature of the relationship was not based on genuine feelings but was instead founded for convenience purpose.

Feudalism is evident in the movie that features Yulian where the more affluent families have power and influence. In this system, the lords put a lot of emphasis on their personal or family interest as compared to that of the people they are expected to lead. This means that women who joined these families in ways such as marriages often acquired a sense of social, financial and political immunity. For example, Yulian is not bothered by the fact that she is married to an absent man. The woman is more concerned about other benefits that come along with matrimony.


Capitalism can be described as a political or economic system where private owners have control over wealth. The state has little influence when it comes to the acquisition of wealth, trade and competition. In the movie that features Jiajia, it is clear that the capitalism had penetrated China. The film seems to depict that materialism as a common trend in a capitalist society. Contrasts between love-based romance and material-based relationship are presented. This shows that in a capitalist environment, different people develop varied valuation of love and wealth.

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Women in Movies Essay Example. (2022, Aug 23). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/women-in-movies-essay-example

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