In this part of the discussion, the student has assumed the role of the HR officer. In the preparation of the meeting via Skype, the student has to ensure that everything is working. This includes the computer as well as has an excellent connection to the internet as the interview will be conducted online. The student should have a well-structured question to ask their candidate just like an HR officer would do when they perform an interview. The student also needs to have communicated with the candidate of the standard time for the discussion.
Conducting online interviews is cheap and takes less time. It achieves the same purpose as it would if the candidate had presented themselves physically.
The questions that the student would ask should cover the following sectors of interest; job knowledge, their professional background, hypothetical situation, and actual past behavior.
Performance and Development of Goals
After conducting the successful interview via Skype, the student assuming the role of the HR should set appropriate goals for future growth by reflections taking into consideration the personal development, academic and professional qualifications of a candidate. In case the candidate meets the standards that the student was looking for as an HR manager it would be necessary to develop the following goals for the candidate; improving on their ability, usage of their academic skills to improve their relations of employees at the workplace, improving my emotional intelligence and enhancing their listening skills.
Gibbs' Reflection Model
The Gibbs' reflective cycle is beneficial to the student in this scenario. It is essential to develop continuous personal development and can make the student perform their work with high efficiency. There are six points of consideration when formulating the Gibbs' reflection model which include, description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan.
Learning and observed skills I relation to RLTM module in sourcing for candidates
The RLTM module stands for a regularized lifelong topic model which also makes an inclusion for self-learning and knowledge. The module will help the student to make use of the lexical knowledge that has been learned automatically from the presiding topics of extraction. This module is significant in helping the student interviewing to use their observed skills in resourcing for talent and management.
The Role of the Student as the Interviewee
During the structured behavior job interview via Skype, the student assumes the part of the of the candidate. These includes the computer as well as have an excellent connection to the internet as the interview will be conducted online. The student also needs to have submitted their CV to the interviewer via the internet and have a copy with them for validation. The student is supposed to have researched the job of their interest so that they will have sufficient knowledge of the principles and code of conduct for the company. They should be ready when it's time for the interview and show confidence during the entire process. The student show asks for clarity where they did not understand and always give accurate answers.
Conducting online interviews is cheap and takes less time. It achieves the same purpose as it would if the candidate had presented themselves physically.
Gibbs' reflection model
The Gibbs' reflective cycle is beneficial to the student in this scenario. It is essential to develop continuous personal development and can make the student perform their work with high efficiency. There are six points of consideration when formulating the Gibbs' reflection model which include description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and the action plan.
Learning and observed skills I relation to RLTM module in sourcing for candidates
As mentioned in the above sections I have acquired and learned a lot from other managers in the process of how they conducted their interviews, the most critical skills that I have received which are in relation to the RLTM module in sourcing for candidates is the process of acquiring eligible and most suitable candidates for a particular job vacancy. Getting the right person for a specific task can at times prove to be strenuous and challenging but with the necessary skills and methods on how to do it pays off in the long run.
The following are the steps to follow when preparing an online structured behavior job interview. One of the students had to assume the role of the HR and ask questions while the other has to understand the part of the candidate and give the appropriate responses.
The first step includes thanking the candidate for having time for the interview. These are the steps:
HR: I appreciate the fact that you have shown great interest in our organization, I would kindly ask you to give us a brief background history about yourself.
Response by candidate: my name is ( ) am ( ) years old. I have an Associate's Degree in Occupational Studies- Massage Therapy from University Of Gamal Abdel Nasser.
HR question: that is impressive, how did you get information that we were hiring and what made you choose our organization?
Response by the candidate: thank you for the compliment. I was informed that you were hired by a friend who used to work here some time back. The main reason I chose your organization is due to their professionalism in handling workers and due to the excellent reputation and because my academic and social skills can best fit the organization
HR question: what other skills and abilities do you possess other than the academic qualifications?
Response by the candidate: I am a good football player, has a diploma in IT, and social works and I also have a certificate in marketing.
HR question: if given a chance to work in our organization, what would be your expectations?
