The Role of Ethics in the Movement of Goods and Supply Chain Essay

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  548 Words
Date:  2022-05-26

Ethics refers to the moral principle that constraint an individual to behave in a certain way that justifies an action (Ingerson & Ingerson, 2016). Ethics affect how people perform their decisions regarding application of various moral philosophies

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The Role of Ethics in the Movement of Goods and Supply Chain

In the manufacture and flow of goods and services, retailers and manufacturers need to work within the morally acceptable behaviors to avoid discrepancies that are inherent in business practices (Dawar & Stornelli, 2013). For instance, the retail industry of today is more concentrated than ever thus manufactures might think of acting in an unethical since they understand the business model that retailers employ and they might decide to tailor their approaches to pin the retailers down to their preferred flow of goods and services (Dawar & Stornelli, 2013). Therefore, ethics prevents manufacturers from engaging in practices of hooding products and services unethically with the motive of tailoring a price of their own.

Ethics enables the relationship between manufacturers, retailers, and consumers to be upheld. For instance, the drivers of the economy tend to have the ability to control the supply of products with the motive of influencing the price. The flow of goods and services is significantly influenced by the relationship that retailers develop with customers. Lately, it has been reported that power has shifted towards the downstream of the purchase, supply, and manufacturing. The manufacturers are now controlled by buyers bargaining power (Dawar & Stornelli, 2013). Therefore, ethics enable retailers to maintain an ethical behavior that takes charge of the minimum returns that manufacturers expect from their efforts. The flow of goods and services drives the price of products and services.

How Retailers Responded to the Need for Transparency

Retailers have enhanced the need for transparency by encouraging customers' loyalty, keeping the overhead flow and building successful private labels. Retailers also define their business models and aim at differentiating them with their fellow retailers (Dawar & Stornelli, 2013). The information model is enhanced through the provision of accurate real-time and maintaining actionable consumer information to enable packaging and pricing of goods to reflect the needs and demands of the market.

Reply to professor

"Solid job looking at a complex issue, and not really a fun one. There are so many complexities involved when running a retail business. I recall thinking my legal fees would be very minor. After all, what did I, as a small retailer, need an attorney for? Turns out, a great deal. After addressing this weeks topic, Do you feel as if the process has been made too burdensome.

The idea of a small business owner to hire an attorney is not burdensome. Small business owners need to drop the idea that an individual requires to have good money in order to hire an attorney. Currently there are ways that can help an individual to run a business with minimal attorney assistance. Online resources make it possible for business owners to perform business tasks on their own without the help of lawyers. Example of such matters are writing business plan, submitting necessary IRS forms, and documenting LLC meetings.


Dawar, N., & Stornelli, J. (2013). Rebuilding the relationship between manufacturers and retailers. MIT Sloan Management Review, 54(2), 83.

Ingerson, C. & Ingerson, M., H. (2016). Why Ethics and Why Now? A New Negotiations Narrative.

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The Role of Ethics in the Movement of Goods and Supply Chain Essay. (2022, May 26). Retrieved from

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