The mind structure and function suggest the presence of two sides of the brain that control people's thinking abilities. The asymmetrical sides have the left and right hemispheres that dictate and control human beings' manner of thinking. The left region is often associated with logical, objective, rational, analytical, and sequential thoughts whereas the right hemisphere control the random, holistic, intuitive, subjective, feelings, creativity and synthesizing. People contain distinct of these two styles and hemispheres of the brain.
The concepts of right and left brain came into limelight in the mid-20th century. In as much as human beings utilize both sides of the brain, everybody has a dominant side of the brain which largely determines one's personality. Different individuals think in different ways, have interest in different areas, and in various ways. Therefore, understanding the asymmetrical nature of the brain helps one to become more efficient, productive and efficient. In a neuroscience view concepts of asymmetry are closely related to the two brain hemispheres and the mirror's symmetrical body organization along the body axis which produces two body halves (Beeman and Christine 53). The human hands are also anatomical mirror images of each other. Majority of the human population prefer the use of the right over the left for performing activities, the reason for this preference is because of the superior strength and excellent motor control. Therefore, these examples of right and left hands clearly shows the essential conceptual distinction between function, structure, and activity related asymmetry. Objects or parts of a human body may exhibit mirror symmetry regarding its structure and shapes but display asymmetrical functions.
A similar difference applies with the cerebral hemispheres of the human body, in imagery the two spheres appear to be symmetrical images that make up the right and left halves of the brain. Human beings seek meanings in concepts and ideas. They craft theories and formulas to better understand life and other surrounding nature. On the other hand, meanings are procured by new sensations and experiences which help liberate and break the monotony of the continuous cycle of daily life. Therefore, the different approaches are due to the differences in cerebral hemispheres.
The Left Side of the Brain
For many years the left hemisphere of the brain has been known to serve the language functions, logic, and organization. Thus, people who are deemed to have a dominant left hemisphere are auditory learners and better understand things words than pictures. They are often in favor of schedules and deadline in their daily activities and operations. They work better with rules and regulations, and their ideas are processed step by step which reduces their chances of making errors (Beeman and Christine 52). Language development and language has enhanced human culture, thoughts, and communication. People no longer depend on the use of physical gestures and body language for communication but through use of formulae and symbols conceptualized in the left brain.
The left side of the brain answers questions such as why and how. It offers explanations to experiences and observations. It develops meaning mainly through definitions, classifications, categories, and constructs. These side of the brain makes the world more predictable and orderly which makes people feel they are in control of the situation and feel safe (Iaccino 129). Religiously, the left hemisphere is concerned with the Word and God, therefore, forming the bases for doctrines, creeds, and theologies. The left region is associated with absolutism, determinism, and positivism philosophically. From its perception, with time human beings' knowledge and understanding about the universe will be complete.
The Right Side of the Brain
The right hemisphere is associated with spatial thinking, imaginations, and empathy. People with a dominant right side often depend on visual images to learn and understand. They are generally emotional and swayed by feeling. The right hemisphere arouses intuitiveness imaginative thinking. When contrasting with left-sided dominant people, those who are right side dominant carves the world into categories, parts, and mechanisms. The right hemisphere perceives the brain as a concrete and holistic way (Beeman and Christine 58). The right-sided people treat each moment as an opportunity to find new meaning and novelty. With new moments comes new experiences of feelings thoughts and sensations.
From a right-sided perspective, meanings are not achieved through definitions and classifications but by being part of life whereas the left hemisphere strives in categorizing life, the right hemisphere experience as a changing and continuous way. It takes considerations of activities and events of the moment rather than preconceptions (Iaccino 130). Therefore, the reason why the right brain is often associated with visual imagery which is often regarded as lived moment expression. The right hemisphere holds a higher intensity of sensation and feeling. Feelings for love, drugs, religion, sex, and sports raises the sense of aliveness, impassion and inspiration.
The right hemisphere prompts people to envision God as a being that cannot be described using words and language. An example of the right side in religion includes mysticism and Taoism. Mysticism fosters the experience of God different from the concepts. The right hemisphere wishes for emotional connection and religious affiliations.
The right hemisphere philosophically can be associated with relativism, skepticism and free will. The right-sided emphasizes the freedom rather than law and considers alive in the moment attitude.
