Presentation Example on Strong Relationship

Paper Type:  Presentation
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  454 Words
Date:  2021-04-14

Communicating does not only involve talking but also listening to one another. Couples should at least on regular basis check on each other, and it will be helpful if they talk more than just parenting and maintenance of the household. They can also talk about personal stuff so as to stay connected.

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Keep it interesting

It is hard for couples to stay connected with the kids around, jobs, and other commitments. However, these couples should sacrifice and make an effort to have their own time. They can arrange for regular dates, rent a movie or go to movies, dances, take a hobby together or go for afternoon picnics together.

Seeking help

There are up and downs in all relationships, and it is the duty of both partners to ensure the relationship work. Therefore, in the case of a repetitive fight over the same issue, the couple can take the initiative to seek help. Moreover, couples can take a proactive measure and take the marital education that teaches on various skills such as conflict resolution skills.

Despite, the strong relationship being a key to many people wellbeing and happiness it is not that easy to maintain. Therefore, the following steps can help the couple to maintain a healthy relationship. They include communication, keeping the relationship interesting, and seeking help (Haight & Abrahamson, 2017).

Maintaining Healthy Relationship

According to most findings, a relationship that is strong leads to positive impacts whereas relationships that are troubled leads to negative impacts. The following are impacts of a strong relationship ("Health Benefits of Positive Relationship," 2017):

Individuals in strong relationships have a reduced death rate compared to single individuals. The reason being individuals in a healthy strong supportive relationship are likely to have high self-esteem hence reduced depression.

The feeling of love between couples helps the heart, brain, and several systems of the body. This is brought by the hormone Oxytocin that causes the stimulation of dopamine that makes individuals feel close and it lowers blood pressure, causes improvement in moods, increases tolerance of pain and may fasten the healing of the wound.

Love always makes people feel happy, relaxed and pleased. Therefore, lovers are more resistant to common cold compared to those who have anxiety, depressed, and hostile.


Haight, R. & Abrahamson, D. (2017). Happy couples: How to keep your relationship healthy. Retrieved 12 March 2017, from

Health Benefits of Positive Relationship. (2017). Retrieved 12 March 2017, from

Haight, R. & Abrahamson, D. (2017). Happy couples: How to keep your relationship healthy. Retrieved 12 March 2017, from

Health Benefits of Positive Relationship. (2017). Retrieved 12 March 2017, from

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Presentation Example on Strong Relationship. (2021, Apr 14). Retrieved from

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