Leadership requires a wide array of personality traits and qualities for effectiveness. Globally different leaders have made history due to the tremendous results they showed to the people they led and the world at large. Ancient leaders like Anaximander and Zeno in the period between the sixth and fifth century BCE, marked the beginning of ancient Greek philosophy when thinkers sought logical explanation on human phenomena. Though different writings refer to pre-Socratics as philosophers, they did not perceive themselves as so. Their love for wisdom to philosophically critic life situation gave them the credit to be classified as a philosopher. For instance, thinkers like Anaximander of Miletus (c 530 BC) and Zeno of Elea (c 460 BC) made tremendous contribution to expound human understanding in antiquity inquiries.
Anaximander was an Athenian who lived between 610 BC and 546 BC, a son of Praxiades. He lived in Miletus in a city of India in the place that is geographical west coast known as Turkey in the modern atlas. Although he is referred to as the father of astronomy thinking, he was taught and mastered Greek theorized myths from Thales - the father of philosophy and his predecessors. He learned in Milesian school where succeeded Thales and taught Anaximenes and Pythagoras to his pupils. He was the first known philosopher to document his scholarly philosophical works but, a lot of Anaximander's biodata has not been provided because only one of his reports in the fragments has remained. Thus, establishing an accurate timeline to give chronological reference to his works is close to impossible, only assumptions stipulated by his successors provide the range of his lifetime. Anaximander's astronomic thinking was explored by observing the universe in critical aspects that interested him. This wide exploration of the universe inspired him to conceptualize sound descriptions of different aspects of nature, thus, contributing to abstract thinking in many disciplines including geometry, cosmology, geography, and metaphysics. He was succeeded by Aristotle who revived his philosophy that was bound to be forgotten. Aelian depicts Anaximander as a prominent legislator and a political leader of Miletus, arguably that he provided his philosophical capacity to the legislation of Greek laws.
Anaximander is considered the very first true scientist with effective leadership qualities. He propounded on the aspects observable from the universe, particularly interested in explaining its origin and the laws that govern the harmony of nature. Anaximander's philosophical thinking translated the earth to be infinite or boundless. In this ideal, he perceived the endlessness and unlimited of the composition of the universe subject to death, old age, and decay. He visualized the universe to be governed by self-driven law sustained by cosmic breath. In this, though Anaximander explained that death or decay was an order of the universe to return its boundless elements to eternity.
In his role as the father of cosmology, he explored the non-mythical logistics applied in physical processes. Through the mechanical model, he was able to draw a cylindrical sphere that floats in the core of infinity. The paradigms of this theory liberated his predecessor's argument that the earth floated on water. He explained how the land masses were found on the bases of the cylinder and the ocean water masses on the spherical surroundings. It was through this argument that he explained how celestial bodies were able to go round the earth.
In his study on the relationship of the astronomic bodies and the earth, he was able to make the initial arguments on the compositions of the sum. While evaluating the distance between the sun and the earth he initiated the celestial sphere in relation to the earth's land masses seasons. As he tried to subject all the astronomic aspects that enhance relationships of the universe components to each other he speculated of the plurality of the universe to prove his argument on the infinity characteristics of the world. In meteorology, he revolutionized the divine explanation of metrological phenomena like thunder, lightning, and rain to more scientific explanations. He formed the bases of exploring how the elements of the universe contributed to these happenings rather than the previous mythical explanations.
The significance of his contribution to the scientific explanation of the elements of the universe formed a very important platform for future philosophers to have platforms of explaining the interdependence and relationship of the composites of the universe. Many of the philosophical explanations of the astronomic and cosmological aspects generate from his foundations rather than the ancient Greece explanations on immortal Homeric gods. The theories of Anaximander's works formed the platform for the independence of the properties of the earth, to express the natural balance of the elements in the principle driving the universe.
Zeno was a Greek thinker and mathematician who lived in the fifth century between c 490 BC and c 430 BC in the era of pre-Socratic philosophers. He lived in the Anthem colony of Elea in the southern region of Italy. Like many philosophers of his time very little has been documented about Zeno's personal life. His biographical information was written nearly a century after his demise. From the theorized information, he was assumed to have been born approximately in 490 BC. Other speculated data stated that he was the biological son of Teleutagoras and an adopted son of Parmenides. He was believed to collude the overthrowing Nearchus the tyrant of Elea who arrested, tortured and killed him. During his torture, he refused to name his counterparts in the overthrow conspiracy. This stubborn character drove him to his grave when he bit Nearchus's ear clamming to have secret information to his advantage.