The structural and functional asymmetry in the nervous system and the human brain often focuses on the work done by Broca, Sperry, Wernicke, and Geschwind. The human brain shows an interaction between the cognitive structural through a focus on the left and right hemispheres in the auditory space. Therefore, these findings enhance a more interactive and dynamic view of the functionality of brain asymmetry.
The left and right hemispheres of the brain develop symmetrically at both the functional and anatomical levels. The asymmetrical development creates structural differences between the brain hemispheres with each sphere processing specific dominant tasks (Beeman and Christine 52). The brain lateralization and convergence, therefore, building fitness in life. For example, the left hemisphere of the brain is often associated with auditory and language processing. For instance, the Sylvian fissure and planum temporal are consistent with the left language-dominant hemisphere.
The varying combinations of pitch, tone, contours, and rhythms have an impact on the human brain. Music plays a vital role in societies and expression about people's cultures. Through the field of bio musicology, the significance of music to the brain language process is still up on debate (Iaccino 125). Some people argue that music is different from language since some people who lost language abilities still had language abilities. Therefore, these clearly shows that language and music are processed in different hemispheres of the brain (Beeman and Christine 50). Tests that have been previously done in which contour was observed show that people who had one part of the brain affected or temporally removed due to epilepsy results labeled a dominance of brain hemispheres on language and music. In other researches that have designated brain hemispheres with words and music dominance, there is comparison in differences of brain activities. The studies focus on the reaction of the brain to stimuli caused by the use of language and music. The results show that the response is similar in all instances.
There is a direct correlation between language and music through their distinctions (Vaneechoutte, Stephen and Marc 183). The research takes into consideration the link that exists between language and music. The results show the connection between the area of the brain that process music which is Broca and the region that processes language. Even though the location of the areas is similar, it, however, does not indicate a similar functioning process.
With modern science, love is readily associated with the brain rather than the heart. The brain structures insula and striatum are responsible for love. The insula is located in the cerebral cortex and striatum is located in the forebrain. Love activates the striatum an area that is often enabled by pleasurable things, for instance, food (Iaccino 126). Attachment initiates an area that is associated with the process of conditioning and therefore, the things of pleasure are rewarded and hold high value. However, the striatum is also connected with drug addiction.
Science attempts to systemize and classify the world objects to understand the brain better. The scientific understanding of a language necessitates arrangement of the word in rules and categories (Beeman and Christine 57). No single individual has the capability of knowing everything; the capacity is, however, adequate to hold the necessary knowledge.
Over the years' studies have been done and results show a lack of balance in the allocation of people in the visual fields. Neurophysiological data show the dominance of the right hemisphere for attention orientation. However, the primary function of the right brain is creativity. Right-sided people in this digital era are becoming more important; they can recognize patterns, they are designers, investors, big picture thinkers and storytellers (Iaccino 128). Both the right and left hemisphere need to work in conjunction because their connectivity is the basis of all holistic development. Previously, it took people time and a lot of effort to obtain information through records. Nowadays through data mining, people can effectively obtain information within a limited time frame.
For this reason, processing of information has become fast therefore advantageous in obtaining intended results quickly (Beeman and Christine 48). As competition for business, companies, and organizations steepens, it requires people with excellent decision-making skills that can be able to make essential decisions for the organization or business. Therefore, the right sided people with visualization and big-picture thinking need to work hand in hand with the left-sided people that are equipped with analyzing skills to lead to the success of an organization or business.
For over years' studies have been conducted and findings are showing that each hemisphere houses specific hormones. The neuro-system that is associated with emotions that are often linked to engagement in the world such as anger, pride and happiness live in the left hemisphere of the brain whereas emotions that are often included fear and disgust (Iaccino 127). These studies have been done on the dominant right hemisphere, therefore, giving a skewed explanation which gives people more understanding. The new long-standing model is practiced in left-handed people and with emotions such as determination emotions that are often housed in the right side of the brain (Beeman and Christine 61). However, peoples' neural systems for emotions are highly dependent on whether the person is right or left handed. With the old model, emotions are specialized in hemispheres. Approach emotions dictate the hemispheres, and this is dependent on the degree and direction of handedness.
Love is associated with the desire of getting into and maintaining a close relationship with other people. Research on functional magnetic resonance imaging shows that activation increases in the brain areas that are involved in...
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