Response by the candidate: If given a chance my primary objective would be to collaborate with the employees so that we can improve the reputation of the organization.
The interview should end with the HR thanking the candidate once again and giving them a promise that they will contact them soonest possible.
Structured Behavior Job Application
A structure job behavior interview is the best tool that most employers and organizations should use to evaluate whether prospective employees have the best characteristics and motivations that can be best suited to the code of conduct of the organization. Moreover, it is necessary during a behavior interview to ask the candidates to outline specific situations that they had exhibited a particular behavior in the past. In most cases, the actual meeting is preceded by the job description and behavior trait identification. The following are some of the things that I came to learn on the preparation and actual conducting of a behavior interview.
I have been involved in some structured behavior job selection interviews and have had a great experience and learned a lot. I have observed a common trait in almost all the discussions that I have participated in. Some factors contribute to the reliability, legal defensibility, validity and perception of fairness through the entire process. I have come to learn that the unstructured interpersonal interviews have always turned out to be unreliable and frustrating methods of selection both to the employer as well as the employee. This is as a result of high incidences of bias and subjectivity.
What I have come to learn from the unstructured systems of hiring the employees is that they might be cheap and less time consuming, but in the long run, they cost the organization a great deal. Subjectivity and bias lead to an organization acquiring less skilled and less competent employees who fail to compete favorably with employees from other organizations thus the organization losing its competitive edge and might even gain a negative reputation.
The structure behavior interviews have been effective in enhancing the integrity and reliability of the information that has been gathered from the employment interviews. In my opinion, this information is of utmost importance to an organization as it helps to evaluate the strengths and weakness of their workforce thus allocating employees to the sectors that they can best perform and thrive to great heights. Listed below are some of the advantages and benefits of the structured interview.
There is reduced bias as the applicants are called for an interview where they have to present themselves physically to be evaluated on the job-related questions. The questions are based on job requirements and duties. Items that are irrelevant and subjective are not asked.
All candidates are subjected to the same questions, which increase their ability to have an opportunity to land the job since the candidate who displays great skills, skills and knowledge gets to be selected.
Those conducting the interview have some predetermined scale of anchored rating which is used to evaluate questions to be used in the conversation. As a result, there are minimal disagreements on fairness among the interviewers, and the accuracy of judgment becomes very high.
There is always a panel of interviewers whose primary work is to evaluate and record the answers of the candidates with the intention of having minimal individual rater biases. As a result, the use of a panel is of great significance.
Structured interviews provide the managers with an opportunity to take part in the selection process which is a role that they are very familiar with making them exercise their skills as leaders.
Types of interview questions
I have realized that a well-structured behavior job interview needs to develop some issue that the interviewers will need to use to get their desired results from the candidates. There is a great need for having questions that are essential and critical to job performance. In a job interview, I would prefer asking the following questions based on job knowledge, background, hypothetical situation and past behavior of the candidate.
Job knowledge: in this question, I would ask the candidate to provide evidence that they have the necessary skills were looking for. This can be done by providing documentation or demonstration of the job knowledge.
Background: under this question, I would demand to know of their work experience education and any other related qualifications that the candidate might be having which could increase their chances of securing the job.
Hypothetical situation: the questions that I would present to the candidates will need them to prove their skills in handling various hypothetical cases and their course of action. The use of hypothetical questions in an interview would provide me with the assumption of the intentions of a candidate to their related behaviors. I have come to realize that what or how a candidate says would react to a situation in most cases is the same way they would act if a similar situation presented itself to them.
Actual past behavior: in this questions, I would need the candidate to describe how recent job related to our position and how they can use the skills that they acquired from experiences in their previous work to my post. In this question, the past behaviors of a candidate are assumed that they will be replicated in future in the course of their action which can be an added advantage to the organization as well as to the candidate.
During this type of interview, I realized that asking the open-ended questions as opposed to the issues that can be...
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Preparation of a Well-Structured Behavior Job Interview via Skype Paper Example. (2022, Oct 23). Retrieved from
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