Module Title: (e.g. Studying for Business) The Business Professional Seminar Group Module Code: HR6004 Word Count 4534
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Events and Replication Workshops
Executive Summary
There exists evidence that cultural activities take place across the globe. Human activity and technological advancements, as well as many other factors, have disconnected people from their cultures. Moreover, there exist a big number of people who may be willing to experience the cultures of other people, which is evident from the number of people who move from country to another to experience these cultures. Movement from rural places to urban areas in search of employment displaces people from their cultures. Additionally, globalization brings people of diverse cultures together and as a consequence, some cultures are lost.
Due to these factors, it becomes necessary for the storage and transmission of live occurrences of these activities to all parts of the globe. Technology comes in handy to solve the situation. Currently, many countries are in transition from the analog television to the digital platforms which enable users to access many television channels across the globe live. This, therefore, presents an avenue through which cultural activities may be stored and transmitted to everyone willing to watch across the globe. The 3D technology has come in handy to aid in the visual, audio and visual transmission of live events through the television. The technology is, therefore, best suited to perform the function.
Due to the readily available consumers and the appropriate technology for storage and transmission, the only missing link is companies that will be exclusively dedicated to such cultural transmission. It, therefore, presents a viable business idea that has not been fully exploited. This exploitation will come with more benefits including talent development, revenue generation for the government, creation of employment, and preservation as well as learn through other peoples cultures.
The purpose of this project is to assess the practicability of technological innovation that is suitable to store and transmit live cultural activities. The projects aim is to verify whether the proposed application is effective in meeting the need to experience live cultural events without necessary being physically present at the performance (Creswell, 2013). 3D technology, as well as a digital television network, plays a vital role in making sure that the events are streamed live on the channels and the internet.
Research Objectives
Identify a technological replication tool that is being developed to help record and transmit live cultural content. In this project, I choose to focus on an instrument that enables people to follow the proceedings of a cultural event real time through the use of 3D technology. The event is transmitted online, and the user can experience it by wearing special glasses.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the technological replication tool especially in ensuring that the content with real time. Also, assess the effectiveness based on ability to support multiple users-This objectives focuses on the reliability of the 3D technology especially if the users far away from the event. This question examines the ability of this technological infrastructure to transmit over long distances and to a broad online audience (Punch 2013).
Propose how the technological replication tool can be aligned with the cultural heritage transformation movement in the EU- This question looks into how this technology can be integrated with other cultural preservation media (Flick 2015).
Research Questions
Which technology is best suitable for storage and transmission of live cultural events?
How effective is the technology as compared to any other means?
How can the technology tool be aligned to the cultural heritage transformation?
How reliable is the 3D technology especially to users that are far away from the event?
Literature Review
Bell, J. (2014) Doing Your Research Project: A guide for first-time researchers. McGraw-Hill Education, (UK).
Bell makes an analysis of the ethical issues that one is likely to encounter while conducting sampling as a research methodology. The author identifies confidentiality, infringement of copyrights and use of patented documents as the major ethical issues. This guide is relevant to this research as it helps point out ethical issues for consideration while conducting sampling in research. It also makes suggestions on how to go about the ethical issues of concern while conducting the research.
Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approach Sage publications.
The author discusses the practicability of using electronic sources and the internet in conducting both qualitative and quantitative research. He suggests the use of the internet by using email to communicate to gatekeepers of the companies that fall under the sample subjects in order to obtain the relevant information. Additionally, some of the sample group subjects have publications on the internet and thus following the rightful procedures in avoiding infringement of copyrights as well as patented publication will be of great use. This research design is relevant to this research as it highlights how to properly use electronic and internet sources as a convenient research methodology for secondary sources of information.
Flick, U. (2015). Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project.
This book provides for different methodologies that can be used while conducting research. Moreover, it highlights how technological advancement may be used in the preservation of cultural events as well as transmission from a place of occurrence to the actual viewers across the globe. It is relevant to this research as it suggests different methodologies that can be used to conduct research, sampling, which has been adopted here, being one of them. Additionally, it provides insights into how cultural events data may be electronically preserved.
