The European culture has spread all over the globe, and it has transformed many customs and traditions. Through technology, westernization has quickly spread and transformed traditional culture. Anything which was once peculiar to particular nations, ethnic groups and cultures is being gradually redefined by the western culture. Traditional lifestyles have become vague and are substituted with western ways. This change has affected most cultures including the East Asian culture. This part of the Asian region is famous for its vibrant cultural sphere. Among the most prominent East Asian cultures include; esteemed religious institutions, stringent moral beliefs, and respect for every human being. These cultures are slowly being eaten up by the western methods. Asian cultures will cease to exist in the next few decades if people continue embracing westernization. In this essay, I will summarize and explore my understanding on the East Asian culture, its existing traditional societies and how the western culture is succeeding in replacing them.
Asia as a whole is losing its culture but the most prominent region is the South East Asia. The countries in the South East region include; China, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan. China is the most prominent among the East Asian countries because of its central location among other countries. The Ancient Society of China spread some of its virtues, traditions, etiquette, and philosophy which have shaped the East Asian community. The Buddhist religion is among the traditional practices spread in Asia by the Chinese. This religion is being gradually replaced by Christianity. The traditional Vietnamese society valued customary silk tunics which are being taken over by the European fashion. The famous customary Korean weddings are losing their meaning. Today many Korean and Asian couples do their weddings while ignoring customs like presenting the wild goose to the groom. Japanese instruments like the Shamisen are no longer being used to make Asian music. East Asia's cultural legacy is slowly being forgotten.
Traditional societies that exist, East Asia, have been upholding the Asian culture for generations. Westernization has changed societal entities like industries, law, religion, values, philosophy, lifestyle, clothing and diet. I have always read about how East Asia has always upheld the Chinese culture since the 1500 century. The Buddhist religion and doctrines have been the pillars of the South East Asian communities. A large number of People are guided by spiritual gods like Krishna. People always tried to be their best to avoid curses and have their souls successfully enter the next life. The society was always filled with selfless people who respected one another. The community displayed high moral standards and could not do things to hurt themselves and others. Family values were strictly followed with men as the heads and females playing their roles as housekeepers. Respect was paramount among people of different gender, age group, and societal position.
Filial piety was among the essential duties bestowed upon elders. The older people had the responsibility of teaching the young ones ethical, moral values. Filial piety encourages young people always to follow their parents' teachings and obey them unconditionally. It also compels children to worship and take care of their parents while they are still alive. Filial piety also obliges everyone to understand and respect their roles in the society. Politically, transparency was the key and people were required to follow their leaders with no question. Human lives were sacred, and greediness was a vice. The western culture has altered the Asian way of life. People no longer understand their roles in the society. Men are no longer household heads, and they lack means to provide for their children. Greed has become a norm which has led to people killing each other. Children no longer listen and value the words of their parents. Many aspects of the traditional Asian society are not being appreciated today.
By interacting with some Asians from the Eastern side of the continent, I have realized that they are aware that their culture is diminishing. The once culturally rich region is now imitating European practices. Some of the Asians wish that their people could embrace modernization but uphold their culture. Asians have adopted the western way of dressing, their Christian religion, food, and lifestyle. They are losing their heritage and identity, and their homeland is also losing its meaning. Some of these individuals cannot speak their native language. Some of these Asians wish some parts of the culture like decorative ornaments and clothing can be kept. They are disappointed by how their turbans are being quickly replaced with caps. Their people are no longer wearing silk robes but have embraced the European way of dressing. It is depressing to see individuals mourning over the loss of their beautiful culture. It is more upsetting to know that they cannot do anything about it.
I have watched several documentaries and read some books which show how traditional societies in South East Asia are losing their place an in the Asian culture. It is funny that some Asian movies are dominated by British and American characters. The life of human beings did not look as sacred as traditional societies projected. Political leaders have no respect like it used to be. Greed has overcome people to the extent that they can kill for material possessions. This loss of culture can be attributed to westernization. When the Europeans started invading Asia through trade, they were able to make people start adoring their way of life. The Europeans were able to manipulate and colonize them hence controlling and taking away their culture. When the Asians gained independence, the European culture had gained its roots. People slowly embraced their religious, social and political ways. They constantly shifted, and today they have lost more than half of their heritage.
It is possible to tell the difference between traditional societies and the social order of today's generation. Traditional values are almost being entirely replaced by European ways. In one of the documentaries I watched, I saw how the role of parents has changed in the society. Parents no longer advise their accordingly or discipline them when they go wrong. Adults are no longer allowed to teach other children about moral values. Unlike the traditional society, the European way has made people selfish. Children today are growing up with queer methods just because adults do not take their time to nurture their children. Westernization can be blamed for this since it brought about industrial labor systems which deny parents time with their children. It also brought laws that protect children from discipline. Westernization has resulted in the society creating generations which do not value their culture. These children are fully embracing the western way of life thus disregarding their cultural heritage.
According to me, there will come a time when the Asian culture will be history. People who know their native language will be scarce. Coming across traditional garments, ornaments and paintings will be difficult. Prominent religions like Buddhism will be replaced by Christianity. Idol gods will no longer be respected. There will be more irrational and disrespected leaders with no wisdom to offer. Children will be immoral, and their elders will not be able to control them. By the next century, the European culture will be the way of life. Traditional societies and their doctrines will be history. A large number of Asians will have become Christians and others will not be having Asian names. The future Asian generation will see their culture as funny and barbaric. Because it is not being preserved, soon, no one will appreciate its sacred nature. The traditional Asian society and its culture are quickly fading away, and no one is preventing it.Conclusion
In a nutshell, westernization has destroyed a large part of the South East Asian culture. The traditional society Asian society had a lifestyle, values, and doctrines they upheld. When Europeans brought about westernization, the Asian culture started dying away. Slowly, the laws were changed, dress codes were transformed into European designs, and the western lifestyle was steadily being embraced. Today, many Asians are watching with deep regret as their culture is losing popularity among its people. A part of the Asian millennial generation is speaking English instead of the Korean, Japanese and Chinese languages. Their cultural values and symbols are quickly disappearing, and there is little effort to reinstate them. At this pace, the culture is expected to ultimately loose value in coming generations. The future progenies will not be able to speak their native language, and their moral values will be different but similar to the western values. The traditional Asian society is vanishing, and it might cease to exist in the near future.
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