Structure and Function: A Natural Selection Process - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  610 Words
Date:  2023-04-20


The structure is how something is made; that is the form it takes. The function is the role that anything is entitled to play. So, in biology, it is the structure of an organ that determines its responsibility (Cournia, Allen, Andricioaei, Antonny, Baum, Brannigan, & Friedman, 2015). The relation between the structure and function occurs through a natural selection process. It exists among humans, animals, plants, and the rest of the living organisms. A single structure can also perform various roles. Thus, there are several instances in biology in which a relationship between the structure and function can be observed, this include;The human hand. It plays a vital responsibility in the body, which is grasping and grabbing things such as pencils and hammer for exceptional control and power, respectively. The structure of the hand enables it to perform well due to the presence of the opposable thumb, which is responsible for making the hand fit for excellent control (Cournia et al., 2015). Also, the ability to touch the hands' base by the fingers enables the hand to be in a position to grip objects.

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The human teeth also show a good relationship between the structure and function in biology. The primary role of the teeth is to tear and grind food into pieces that can be swallowed with ease. After that, for absorption purposes into the body. It is made possible by the incisors allocated at the front, which are sharp and thus can easily tear food. The presence of a flat surface of molars allows the grain to be grinded into tiny particles. Also, chewed well due to their position in the mouth, which is close to the jaws. It is also beneficial where severe food is involved as molars can chew them with the most force, therefore, making swallowing to be more comfortable.

Naturally, the structure of a bacteria does not have a true nucleus, which makes them prokaryotic cells. Due to that, the bacteria have the role of reproducing by binary fission. There are also plant cells which are structured to have large central vacuole. An excellent example is chloroplasts. It is because of this feature that plants can carry out photosynthesis. On the other hand, amino acids are ready to speed up the chemical processes in them, which has been made possible by their structure, which fits together (lock and key method).

Another one is the cellular level; there are examples of cells like the lung cells, which are extremely thin in size. The thin membrane thus facilitates the diffusion of gases in and out of the cell. Besides, there are the red blood cells that transport oxygen effectively to all the other cells of the body. The function can easily be carried out due to the shape and extrusion of organelles, which provide enough room for molecules of hemoglobin. They are round, flat, and indented in form. Their nucleus and organelles cells are lost ordinally possess (Cournia et al., 2015). After the extinction of these cells, the red blood cells get filled with hemoglobin, which has amino acid and iron. The doughnut-like shape and the disappearance of these organelles are what enhances the performance of the red blood cell.


In conclusion, there are several parts of the human body, animals, as well as plants that have to function together to sustain life. It incorporates the structures that belong to them.

Works Cited

Cournia, Z., Allen, T. W., Andricioaei, I., Antonny, B., Baum, D., Brannigan, G., ... & Friedman, R. (2015). Membrane protein structure, function, and dynamics: a perspective from experiments and theory. The Journal of membrane biology, 248(4), 611-640. Retrieved from

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Structure and Function: A Natural Selection Process - Essay Sample. (2023, Apr 20). Retrieved from

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