The quality of life is determined by the daily activities that people engage. Both primary and minor events in a person's life affect the value of existence either positively or negatively. Quality of life can be defined as the way in which a person views the general well being of their lives (Rudy p. 12). Different parameters have been used to measure the quality of life, and the main ones include; psychological comfort, contentment with the daily activities that one does and the physical health of an individual. On the other hand, stress can be defined as a person's response to physical or emotional pain. A little pressure can be beneficial because it pushes an individual to perform tasks they would otherwise consider difficult or impossible to execute, but when it is extreme, it negatively impacts the quality of life of a person (Rudy p. 15). Some of the causes of stress include loss of loved ones through death, substantial financial obligations, and rejection from close associates, chronic illness, and divorce among others. It is important to note that without stress people might not reach their goals but when they encounter a little stress, it pushes them to the next level. The paper will, therefore, discuss the cause of stress and how it impacts the quality of life.
Firstly, stress can be caused by an extreme financial obligation that exceeds one's earnings and makes strain. When one is in such situation, they get stressed in an attempt to meet the expectations which leads to psychological pressure (Firdaus p.195). Secondly, stress can result from chronic illness of an individual or their loved ones this is because the care that is required is an intense couple with financial strain associated with it. The pain that people go through also makes them have both physical and psychological stress. Thirdly, people encounter stress due to life challenges such as divorce which detaches them from their partners (Firdaus p.198). When people divorce the emotional stress that comes with it is high, and they take a lot of time before heal, this can be destructive if they don't get excellent guiding and counseling. Similarly, loss of loved ones through death can also result in stress if acceptance is not embraced. When people die, they leave a gap that can never be replaced by those left behind, and in this case, it leaves them with stress. (Bruce et al. p.5). Loss of a job also leads to weight because people can no longer meet their financial obligations and they begin to strain. In such cases, it is inevitable to avoid stress.
Stress can have both positive and negative impacts on the quality of life. When pressure is at manageable levels, then it can have a positive result. One of the constructive implications of stress on the quality of life is that it motivates people towards meeting objectives. A little pressure is necessary to push people into doing things and moving to the next level otherwise without it human beings can always be content with what they have (Mcleod p.235). In this regard, stress improves the quality of life. Additionally, pressure is a cognitive booster which makes people sharpens their thinking skills to achieve a solution to a problem. It prepares people for handling potential dangers, and when they become successful, they can realize their capability of solving issues. When people can enhance their cognitive abilities, then their quality of life improves (Zhao & Wu p.736). Similarly, stress helps in strengthening the physical well being of a person because during times of anxiety much adrenaline is produced which speeds up the heart rate and improves one's metabolism. Adrenaline also helps in reducing fatigue and pain. Besides, stress can enhance the quality of life by making one stronger. When people are exposed to a certain degree of importance, they fight to come out of it, and this sharpens them and widens their minds in solving other issues in life (Zhao & Wu p.753). In this case, it instills a sense of preparedness and strength in their lives.
On the other hand, stress can have negative impacts on the quality of life. Firstly, when anxiety is too much, it increases the chances of having heart problems which damage the heart vessels. In this case, one can quickly get stroke which paralyzes the body, and the individual affected becomes maimed for life a situation that might not be reversed (Schut p.59). In this case, they will not be able to perform their usual activities, therefore, depending on others for help and their quality of life is negatively impacted. Similarly, stress leads to the destruction of the brain which in turn leads poor memory. When people go through too much pressure their cognitive capacity is affected for instance the memory sense becomes weak, and they keep forgetting things quickly, this can make them lose a lot of necessary appointment in their lives, and this leads to poor quality of living (Schut p.5 60). Besides, when people are stressed they rarely accomplish tasks as they lack the concentration to do things constructively. In most cases, they begin jobs but they do not bring them to achieve it is because of the anxiety that makes them lack the patience to finish tasks that they start (Thoits p.365). To add on to that stress causes people to undergo depression and frustration, and different people behave differently when they are depressed for instance some decide to withdraw entirely and they do not want to interact with people at all. In most cases, they isolate themselves to lonely places. Some end up committing suicide or losing the desire to live. Also, stress makes one to lack optimism and may not have the desire to work or do anything positive in their lives they only yearn for death and other harmful things which make them more stressed (Thoits p.368). It is important to note that stress can be managed and the people affected can live healthy lives, pursue their goals and improve their quality of life.
In conclusion, it is important to note that stress can impact a person's life negatively or positively depending on its magnitude. When pressure is little, then it undoubtedly changes the life of the person affected by pushing them to achieve specific objectives or solving some problems. On the other hand when there too much stress it negatively affects the quality of life. The quality of life is affected because one goes through depression, anxiety, withdrawal, develop suicidal feelings among others. The negative impacts make the quality of life sick and leave the people affected in troubled states. Future studies need to dwell more on the ways of managing stress to improve the quality of life.
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