There always been a general assumption among people that women are inferior to men when it comes to science and math's related fields of expertise or study. Many stereotypical conclusions have been made to favor the male child when such fields as engineering come into place. It is a form of bias that has led to heated debates and all kinds of such platforms that express such issues In order to try to prevent this kind of bias. Women are supposed to be seen as equal to men, but this view ideology has significantly been ignored by many, everyone has his point of view on the subject matter.
This paper, therefore, will expound deeply on the bias on why boys are considered for the engineering schools and girls for the nursing. An argumentative thesis is explaining the reason that somehow makes this bias between the girls and the boys. Well, highlight and the discussed point will be available explaining the reason why boys should be in the engineering industry and the girl's best suited for the nursing industry. The point of discussion will significantly reflect on Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz who was a self-taught scholar and a great well-known activist for women.
The various arguments that have been tabled to present women as less superior when it comes to men for the engineering sector include the following:
Girls lack confidence in math's and science - one of the big reasons why men are seemingly powerful that women in the engineering sectors are because women typically lack confidence on the subjects that relate to the industry. Though studies have shown that women generally outshine the boys in class tests, girls have shown their submission to let men have the numbers when it comes to maths and science-related subjects.
A study that was conducted based on OECD's worldwide survey and the test indicated that the general performance of the girls could be improved by boosting their overall attitude towards these subjects that they lack the confidence to tackle. The study also indicated that parents should take the lead role in helping with boosting their girl's confidence by encouraging them to take courses that are related to engineering. A quote read: "Gender disparities in performance do not stem from innate differences in aptitude."
Jokes and teasing in school - one of the major reasons why girls have to shun away from the engineering courses, is the situation where a girl aspiring to be a part of the engineering industry got tease and laughed at because she is a girl and that such fields were only meant for men. Studies and research analysis conducted on this matter indicated that even as early as in the high school level, fellow schoolmates and even teachers stereotype the girls who show interest in joining the engineering field based merely on the fact that such kind of fields of gaining knowledge is only meant for the bots and not the girls.
The practice of undermining a girl's potentiality on a certain field of expertise can make a girl change her perspective. Statistical analysis studies conducted in different countries have shown that the states with higher equality of gender and minimal gender niches regarding math. The analysis expounded that if girls could be given the right support in the right measure to men, then they would equally compete and perform better. It has established to be an inherent capability difference between men and women.
Stereotypes - the biggest aspect of setback that drags women behind is by stereotype. Analysis of the famous television show "The Big Bang Theory" scientists who happen to be women are seen to be forced into unusual roles when those who are not scientists presented as normal characters. This view on stereotypes also spreads its branch to how male scientist is portrayed, these scientists have proved to discourage women from taking part in such sectors as engineering. Therefore, studies have proved that when women get wind of a non-stereotype environment, they greatly get interested in wanting to be part of the engineering system.
Childcare - the other major reason why girls resort to nursing other than engineering because of a lack of maternity in the process that a girl delivers a baby. Analytical study research that was carried out about the same matter of child care and the conclusions were that a high number of women would easily get convinced to give up engineering because of child care. It is an issue that has seen many girls succumb to other lighter courses than pursuing engineering.
The aspect, therefore, brings the idea of bias in that girl's best fit other courses other the technical ones like engineering. Even if child care is a great duty, girls need to be empowered and great awareness created to make it easy for them to be a part of the general team that is regarding engineering. (Birger, et al. 14)
Competition - the other aspect of bias that hinders girls from pursuing courses in engineering is competition. Researchers have proved that girls are generally less aggressive and competitive than boys. Since the engineering sectors is a very competitive industry to play in, the bias of having women believe that they are less competitive than men could translate to them believing that the engineering sectors is a no-go place for them but only for the boys. Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz in her view on equality and the ability of women to stand on their own and win was quoted as follows; "Critics: In your sightno woman can win:keep you out, and she is too tight;she is too loose if you get in." The idea of a competitive environment can lead to having the girls shift their action to something else because they tend to become less inclined to that subject matter. (Marenco, et al. 24)
Marginalization - the situation that involves having women getting lower salaries competed to their male counterpart. This situation possesses a great risk for the girl. This aspect of marginalization becomes a threat for girls to want to be in the engineering sector. It is a factor that has seen many girls lose the interest to be in the technology sector or engineering sector. Marginalization is a great form of bias has it presents only a great chance for a certain entry to only a few but a very minimal chance to the other. To quote the famous Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, "I walk beneath your pens, and am not what I truly am, but what you would prefer to imagine me." What girls bias on the boys is a situation that is attributed to marginalization which ideally if not addressed can translate to painting and picture to the ladies especially in the areas of engineering.
The bias on why boys should go to engineering schools and the reason why girls cannot is a topic that largely revolves around the reasons why girls cannot. Some issues highlighted above explain the barriers that make it very difficult for the girls to join the engineering schools and live up to their dreams. Some reasons such as bias, marginalization, and competitive are some but few of the factors that make it hard or bias the chances for the girls to join the engineering sector.
Works cited
Birger, Jon. Date-onomics: How Dating Became a Lopsided Numbers Game. New York: Workman Publishing, 2015. Print.
Marenco, Susan, Giulia Conti, Tino Santanach, Joaquin Canizares, and Pamela Duarte. I Can Be an Actress. New York: Random House Childrens Books, 2013. Internet resource.
Boaler, Jo. Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students' Potential Through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages, and Innovative Teaching. , 2016. Internet resource.
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Why Boys Should Go to Engineering Schools, Why Girls Should Go to Nursing?. (2022, Jul 18). Retrieved from
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