Personalization and Embodiment Principles: Use Conversational Style, Polite Wording, Human Voice, and Virtual Coaches

Paper Type:  Research paper
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  560 Words
Date:  2022-11-14


The concept of personalizing media content to fit the learner in e-learning is very important. This is because the content needs to be more appealing to the reader. In personalizing e-learning course, the conversational based argument, the polite words structure, use of real human voice and the application of virtual assistants is very crucial in determining how the learners absorb concepts. Since the learner is human, using features that are close to the human behavioral features is very necessary. The study of psychology places humans to regressively accept what they are used to rather than new methods of doing things. A good improvement is shown if the compassionate aspects of humanity are incorporated in the e-learning process and course development.

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Information presentation is one very crucial aspect of e-learning. How the information is structured and presented should take care of everyone in the system. In this case, there is need to personalize the content to suit the reader. While basically, the information cannot be personalized for every individual, due to time in content development, there are fundamental ways through which content development in an e-course can be done that appears favorable and interactive enough to the learner. The information on e-learning material are very objective and may take different formats based on the concise and preferable nature of the required content. The human psychological concept behind personalization, is that the content presentation appears more interactive and very appreciable by most learners. However, it is worth understanding that learner understand better through a narration that is involving.

In content creation, the use of conversational mechanisms appeal more to the learner, in enhancing understanding of certain techniques. The human computer interface employs the conversation aspect in e-learning, for example by use of discussions boards. In addition, it is also worth understanding that the collaborative discussions in online virtual-classrooms do provide a very elemental understanding capacities. The human psychology requires that a repeated concept is well understood better overtime. This concept is best deployed in multimedia content through an integrated redundancy learning process while using texts, audio and visual contents. The formal style however does not integrate the concept of the student thoughts effectively but employs the already known content. There is less room for knowledge expansion in a non-conversational learning. The general acceptance is that personalization can best be carried out.


The use of personalized polite speech content places the understanding at a very high levels. The interactivity through polite voice and quality voice increases the improvement levels. As the book suggests, people will often treat computers systems as real persons close to them. In that sense they would equivocally think that the learning system constitute human features necessary for learning. Therefore, the quality of voice used and the deployment of the skills required for the same must be as real as possible. In a learning environment therefore, there is need to integrate real polite human speech of high quality voice. In addition to these components, the e-learning systems need on screen coaches and agents to promote learning. The agents can be implemented in various ways, including use of pedagogical agents and use of certain human animated body movements.


Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2011). e-Learning and the Science of Instruction: Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designers of Multimedia Learning (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

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Personalization and Embodiment Principles: Use Conversational Style, Polite Wording, Human Voice, and Virtual Coaches. (2022, Nov 14). Retrieved from

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