The majority of Zeno's primary works never survived intact. Fragments of his writings have been documented by philosophical successors like Aristotle and Simplicius. Zeno is the founder of epicheirema argument style. Aristotle defines epicheirema to entail interconnected reasoning also referred to as a dialectical syllogism earning himself the title of the dialectic inventor. This method of argument is destructive that attested Zeno's encounter with the infinity of mathematics. His paradoxes formed the foundation of physiologist and mathematician arguments on the motion. He hypothesized the puzzle revolving around objects' motion. Zeno was able to form the basis of explaining how different objects move in relation to the speed taken. For instance, he was able to compare and contrast the motion taken by a tortoise and that of an arrow. The single numerous argument purported that when demonstrating many presumptions of common sense, the tenability of motion is theorized with logoi Proclus.
Reconstruction of Zeno's argument constitutes of individual presumption on an effective formula to actual reasoning. Aristotle quoted that presumptions of Zeno's argument drew infinity or unlimited antinomy. In fact, the application of this argument dictates comparable motions or conditions. The idea around the thinker was to give a mathematical explanation of why different conditions react differently to the motion. He formed the mathematical platform for calculating motion which is in the current day used to assess the speed. Though is philosophical argument was diminished by the permittivity of knowledge, he demonstrated the simplicity of motion magnitude as infinite form. He proved how magnitude and thickness apply alludes alternatively in Simplicius records.
In his paradoxes, Zeno succeeded Parmendean doctrine of the reality of divisibility and indivisibility of nominal units. He was able to base a chronological argument on the plurality of items considering the consistency of time and space. It was through these arguments that Zeno applied the three premises of divisible and indivisible units. This premises included magnitude, infinite, and inseparable. The premises form the tenets of mathematical computation of units to either increase or decrease the unit from the homogeneous hypothesis.
The importance of these philosophical ideas from Zeno of Elea provided indirect proof in systematic premises towards the provisions of prose and motion. It was within this provisions that modern mathematicians are able to distinguish between continuum articles in a geometrical line. The rationale of numbers gives standard analysis to give comparable results on the measure of motion and linear continuum. Zeno also contributed considerably to the insight of physical space. This argument was expounded by Aristotle to form important arguments on astrological arguments of the motion of the earth on its orbit. In a modern constructive analysis on the continuum of indefinite divisible and indivisible lines, the use of Zeno's ideologies helps today's philosophers to evaluate the contingency of time and space in the composition of indivisible composites. Zeno hence forms the primary solutions in the mathematical and science disciplines to evaluate continuous composure of direct magnitudes. Reconciliation of the theories applied by Zeno sills the basic loops to produce correct solutions in general relativity.
The promotion of scientific understanding of motion gives modern philosophers fruitful logistics to assess the significance of progressive trends in motion. These benefits have over the years formed potential bases for scientists seeking a physiotherapeutic explanation of motion to build on the body of knowledge presented by primary successors of Zeno like Aristotle to mystify the paradoxes and their concepts. Future mathematicians buy Zeno's paradoxes to litigate on the computation of motion using the virtues of units. Also, poets and other sequential or prose writers benefit from Zeno's philosophical ideologies in the composition of their piecework. The application of motion theory in the composition of poetry and prose has over a long time grown tremendously using the motion theorem. Modern philosophers should capitalize on the contribution of this ancient Greek thinker on understanding the basic principles of Zeno's endlessness in motion.
In the lead story on the House of David, David and his descendants were God's appointed rules to reign in Israel that encompassed the tribe of Judah and the tribe of Israel. From the narrative, the David dynasty is extended in the Judah territory geographical perspective with a political understanding of the Israel entity. The political group in the geographical divide of Judah was insignificant but, created a sense of unity. The overlapping political divide of the House of David, Israel, and Judah forms the primary understanding of the early monarchy. David's rule was a biblical source of righteousness and legislative sovereignty in battle and justice. Theological representation of this kingdom was the ancestral tree for the future messiah (Moore, 2017). King David's monarchy was God-driven, consenting for divine guidance to administer justice and when engaging in battle. For Kings to succeed their predecessors in the House of David, they were appointed by God long before their reign came to be, but in the House of Atreus, the succession was precedential to murder. Also, in David's dynasty kings like David, Saul, and Solomon respected and held God with honor and prestige unlike in the Atreus dynasty kings like Tantalus deceived the gods by feeding his mortal friends on nectar and ambrosia and served his own son - Pelops - to the gods. He also stole the golden hound of Zeus that was held with sacred gratitude as a representation of honor to the gods a lied about the issue. This contrast showed that the monarchy...
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