Should Video Games Be Considered a Sport? Essay Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  639 Words
Date:  2022-10-23


Video games have become one of the favorite entertainment sources. There is an argument if video games should be considered as a sport especially when Activision company wanted to create an ESPN division which they would call it "major group gaming". This group creation led to the argument if gaming is an activity which can create income or just a massive fail. For users to figure out if the gaming activity can become a sport, it's important to pay attention to the meaning game. Hence a game can be considered as an action which involves expertise and movement of a particular individual referred to as a gamer. Although this topic seems so easy to write a comprehensive paper it's important to consider that the teacher opinion about the topic. In many instances you expect the teacher to disagree with fact that video games should not be considered as a sport. When approaching this topic, you have been to convince the teacher about the merits of the video game. This essay seeks to argue why gaming should be considered a sport.

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Why Gaming Should Not Be Considered

There are many aspects which do not consider video game a sport. If you consider video a sport it could be essential to name games like chess sports also this why video game has to consider just like a video game. Consider games don't involve physical activity and hence cannot be compared to other sports. Another can argue that since video game damages the human psychic. there is no defined rule and the rules that bid to they do not adequately regulate all the video games plays.

Why We Should Consider Video Game a Sport

On the other had gaming can be considered a sport in the aspect: like other sports video games require training, coordination and its mind involving. Games also require more focus and quick reflexes in almost all the game cases. Even though gaming is not a physical activity there is energy involved in gaming. Gaming is incredibly very competitive just like any other sports. To become a professional gamer skill, experience and strategy are vital. Gaming is also very responsive to time.

Despite the fact that you might consider gaming as not a sport it is essential to consider that everything done in sport is also intensive in video gaming. Gaming requires practice concentration and experience to attain better results. I would say the video game has more benefit to your health and improve our interaction. it's right to mention that video games cause psychic but like other sporting activity injuries happen and can be controlled by regulating the many times we are involved. Gaming also creates more income source to the gamer as the join other competitors in tournaments. Hence gaming should be considered a sport

Work Cited

Villar, Jaume Garcia, and Carles Murillo. eSports: profile of participants, complementarity with sports and its perception as sport. Evidence from sports video games. No. 1617. 2018.

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Should Video Games Be Considered a Sport? Essay Example. (2022, Oct 23). Retrieved from

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