Positive Psychology and Positive Aging by Dr Adams
According to Antoine et al. (2018), the concept of positive psychology involves a systematic study of human flourishing and an applied approach to optimal functioning as discussed by Dr Adams. It also entails the in-depth analysis of the strengths as well as the positive virtues that enable individuals, communities and organisations to engage in the socio-economic activities successfully. Ideally, positive psychology focuses on the cognitive, emotional, psychological and physical aspects of an individual in the society (Antoine et al. 2018). On the other hand, positive aging is an approach which recognises how the negative mental well-being such as the attitudes, thoughts, beliefs and ideas can have a severe impact on the cognitive and physical comfort as we age. Dr.Adams argues that the intrinsic motivation an element of positive psychology enable individuals to engage in meaningful activities that can help secure a positive living in the future. Notably, adoption of the self-determination theory and its application in the society tends to facilitate the positive interventions aimed at promoting forgiveness, hope, altruism and how to apply the significant strength in pursuit of better living in the future. Significantly, the implementation of these interventions regardless of pits physical limitations can help an individual to flourish in life.
Dr Adams in his lecture affirms that a concept of the successful positive psychology since it helps to facilitate the positive aging in the individuals will continue to exist in the modern psychology. He pointed out that, at the later stages of life when individuals have attained the ego-integrity which defines what they have achieved in life (Antoine et al. 2018). Significantly, the possibilities of leaving the meaningful legacy can effectively motivate people to pursue meaningful goals in the future from the present conditions. By failing to implement the purposeful goals, the aged are then rendered futile and left in despair which could lead to anxiety and significant uncertainties about the future. With regards to the positive aging, the ability to effectively counter the challenges which a company the age such series of anxiety alongside the psychological effects wholly depends on motivation a core element of positive psychology. Besides, the positive psychology helps provide a systematic framework which allows promoting steadfastness in realising the human potential, self-actualisation as well as the intrinsic satisfaction. Dr Adams in his research which effectively revolves around the original motivation as well as the physical and psychological well-being can efficiently provide the aging group with the relevant knowledge to fully explore pleasant, fulfilling and meaningful lifestyle.
It is imperative to note that, the positive psychology scientifically provides the knowledge, skills and attributes needed by the entire society to sustain the aging group effectively. Form in-depth research, Dr Adams categorically indicated that the ability of an individual to flourish in life entirely determined by the level of knowledge and gratitude one had acquired. Following these arguments, Dr.Adams strongly indicated that the concept of positive psychological theories in the modern psychology effectively defines the nature of lifestyle of g the aged in the society (Antoine et al. 2018).
The contribution of the positive psychology tries to help individuals and the entire society to develop their full potential more so by the aging group in the society. Dr Adams affirms that positive aging which is concerned with the growth at an older age and the support given to them as the way of improving their lifestyle in the society. Seemingly, the valued subjective experience is one way which can help optimise their wellbeing since it does not stress the age-related pains, losses, disappointments and grief.
Challenges Facing Positive Psychology and Aging by Dr Hernandez
The concept of positive psychology revolves around certain the sociological aspects of the elderly in the society and enlightens them to practice the positive living. According to Dr Hernandez, however, the concept seems positive as it is massively affected by a series of challenges. On the other hand, the physical, cognitive, psychological forms the core challenging situations to the positive aging in the entire society (Segal & Smyer2018). Significantly, the physical challenges such as the mental health which deprive the elderly of good wellbeing. Therefore, the ability to pursue happiness and prosperity is therefore not guaranteed. In this regard, Dr Hernandez categorically indicated that following the societal perception towards the elderly which deprive them of safety as well as the individual security poised greater challenges which require periodic attention. Besides, the concept of social identification also creates a negative impact on the aging group. The older generation often suffers the health and psychological problems due to the constant prejudice and series of stereotypes purely by identification. Similarly, the society whose culture is based on the mirror of the image such as the Jewish community constantly subject the aged to insecure situations. Dr Hernandez also explained how the perception of the negative psychology contributes negatively to the constant deterioration of the health and psychological status in the society. Imperatively, the elderly who constantly are affected by depression characterised by severe dejection and despondency often poised a greater challenge. He affirms that idleness, negative attitude alongside the loss of loved ones forms the greater cause of depression among the elderly persons (Segal & Smyer2018).
Dr Adams Response to the Challenges for Positive Aging
According to Grumanet al. (2018), the adoption of an effective wellbeing approach of the aging group is one critical area which can easily allow them to attain the positive aging state. Following the counter argument by Dr Adams hinted at the massive contribution of the psychological theory of the aging which helps provide an appropriate framework to address the age-related challenges. Imperatively, the successful adaptation of the age-related changes is one guiding principle to help solve the psychological problems facing the elderly in the society.Dr. Adams affirms that ones the relevant positive attributes practised by the elderly will possibly make them gain the clear insight that the age as at decline therefore what is left is to make use of what is left of one's ability. Significantly, the concept of the compensation for the loss in the knowledge is one critical aspect which when adopted helps gain and concentrates strengths which promote the positive aging process. Also, most of the governmental agencies provide the generous incentives and interactive campaigns such as "help the aged" tend to offer services to assist the aged as the way of improving their wellbeing.
The incentives aimed at ending loneliness through healthy eating warm homes and constant relationship building. From the argument, Dr Adams pinpointed that the social integration defines how individuals relate to one another and that it can be used to provide the comfort to the wellbeing in general. Ideally, the final contribution of the group identification helps creates a mechanism to relieve prejudice along some other negative impacts of positive psychology (Grumanet al. 2018).
Antoine, P., Dauvier, B., Andreotti, E., & Congard, A. (2018). Individual differences in the effects of a positive psychology intervention: Applied psychology. Personality and Individual Differences, 122, 140-147.
Gruman, J. A., Lumley, M. N., & Gonzalez-Morales, M. G. (2018). Incorporating balance: Challenges and opportunities for positive psychology. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie comedienne, 59(1), 54.
Segal, D. L., Qualls, S. H., & Smyer, M. A. (2018). Aging and mental health. John Wiley & Sons.
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