UPS Flight 1354 Accident Case Study

Paper Type:  Case study
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  1024 Words
Date:  2022-12-20


The national transportation safety board NTSB does not blame or assign a fault to an organization due to an accident that takes place, it specifies all possible regulations and investigations to find out the facts regarding the residents of a particular disaster or fatality event. In that perspective, the organization establishes justifiable reasons to determine and to analyze the circumstances that lead to an accident occurring all the probable-cause relating to safety recommendations and transportation safety needs (Wilson, 2015). It the government to promote the process that seeks to enhance safe transport.

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Background of the Accident

On August 14, 2013, the aircraft experienced several technicalities concerning management, dispatcher's information and a change in the landing schedules. According to Young et al. (2016), the weaknesses portrayed were concerning non-procedural approach, local advice mismatch, lack of proper management of the computerized models (Wilson, 2015). The computer was never programmed suitably on the non-procedural approach. Fatigue, timeless nights and a change in their routine operations were among the factors that led to the accident.

UPS Tragic accident happened on 14th August 2013 (Wilson, 2015). The aircraft crashed off-the-runway BHM Birmingham Alabama and ended up killing the crew and destroy into the property which is entirely the whole aircraft (Wilson, 2015). The accident could be avoided if there could be sufficient information concerning landing and providing information regarding the specific details concerning safe landing.

Various issues contributed to the crash:

  1. The flight crew failed to configure and verify the flight management computer.
  2. Secondly, the captain was unable to communicate their intentions to the initial officer who later became apparent and vertical in capturing the information (Wilson, 2015).
  3. According to Young et al. (2016), the flight crew expected that they would break out of the clouds at 1000 feet above the ground, but due to the improper conditions of the weather, they suffered from this information which later contributed to the fatal accident.
  4. The required minimum callout failed to be attained a mistake that was done by the first officer (Wilson, 2015).
  5. Factors like fatigue, confusion, distraction and a consistent Performance deficiency that exhibited during training inserted into the fatality.
  6. The first officer had sleeping fatigue that resulted in ineffective off-duty time. Set a factory that turns into lack of coordination during the flight and leading to the fatal accident (Wilson, 2015).

The footage of NTSB on-site investigation justified the fact that much happened before the plane crashed apart from the first officer's inefficiency due to the fatigue caused by lack of sleep (Wilson, 2015). Secondly, there was a miscommunication between the pilot and the first officer.

According to my analysis, the cause of the fatal accident involves various factors apart from the fatigue that the first officer portrayed. For instance, the coordination of the crew members could have been excellent since such a situation could not have led to the accident. The old F27 was steam-driven hence its portrayed to have basic GPS (Wilson, 2015). On the other hand, Abe blanked off, therefore, challenging VOR and DME. The challenge was not solved, but the crew navigated the dead reckoning ATC which letter assured them of an easy-going concerning the cargo aircraft (Wilson, 2015). It is also evident that in the middle of the night they also lack coordination due to the rudimental GPS that was being used.

The Human Factors That Was Found to Be a Cause

The Human Factor That Was Found to Be Causal to the Accident and How It Was the Causal

Wilson (2015) mentioned that the human element that was part of the cause of the crash was the lack of sleep by the first officer. Lack of sleep contributed to the lack of coordination which letter resulted in the fatal accident. Lack of sleep was caused by improper of duty. Call out which affected the officer's performance. On the other hand, Young et al. (2016) mentioned that besides the lack of coordination between assigning official duties and determining the efficiency of the officers concerning off duty assignments and their performance (Wilson, 2015). There are various human factors concerning lack of sleep which was a major contributor to the cause of the crash.

Another cause of the fatal accident was the use of old computers and electronic gadgets to operate the plane. Failure of the most common computerized devices leads to the use of an old digital gadget which was challenging to navigate ends the aeroplane lost control exerting to the fatal accident (Wilson, 2015). navigation without FMS contributed significantly to the deadly crash since the officer only head the skills to use the most current computerized gadgets, but the failure of the system is Altered to improper functioning during navigation leading to indefinite failure of the aeroplanes navigation system

According to the National Transportation Safety Board (2015), several factors contributed to the accident apart from the operational considerations and control by the first officer. It is evident that the first officer had been working on a general task which made him tired concerning offering a better service as one of the crew members.

Secondly, there was miscommunication between the dispatcher and the crew members concerning the landing adjustments. The two mistakes can contribute to a significant effect on the safety of the plane. A failure of the crew members to navigate the aircraft concerning the planning strategies was unjustifiable; hence the mistakes led to the accident. Additionally, the lack of briefing on the best way possible to enhance the candy contributed to the failure of the navigate the plane in the right manner.

Additional Observation for the Public

The additional observation that should have been done to the public attention is the relevance of orienting the fine arts and the crew members regarding new strategies and new processes including carrying them through an orientation of new computerized gadgets to be used in the plane.


National Transportation Safety Board. (2015). UPS Flight 1354 Accident Report (NTSB Accident Report - NTSB/AAR-10/03). Washington, DC: National Transportation Safety Board.

Wilson, K. (2015). Investigating Human Fatigue Factors-A Tale of Two Accidents. National Transportation Safety Board, 01-12.

Young, S. D., Uijt De Haag, M., Daniels, T., Evans, E., Shish, K. H., Schuet, S., ... & Kiggins, D. (2016). Evaluating Technologies for Improved Airplane State Awareness and Prediction. In AIAA Infotech@ Aerospace (p. 2043).

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