Revive Your Art Career: A Marketing & Touring Plan - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  578 Words
Date:  2023-03-04


Becoming an artist takes one's commitment, dedication, hard work, and above all, a plan for the career. Like many hidden careers, I know they are willing to wake up and some well someday, but the idea of how to proceed is not there. The concept of developing your skills attracts many clients, and when they are impressed, they turn up to support your career. This paper provides a marketing and touring plan to revive an artist's career that began well his career but failed to proceed following one reason or another.

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Yes, any career requires knowledge, typically in the area of specialization, for instance, in music. The producing company may be needed to play significant roles in uplifting one's career most. Starting up may not be the biggest challenge, but developing a successful collective project is the most vital task. In the recent past, social media has become part of people's lives. Many people, especially youths, are spending much time on the platform. To the audience, giving us the support by recording 'Wanderwall' by our reviving artist Oasis, we opt to plan for marketing the song through the most visited social media platforms such as WhatsApp and YouTube.

To the patron of Warner Bros, you may be asking why I am having this conversation with you. The reason is that I had had this conversation with myself when I thought about how many people the success of Oasis in music would inspire. So I conducted research and came up with a marketing plan we should adopt for Oasis to be known. He is an artist who admires development, and I feel he needs an immediate reorganization. As the society in the music industry, you need to help us support this greatest passion for music. It is essential to note that Oasis not only has a great passion but also has a real interest, and we looking for approval.

It is a bitter pill for some people to help others because of their shortcomings and problem. Having observed well, Oasis' performance was revealing before he falls following a lack of financial support in his music career. One thing that is confident with him is his composition and the ability to recognize his values as a person. In the marketing tour plan, the primary goals will be to generate a lead in the music industry as the recording company and, most importantly, the artist. This is substantially connected with creating awareness of the company brand, and the artist will revive excellently. The central existence of a company is making more profit, and Warner Bros will have marketed image implying potentiality for more benefits.


In conclusion, I would stress the words said by Thomas Paquette that in life, the greatest asset you have is your passion for what you able to do. Once you stop salivating other people's work, it is your turn to dig down to your work. Most importantly, the manner in which the company market its artists determines its future performance. Thereafter, it is a dependent relation because both the recording company and the artist need each other. One should find his/her authentic voice by realizing their strengths and talents. It is time to banish hidden music careers of indifference. We should work hard, have fun, and show the entire world what you capable of doing. Everyone's support will be highly appreciated especially in sharing the music in WhatsApp status and also subscribing on Youtube

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Revive Your Art Career: A Marketing & Touring Plan - Essay Sample. (2023, Mar 04). Retrieved from

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