The Obligation to Endure by Rachel Carson Essay Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  1
Wordcount:  248 Words
Date:  2022-10-11

Silent Spring's second chapter is titled "The Obligation To Endure". It examines the inordinate use of pesticides in the United States. Carson (1962), a noted environmentalist, deems it dangerous and inefficient, as well as the result poor planning. She outlines the dangers of pesticides being used excessively. This can lead to poisoning of people and wildlife, as well as the creation of immune pest species that will eventually be made stronger. Human planning is also responsible for the creation of highly destructive and dangerous insect species. This environment is perfect for dedicated predators, especially when they are imported species.

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Carson doesn't necessarily advocate for a ban on pesticides. She recognizes the importance of these chemicals in protecting crops and protecting people against infections. She does however argue that it is dangerous and ineffective to obsess over the elimination of pesticides. The writer suggests that you use methods that are more in line with nature. To reduce the risk of predatory species, diversifying crops and ornamental plants can be a good option. To avoid dangerous insects being brought along, strict quarantine should be in place when new plants are introduced. Carson (1962) urged the United States and the rest of the world to listen more to ecologists who have been trained to address the problem and come up with solutions. The chapter ends with Carson (1962) stating that citizens have the right to the truth and are subject to the environmental abuses of industrial producers.


Carson, R. (1962). Silent spring. Crest Books.

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