The utilization of "cyborg life" spin around how people perceive big data in relation to cooperation and innovation of the human race. Mazis (2008, p. 16) defines a cyborg as an individual equipped with artificial implants, for example, fake heart valves, cochlear inserts or insulin siphons. This paper looks into the positive and negative aspects of the impact of technological information advancement in the world today.
The cyborg life is an augmented reality-fiction merge where the dimensions between two worlds are deeply interconnected that there is no clear separation between what is real and what is not. The context of being a cyborg, a cybernetic organism, is encompassed in human engineering where individuals are fit with artificial implants to supplement or enhance bodily functions and organs (Mazis, 2008, pg 16). This paper takes a look into the utilization of big data in the formulation of cybernetic organisms, and the resultant effect of the quantity of information presently held by the inventors of big data crunching machines.
The element of hyper-reality come into play wherein what is genuine and what is fiction are flawlessly mixed (Wissikirchen, et al., 2017, pg. 36). Hyper-reality is a theoretical correspondence foundation made conceivable by data innovation. This paper discusses the resultant effect of big data manipulation and the resultant effect of the innovative solutions, either positive or negative, on the business environment and the society as well.
Machines and Society: Big Data and Information Revolution
Cuervo (2018, pg. 5; Matsuda, 2013, pg. 17)) quotes Keiichi Matsuda, maker of the idea film 'Hyper-Reality', who correspondingly portrays the wonder in connection to expanding advancements: "Our physical and computer-generated realities are getting progressively interlaced. Advancements, for example, VR, indicate an existence where innovation will wrap each part of our lives. It will be the adhesive factor between each cooperation and experience, offering astonishing potential outcomes, while additionally controlling how we comprehend the world."
An item of discussion about the issue of interaction between machines and society should be carefully investigated. For instance, there is the issue of modernized euthanasia procedures and programs. What the medical profession has done is to invest in a machine that takes human lives at the patients' command.
Through the facilitation of big data manipulation and utility, it has now become apparent that machines exercise more power than humans. What with the inferential statistics that are all derived from algorithms fed into the computer? In the medical profession, activists condemn the new form of euthanasia as virtualization of actions. In the place of traditional therapy where patient-doctor interaction was possible, now patients are being left at the whims of a machine with no emotions (Wissikirchen, et al., 2017, pg. 37).
At this point, the machine exercises more power over humans in determining who lives and who dies. The cyborg killing machine is an invention of big data usage in the medical profession, and it affects society by facilitating voluntary and willful killing. The last command for the lethal injection is non-reversible, and nothing the patients do in those last thirty minutes can save them from extinction.
However, not all is gloomy as in more than a few occasions machines and society have collaborated for the greater good. For example in the agricultural sector, big data has enabled specialists to create innovative weather forecasts machines. These machines tell of the amount of humidity in the air and the ground. This information is crunched by big data and predictions are made concerning which part of land requires what quantity of watering and at what time (Turner, pg. 6). This facilitates water conservation and at the same time being economical and timesaving.
AI-Machine Learning and Prediction
Looking towards the future, communitarian integration will genuinely be an empowering influence on the information revolution. People and robots - in the wide sense - will collaborate to amplify profitability and spryness while lessening dangers for the people (Mestres & Vives-Rego, 2007, pg. 6). However, the information revolution is the advent of big data and should not be limited to customarily hands-on occupations.
Artificial intelligence can push people to: assess complex substances, furnishing them with a synthesized and reasonable portrayal of an unpredictable reality, and settle on the correct choices. Through big data, hazards are well comprehended ahead of time. This is a remarkable positive influence of big data on society. By analyzing huge data pertaining to environmental changes and the climate, scientists are able to predict the likelihood of calamities occurring.
Emergency evacuation measures can then be instigated to avert extreme damage to society. Big data manipulation is important at this point as little bits of information are analyzed to derive meaningful insight for the greater good of the society (Mayer-SchoNberger, & Cukier, 2013, pg. 23). Towards the negative side, however, human improvement with in-the-body advances brings new cases into the discussion.
Questions arise whether people are liable to expand chance or expand misuse due to innovation. On the other hand, body hacking could be contended to be another case of abuse where laborers are paid not exactly the estimation of what they produce. Specifically, body programmers are like researchers from earlier hundreds of years who embraced DIY tests with no desire for monetary rewards (Barfield & Williams, 2014, pg. 13).