Kerzner, H. R. (2013). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.
The author provides a discussion on how to plan, control, schedule and even conduct the actual research. In relation to sampling, he delves into the biases that are associated with this research methodology. More specifically is the challenge of a limited sample that makes the research to contain credibility issues. This discussion is relevant to this study as it points out the challenge to be expected while conducting sampling in research. Additionally, it provides alternative research methodologies and how to handle the problem associated with a limited sample size of the subject which was experienced in this present research.
Marshall, C. & Rossman, G.B. (2014). Designing Qualitative Research. Sage publications.
The authors of this publication provide an extensive analysis of how to design a qualitative research. This refers to the pre-research preparations and consultations that one is required to do and eventually draw a map illustrating steps that will be followed in order to successfully conduct the research. It is relevant to this research in terms of preparation for the research and drawing of a workable schedule to be followed in order to attain the desired outcome
Punch, K. F. (2013). Introduction to social research: Quantitative and qualitative approaches. Sage.
The author examines conduction of social research and the ability to use technological advancement in storage and transmission of cultural events. Different methodologies may be explored on the basis of availability, costs, and efficiency. It is therefore up to the researcher to evaluate the most appropriate methodology to be explored in conducting social research. It is useful in this research as it is focussed on how to conduct social research which is the basis of this current research. Cultural events are social thing hence the social research.
Reynolds, D., & Wenburg, J. L. (2013). Project Proposal. Cell, 317, 627-4325.
The authors provide an in-depth analysis of how to deal with the various limitations and ethical issues that arise while conducting research. They suggest a number of ways to deal with these challenges which include the use of an introductory letter, use of code names and anonymity in trying to protect the confidentiality of the subjects. Their work is relevant to this research as it provides solutions to a problem that is likely to occur while conducting this current research and which has been used.
Vithal, R., & Jansen, J. (2012). Designing your first research proposal: a manual for researchers in education and the social sciences. Juta and Company Ltd.
This work proposes how to design the proposal for research as it is the first step in getting approval for the actual research. Additionally, it focuses its proposal on a case study that is relevant to this current research in relation to technology that can be used for storage and transmission. Since this research is concerned with storage and transmission of cultural events to a large population using 3D technology, it thus became relevant in conducting both the proposal as well as the actual research.
Business Opportunity
Storage and transmission of live cultural events across the globe is a potential market that has not been fully utilized hence the presence of few business ventures in that line. To illustrate this, for a very long time in Africa, MultiChoice Africa has enjoyed continental business success being the only company that is focussed on sports and culture. There have since been few entrants into the market since then but no so many. The latest 3D technology and technological advancement in the technology industry further provide additional business opportunities. Currently, the companies involved in storage and transmission of cultural events are combining it with sporting events with a major focus on the latter. This, therefore, means there is a huge business opportunity in focussing on cultural events only.
According to CBN News, technological innovations and advancements have set a global embrace of new technologies in the telecommunication industry. In view of the developments, there has been the introduction of digital television in which many countries have embraced. The digital platform enables people to access many television channels across the globe from the comfort of their living rooms as compared to the analog system where one is confined to local channels only. This has increased tremendously the consumers of digital television and therefore presents a ready market for an individual or company that seeks to venture into storage and transmission of live cultural activities across the globe (OECD, 2013).
Additionally, there being not so many companies covering cultural events exclusively, presents an ideal opportunity for business. The exclusivity will provide the competitive advantage that is required for a thriving business idea. What this essentially provides is monopoly in the market hence single producer feeding a huge population thereby balancing the demand and supply curve that is required for a thriving business.
Joffe and Jacklin (2003) in their research commissioned by ILO in partnership with the Ford Foundation, observe that globally, there is overwhelming evidence that sugges...
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