Report Sample on Bill Gates' Epic Speech: 'The Next Outbreak'

Paper Type:  Report
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  515 Words
Date:  2023-11-16


A great speaker will have various attributes of making a speech have a successful beginning. One of the best-documented speeches in this century is Bill Gate’s speech on "The next outbreak," emphasizing how the world should be prepared to face epidemics.

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Effectiveness of Introduction, Body, Conclusion

Among the most beautiful speeches is Bill Gate's address, "The next outbreak?" which was delivered in 2015. It was an excellent presentation that was worth recalling. He starts by saying, "When I was a kid, the disaster we worried about most was a nuclear war." This opening statement gives his audience an early clue of what the speech will entail. The introduction, the body, and the conclusion of the speech were genuinely successful as he tailored his address to the listeners. Additionally, his speech produced a warm sensation in listeners' minds from the beginning to the end. He also had a powerful, captivating end to the audience.

Overall Organization

It is essential to execute the speech effectively, engage the audience, and organize the information to connect with the listeners. The illustrations, explanations, and questions played a significant role in boosting the speech's efficiency, leading to excellent outcomes. For instance, he says, "NATO does many war games to check, are people well trained?" In this scenario, he has used NATO as an illustration in a question form so that the audience can better understand if the world is prepared to face epidemics.

Emphasis on Two to Four Major Points

He explained how the world’s health system should be prepared to tackle worse epidemics than Ebola that might arise in the future. He emphasizes that developing nations should boost their healthcare systems, and also, more medical personnel should be trained to be prepared to tackle future pandemics.

Bill Gates has also emphasized the importance of the world, shifting its attention from war games and focusing on more serious risks like bioterrorism.

Use of Evidence to Support Claims

In this speech, Bill Gates has used several pieces of evidence. One of them is as follows: "Let us look at Ebola's progression over this year. About 10,000 people died, and nearly all were in the three West African countries." Here, Bill gates encouraged his listeners to reflect on how worse Ebola was and also think about the future of what may happen if a worse pandemic than Ebola occurs.

Enthusiasm for The Topic

The speaker encourages the audience to work hard to boost the healthcare system with a lot of interest and attention. For instance, he says, "So I think this should be a priority." Here the audience will benefit as the speaker talks about how much he is interested in this issue, and there are high chances that the audience will not forget to find solutions to the problem.


Bill Gates makes proper use of gestures mostly by using his arms. For instance, when he says a huge investment has been directed towards nuclear weapons, his arms are wide apart to indicate how massive it is. This gesture helps in creating a mental picture in the audience's mind.

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Report Sample on Bill Gates' Epic Speech: 'The Next Outbreak'. (2023, Nov 16). Retrieved from

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