Additionally, human upgrade with in-the-body innovation brings new cases into the discussion about advanced abuse. Specifically, it is contended that big data will utilize people's data without their knowledge. Acknowledging advanced data frameworks bring people into accidentally or involuntarily giving up their individual information and privacy. Nonetheless, similarly as with different uses of computerized innovation, distinctive mass ideal models bring various conceivable outcomes for information abuse and information security.
Impact of Big Data to Innovation and Value to the Global Economy
Technological advancements have both positive and negative outcomes of the human sphere. Too much exposure to the internet of things provides an avenue for the ill-minded to compile substantial pieces of information about people's private lives. Marketers are increasingly designing cost-effective means to put messages across, and as such, they need content-specific marketing that will out-rightly trap the target audience.
However, 'big-data dangers' emerge when crossing the lines of buyer examination to the intrusion of privacy and security (Mayer-SchoNberger, & Cukier, 2013, pg. 16). The cyborg life has the potential to predict human actions in times to come. As such, a scientific joke ensues that one might be jailed for committing a crime purported to have happened then but did not happen!
The implication in this context is that in as much as machines help us predict the future, it is not rational for humans to rely 100% on the accuracy of the machines. Human reasoning is necessary to audit the repercussions presented (Logg, 2007, pg. 57). Eugenics is a brainchild of big data evolution where humans with desirable hereditary traits are met to produce a hybrid. The setback of this innovation is the resultant effect it has on the inferior species of society.
Eugenics comes into play at this point to shed light on the plight of inferior human species in the world. From the time of Adolf Hitler and the glorification of the Aryans as the superior race, struggle still ensue to get better progeny than the present generation. People desire that the best qualities of our times are combined to get a hybrid in the next generation (Wittes & Chong, 2014, pg. 15). However, the manner in which we utilize big data knowledge to invent technology and machines is a path that we should tread carefully.
The economic sense to the spread of the big data era is the timely and accurate provision of information. What traditionally took eons to decipher is now possible in a matter of seconds with the amplified computational properties of modern machines and human understanding. To take an example of the flu outbreak in recent times, Google, through big data analytics was able to predict with near precision the extent of the spread of the infection.
This enables health professionals to know where to channel immediate response hence saving on medical-related expenditure as the disease was better contained before widespread. The direct channelling of resources to where most appropriate free up raw materials and provides more time for creative solutions to be found. This point makes more economical sense where extrapolated to mass production. Be it medicines or manufacture of vehicles or even home appliances, syncing big data solutions to the production process and design has great positive economic advantages.
Big Data, Anxiety and the Modern Business Environment
What this paper tries to pass across is that machines and humans can learn to co-exist. As learned from the "Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think," Mayer-SchoNberger, & Cukier (2013, pg. 7) state that there is no imminent danger to co-existence between the humans and the machines. What results machines get by crunching big data is directly linked to human actions. The thriving new vivid innovations being worked on today, be that as it may, hold the potential for a hyper-reality that will advance - as opposed to reduce - the human experience.
A machine taking over human activities is not a new thing. So what is diverse this time? Cybernetics will not simply influence industrial laborers alone (Wissikirchen, et al., 2017, pg. 36). Frequently, we consider low-wage; low-ability employments being the most in danger, similar to distribution center specialists or clerks, yet mechanization may likewise influence blue-collar jobs. With Big Data, technology has simplified our lives and all the more progressively helps the society dodge situations that might be disastrous to the human race. Nevertheless, technology is not simply staying away from individuals; it is a circumvention of the awkward feelings that accompany cooperation with individuals.
Through big data, businesses now have the ability to exercise the KYC philosophy in a much greater way than ever before. Know your customer is an invention of the present business operations where companies are competing to keep customers loyal to the business. Big data provides an avenue where much of the customers' information is easily accessible. By this provision, the companies are well able to design products and services that are suitable to their clients' needs and expectations.
Summary and Conclusion
From the aforementioned, the way to respond to technologically induced changes to society and the business world is to embrace big data and not shy away from it. "Big Data" alludes to our thriving capacity to crunch huge assortments of data, examine it in a second, and occasionally reach significantly amazing determinations from it. This rising science can decipher immeasurable quantities of information.
All these and much more transcends to big data's capacity to anticipate future human conduct. It likewise presents crisp dangers, from the unavoidable crash of security and privacy to probably being punished for the possibility of occurrence of things we are yet to commit. Big data is transitioning the elements of mass ideal models, innovation training, and s...
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